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Everything posted by roscoe39

  1. Devastatingly ..............yes...I'm afraid so. A well deserved retirement for one of the lines favourite sales managers
  2. getting back to the dress code question, there was a young man in the Chart room this morning in ripped jeans with holes big enough to drive a chauffer driven bentley through. Now I'm not a clothes snob as everyone will attest ...... but I thought that was pushing it a bit to far. Apart from both incidence however the style of dress on the QV this year has been spectacular during the gala evenings with the ship strewn afterwards in a positive cyclone of sequins and diamantes.
  3. so last night we had the second World Cruise Party. held during the Gala night theme of Red and Gold. Although it was not the full party from the old days with food stations caviar and a full chocolate buffet it actually didn't need to be, there were plentiful nibbles brought around by waiters and lets face it....we do not need any more unscheduled food. . I think the general atmosphere from everyone who attended it was that they were just pleased to have them back. The ball room was reasonably crowded as there are 1200 doing the full WC but still plenty of room to move about in and the booze flowed well into the evening. we partied on well after they started clearing the room..... Today is a glorious Pacific day with a blue sky and calm sea and I hope everyone is looking forward to their first day in NZ tomorrow. Apparently there is the possibility fo another cyclone in the next week or so but hopefully we will miss it. Blog updated....
  4. Hi Hattie, there was plenty of photographic evidence from the Dry Dock pointing towards a clean hull and I guess they probably got a certificate showing her state then. From what I was told NZ has toughened up her regulations regarding organisms on the hulls of ships this year but not so much as to be something that the Cruiselines were not aware of. As a Kiwi, Im concerned about the importation of marine organisms into the Fjords as they are pristine and the water is exported as fresh water - any infection of microbiology into the sounds could put the exports and our reputation as risk so I am all for it. We sail tonight from Suva - its hot as Hades here and most of the ship is already back on board 4 hours early as the pull of the air-conditioning is just too strong, myself included. Blog updated if anyone is interested and now have been able to upload some photos, hoping that the internet will improve from here as they couldn't possibly blame the lack of satellites again.....or could they?
  5. Some may be interesting in the progressing situation onboard in my updated blog day 5..... this shoudl set the cat amongst the pigeons... ..sorry I know its taken very seriously by some I shouldn't be amused. butarewethereyet.blogspot.com
  6. Some may be interesting in the progressing situation onboard in my updated blog day 5..... this shoudl set the cat amongst the pigeons... ..sorry I know its taken very seriously by some I shouldn't be amused. butarewethereyet.blogspot.com
  7. well here we are - still in paradise. I did think we were calling in to fiji today . That is I and a whole lot of other people but its tomorrow for Latoka which on the face is lucky because guess what? Fiji has a very bad storm today. Hopefully there will be sunshine and light by the time we get there as I am heading off to do some Zip Lining. Today has bought such calm blue seas that there is no movement and it is warm as Hades out there, there is a number of very pink passengers wandering around _ I warned a few of them about our sun down here, we have no ozone layer and the UV light is very strong and despite the warnings they didnt think it was hot enough for sunblock. I think the supplies of Aloe Vera in the shop shoudl run out about now. we have a terrific singer on board the other night he did Nat King Cole, talk about singing to your audience I think some on board remember the real Nat King Cole before he was Nat King Cole. Last night he did R and B and Soul and although I didnt stay for the whole show (things to do) he was terrific. Also, my astronomer has popped up again and has a lecture today. He makes up for the others. The internet is stumbling along, I discovered that you can use Chrome and beable to load some websites but Safari is def not working. No photos or anything complicated but at least I can get a little news from home in NZ which is pretty dire. But....we are still lucky - sailing on the most beautiful ship in the world with the best crew afloat. Oh..I meant to say - there is an interesting change in the make up of the services team. The reception desk is now almost entirely made up of African staff. Kenya , Zimbabwe Botswana they are all here and they have the biggest smiles anywhere. I love going down there and seeing them all lined up it makes us feel very international. There are a lot of South Africans filling posts where we used to have eastern Europeans, the Ukranians used to be very prevalent in the Dining Room which now also is peppered with Africans and a lot more Phillipinos than there used to be. I guess the poor Ukranians are back home fighting - and good luck to them. The stewards are also now a lot of africans who have been seconded from the hotel industry back home.I love talking to them they are so happy and thrilled to be travelling around the world for free. This has always been known as the happy ship amongst the crew and the personalities of the Africans onboard can only enhance than
  8. awwww thanks - the blog doesnt seem to have the same sparkle this year - it could be the number of sea days that without the extensive daily program we used to have and the parties that there has been not so much opportunity to misbehave or.....to meet and relate to officers as they have been absent this trip due to mainly I think COVID protocols. Hopefully, for next years WV - "normal transmission will have resumed"
  9. tomorrow...Atataki.....ziplining.....wish me luck! it will be interesting how many people in walkers adn wheel chairs will attempt the excursion....have successfully loaded some blogs and trying to upload a pic as we speak. I will tell you safrigal and only you as you will understand - the ship does tend to have a bit of a "flat" feel at the moment and I think that I have worked it out. In previous years of the WC we have had lots of parties and get togethers and I think that it gels the passengers into a community, you meet people make friends and frenimies but you have a common purpose and route and when those parties are removed everyone seems to be an island on their own. Hopefully the parties will return although I don't think they will ever return to the same extent but its a shame - still.....it is still a pleasure and a joy to be on the most beautiful ship afloat......
