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Everything posted by rakkor

  1. Hi Roy - How did you download the Daily Program PDF ? I've just looked at myvoyage on QV and can't see the option on any of my devices to download, even though I managed to download one on our last cruise only the other week also on QV?
  2. Glad to see you made it onboard OK Roy, I'm looking forward to following your adventure.
  3. That brochure is from 2020, when we booked the package for our upcoming Greek Islands cruise, I asked for an updated version and that's the version that I was sent. So, be aware it's only an indication of the quality of the wine included and not the actual wines themselves. Last September's wine package on QE differed considerably from those shown.
  4. They are currently on Victoria, or were last week - we saw them on Elizabeth last September.
  5. Jane found a small bottle waiting for us in Southampton last week, so not the only one in the Western Hemisphere I'd expect, although it did vanish so you may be correct!
  6. Cunard - Sailings of 6 days or less $50. 7-13 days $100. 14 days or longer $250 I was very pleased to get $50 on our recent short (4 day) cruise, I'd assumed we didn't get anything
  7. Disembarkation day (day 5) posted https://blog.rakkor.uk and the posts re-ordered so they read better
  8. Maybe you can join us for the Greek Islands cruise as well - Just over a week to go for that one!
  9. As @Victoria2 says Bruges is an excellent Christmas port of call. the last time we were there we shared one of the many cabs available in the port into the centre. Although I'd differ with her on Gluhwine and Croque Monsieur for a nice Trappist Dubbel or Trippel and Moules frites. Rotterdam is nowhere near a pretty but friends reckon the new Market is a sight to behold.
  10. On our QV shortie, I was pleasantly surprised to see near total compliance, on our only Gala night in the Britannia MDR, with the only noticeable deviation a chap in a light coloured suit, it being a "party cruise" I had fully expected it to be a horror show.
  11. We are nearly home after departing Victoria this morning and need to check in for this cruise, I'm hopeful there will be some excursions left.
  12. No one mentioned it, that we were aware of. We were tucked up in bed nice and early though
  13. The final day of our voyage has now been published http://blog.rakkor.uk
  14. There is certainly a free shuttle to Retauradores Square, I too will be blogging our visit there In October
  15. 32mbs in the QV Commodore Club (Premium Internet) just now and I had a very successful Zoom meeting with work today until the heavens opened and the internet got a bit sketchy
  16. 32mbs in the QV Commodore Club (Premium Internet) just now and I had a very successful Zoom meeting with work today until the heavens opened and the internet got a bit sketchy
  17. I've posted the third installment of this short cruise at https://blog.rakkor.uk
  18. My WIFI signal in 5075 is weak currently, but it's bearable and the Premium package elsewhere on the ship has been much better than previous cruises. Jane is using essentials as she signed up on day one using her credit and that seems acceptable, although we've had a 5G signal since mid-day yesterday so I'm assuming the WIFI isn't being burdened as much as it would be on a TA
  19. I've posted day 2's observations on my blog this morning, https://blog.rakkor.uk if anyone is interested.
  20. This is a "party cruise" I'm pretty sure there isn't a single professional quizzer on board given the winning score was 15 yesterday. The cruise up the North Sea Canal was cool, well scorching hot in the sun, with plenty of people waving at us as we sailed past
  21. @Camgirl & @BouncingWheel we missed you in the Afternoon Trivia yesterday, only one point off winning and it was only Jane and myself with only one of us answering the questions.
  22. I'm really pleased to find out today that the Amsterdam cruise ship ban isn't affecting our cruise. We're currently transiting the North Sea Canal expecting to dock at our berth in Amsterdam for 17:00 today
  23. I uploaded my blog of yesterday's tribulations to https://blog.rakkor.uk I hope thing will calm down a bit from now on.
  24. The North Sea is a millpond this morning
  25. Happy to report Pol Acker is still a feature in Britannia - Just a half bottle, you wouldn't want to be spoiled!
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