  10. this is a painful comment to make for someone like me who is a complete and utter fan of Cunard but the internet on the ship is as others have reported - a complete bust, for four days we have been without internet and mostly television service and the ship has been blaming satelite service. Anybody who has ever done this particular part of the pacific before (and I have done it more times than I can count) knows that the internet in this part of the world is usually pretty good. In fact on a world cruise I have only ever noticed that the section not covered very well is a couple of days during the Atlantic so I call bull on their blaming the outside influences and suspect it has more to do than the failure of their "new" Internet service reportedingly as costing $13million.. Although the reception desk has been very good at refunding the daily cost if you are paying it that way in this day and age and experience from other ships - such as the Symphony of the seas which has excellent coverage it is not good enough. A lot of passengers are very unhappy, some relied on the availability of Internet to work during their world cruise and are unable to - and I would understand their future reluctance to travel on the line should it not be available if they rely on it. It has been very annoying and Im not a happy camper. Rant over. .... almost. I am trying to update the blog but safari is not working and chrome is sporatic for some reason. It seems the only reliable service that we can or will be able to get is while we are in port and being able to access the countries internet rather than the ships. Not good enough. Im about to press submit....but goodness knows if the internet is working this second.....
  11. Had a terrific day in Honolulu today, although a little fogged. Anybody who has followed my blogs will know that I don't drink alcohol ...... but do have a penchant for Pisco and last night I found that my barman had a secret stash of the stuff. What ensued wasn't pretty and I had to have a detox take to take away a bit of a fog. Tonight is dinner in the alternative dining room, Klaus, who is retiring at the end of his contract has done a special menu over three nights with 42 heads overnight, and tomorrow is the first Diamond party in three years. So I might have to temper my drinking......or take my own stash. Time will tell.....but I might need to warn Security, who finally worked out who it was who put the two orange cones on the top of the conifers in the lobby during a debauched night on the South American trip. As he said it was confusing at the time but now it all falls into place. Not sure what he means.........
  12. I was on that WC , our byline was the Queen with no Drawers. I personally had not found it a problem but it makes a difference travelling solo as opposed to two people in a stateroom, anyway...moer than enough room these days for shoes.
  13. the interlopers have not been seen since. I think your curse worked.
  14. absolutely not true, the Queen Victoria is the best ship afloat and I will continue to defend her to the death. I have to correct the comment about the lecturers however, there is one that I have discovered who has a bent for astronomy and was the one I mentioned talking about the sun and the planets. He gave a really good lecture about Aliens....yes...I know...it wasn't what I expected and he was very entertaining. I can't wait for his next star gazing one. but I stand may my comments on the others. I knew that this world voyage would be a test, one of the reasons I cancelled the full world. There have been 7 ports cancelled so far and I was not surprised. I don't think the world is ready yet for a full circumnavigation . Today in Hilo is a perfect example, all of the shuttle companies and some of the tour guides had told the ship they were not operating for us due to covid. This will continue to happen I believe. 2024 the world should be more accepting and we will have better protocols to deal with it. BUT a world cruise anytime is a must for anybody and if you are going to do one...Cunards Queen Victoria is the definite ship to do it on. (pps...some shuttles have been operating and tours going, I think they are independents working on their own)
  15. lol we were a little taken back too. I wasn't there last night, I'll check if he comes to night and report back. Thanks...Puss is fine....if a little spoilt
  16. so...its a bit grey today, yesterday was lovely but we are getting a bit close to Hilo and apparently it has a high probability that it will be raining. There are a number of weather systems over the pacific not discounting the huge one ofver NZ. Had some interesting conversations with the other long term world cruisers about the lack of the old major parties that used to be held and the general feeling is that if it is the price we have to pay to be back onboard then so beit. There is also a feeling that if they do not continue with the old benefits then there is little point paying the premium to do the total world cruise as they have in the past but to join in a more convenient port. Without the little benefits we used to get it does seem to have taken a little shine off it. At sunrise this morning while going around the promenade deck forw'd there was a flying fish lying on the deck - it was still alive so we threw it back over the side before I remembered that that's a big no-no. Hopefully Neptune will appreciate it. In my opinion the quality of the lecturers has been appalling, there are not the big bands or groups of entertainers we used to have other than the queens room group but only little pairs of musicians. Great quality but ........ the other night when I walked the ship there was not the varied groups playing all over the ship like in the old days, you seemed to be surrounded by music where ever you went. I have not seen Amanda at all this trip and in fact no one has seen her. But then we only see the odd officer as well, they seem to be like leprechauns - you know they exist you just never see them. But normal transmission has resumed, the two interlopers who seemed to think that they were entitled to my office in the morning - my two big chairs beside the bar int the chart room - seem to have taken the hint and moved off further down the room. I was having to turn up earlier and earlier to beat them to it. I sent them down a couple of coffees this morning.....they laughed..... and if did point out my name carved on the base of the chair. Blog ebbing updated through the day.... butarewethereyet.blogspot.com
  17. unrelated but was told last night at a party by one of the bridge officers that we (The QV) had been given clearance for the Bay of Islands, which is great news. our bum is as clean as a whistle.....of course IF we can get in as there is a cyclone bearing down on NZ as we speak that is apprently one of the worse weather events on record. Apparently Auckland and Northlanders are sandbagging as we speak.....hope someone has taken care of my cat! I
  18. Im currently on board ...you may have noticed. ,... I couldn't praise her condition highly enough especially when I hear reports of the QM2 and the QE. She is definitely sparkling, the new carpets in the companionways and staircases are lovely, the good humour is evident in the staff....(and boy they need it if im on board) and the protocols around COVID seem to be working beautifully. I have not seen a single thing that indicates she is anything other than a very much loved and appreciated home away from home. You will have a fantastic trip...
  19. well another sea day, overcast but def getting warmer. Still not much sign of the officers although I had quite a chat with the food and beverage manager Neil who has been on board for years. It's great to see a familiar face amongst a mostly new officer list. Still no sign of the captain - a big change of years go en by but quite sensibly they are probably keeping the bridge clean. There does seem to be a little bit of the virus around but not the numbers or the protocols the Queen Mary is undergoing.....fingers crossed. Last night was the black and white ball, and there were some beautiful gowns and suits out....the smell of moth balls pervading the air. Quite a few younger people on board the chair robics seems to be popular.....lol..... just off to write the blog for the morning...there is an update to go on there about Samoa and the cyclone about to hit NZ. butarewethereyet.blogspot.com.
  20. well on my second walk yesterday (I'm a sucker for punishment and the deserts here are sooooooo good) which was mid afternoon I noticed that it was 50/50 as to which way people were walking. in the old days it was probably about 95/5 if that....... I even saw someone and his partner staring at the new signs in animated discussion. Its quite the thing on board and cheering to see how seriously some people take their health...
  21. thank you! that is the excuse that I have used in the past much to the annoyance of some crazy who is pointing out to me that it is tradition to go anti-clockwise on ships.. I actually have no idea why they have changed it, but there seems to be much confusion for the walkers now as some traditionalists are scandalised and others are defiant. I.....on the other hand am mildly amused. It's fun to be right...... as Judge Judy says, I've only ever been wrong once and it was in 1967.
  22. just updating blog now, I have to say the ship is looking beautiful. They are continuously painting somewhere on the ship all the time. She is sparkling. Inside I was up at 5 this morning as the night workers were finishing off and I was very proud on how she looked, all of the surfaces such as the bannisters and rails were positively wet in sanitiser. There is a little covid on board, suspiciously my next door cabin mates have had a "do not disturb" sign on their door since I boarded and have a suspicious amount of "in room dining". There are obvious cutbacks but to be honest the industry has suffered a major hit and if they cut back things like no conditioner in the bathrooms and spa and a reduced menu it's better than the alternative. The quality of the dress code in the evening has definitely gone down, all the more reason to pull out a sparkly jacket. There also does not seem to be as much music around the ship as there used to be and more recorded music. There is a couple of parties coming up that have not been announced as they are taking things day by day. The covid restrictions were removed the day before we got into SF and I guess they are looking at what happens after SF and if there is a spike. Can't remember if I have said there are 1500 Wcers, and 1800 onboard.They are still not doing 100% capacity and still keeping aside isolation staterooms but only moving people if they are in the insides. Weather today calm(ish) overcast but def getting warmer. Can't wait to see the pool alive and shining with bikinis and speedos. Though I might have to have my eyes checked.
  23. hahahah......now that's an idea...thanks......pictures to come!
  24. Hattie....sorry do you mind correct my spelling in the title??? thanks.....oooops
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