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Everything posted by leck57

  1. Your story horrifies me and I'm certain you did anything wrong. How a cruise booking can just be cancelled without advice to the customer is beyond belief. In my case, I check the Personalizer every few days so if any of my cruises just disappeared I'd see it fairly quickly. My minor, compared to yours, cancellation story is I recently had a shore excursion cancelled with no advice. When I just noticed I spoke to the Phillipines and although the staff there were friendly, the shore excursions are now full. I can accept things change but being told, I would expect should be routine. Pleased you sorted out most of the mess and that too many years haven't been taken off your life. Not the lead in you want to a relaxing holiday.
  2. Arriving in Santorini on a smaller ship may not be any benefit if there are also a number of the Mega Monstrosities there the same day. The number of people there will still be high.
  3. I'm sure they do. Not that I ever want to go through it but if an emergency occurred at say around lunch time on a nice day when basically no one is in their cabin it would be quite a commotion if people had to go to their cabin to get a life jacket. People running everywhere, being held up by scooters, walking frames being shattered, people insisting on getting an elevator despite having to go one set of stairs, people trying to get the App to work to see where their companions are, etc. It would be pandemonium.
  4. It was a RIB tour in Skjolden. There are about 8-9 times for the day and most had vacancies when I booked but when they cut my tour out, all had been booked. I can accept that things happen and I'm just unlucky that it was my time slot that was cancelled. What I don't accept is that I found out by just randomly checking my Personalizer and noticed it was listed anymore. No email or any other communication from Princess at all. I also did a cruise in Feb and when I got to my cabin I only had excursion tickets for one of my excursions. I went to the excursion desk and said I hadn't received one excursion ticket and the guy there said it had been cancelled some time ago. Again, no prior advice about the cancellation. I was already on board and any decent alternative was booked out. Frankly, this isn't good enough for either instance.
  5. So, if I'm up on the pool deck and hell breaks loose and we get told to report to your muster station, I could just head to my cabin to pick up a few things? Doesn't seem right to me, but I'll take your word for it as I can't remember what was in the safety video. I'll check in July.
  6. My gripe. Princess cancelling a shore excursion without any contact at all. Some time ago I got in early and booked a shore excursion on the Norwegian Fjords cruise that we really wanted to do. Last week I was reviewing my excursions and this one was missing on my Personalizer. Rang Princess and spoke to the Philippines and was advised the excursion for my time slot was cancelled. All other slots are now booked out. No email or contact at all and to date no refund (that is on the way apparently). I understand that things happen but it is common decency to advise the customer. Isn't it.
  7. All non refundable OBC is used first.
  8. Not sure. I would have thought that you get to the muster point as soon as possible - the life boats are equipped with life jackets. In the past we all had to attend our muster stations at the same time and you could have asked your question but now we just watch the safety video on the cabin tv and just attend the muster station so you know where it is if needed. I'm hoping that you will not need to have this experience on your cruise.
  9. You can't watch it until you board and you either watch it on the TV or on your device once you connect. There is a Safety Essentials tab under "Profile" on the App with details but you can't watch it from there.
  10. Perhaps I don't understand how that part works. Does that mean if you book through a big box TA then you can't bid even doing it yourself? My TA wouldn't know whether I'm bidding or not - but I get what you mean.
  11. I book through a TA but don't bother them in the bidding for an upgrade and I just do it myself via the Personalizer. My bids are always processed and I receive the unsuccessful advices if I miss out.
  12. The same was offered on Coral Princess every night as well. NO upcharge.
  13. The steak I referred to on Coral Princess, as others have as well, was at no additional cost. It was just listed among the Princess favourites as were other choices.
  14. I was on Coral earlier in Feb and steak was on the menu every night. I had it a couple of times and it was quite good. Obviously not Crown Grill standard but still good.
  15. We are cruising on Sky in July. Our Roll Call has been discussing the best possible locations for a meet up at around mid morning on the first sea day. We may not have enough people interested in a Meet and Greet but a number, say 20, would like to meet up. We have considered the Wake Bar area but that is subject to weather. Vines is another suggestion as there probably would not be too many settling down with a wine early morning, however there may be loud noise from activities in the Piazza. Interested in suggestions from people who have cruised on Sky about decent locations where a number of us can get together for an hour or so. Thanks in advance.
  16. I had plenty of Henshke Henry's Seven Shiraz Grenache on my recent Coral cruise. I thought it was excellent and it was $2 per glass higher than the Plus per glass cost limit (included in Premier). I just paid the extra however many times the staff didn't bother to charge it.
  17. I don't think anyone here has the answer. Just send a quick email off to the Isreali Prime Minister and the head of Hamas and ask them what their plans are.
  18. I agree, it should have been provided regardless. As for your case number, good luck. On 6 February I wrote to Princess about something and received a quick email advising the response might take up to 10 days. Nothing by mid-March so I wrote again just following up the original. Yep, you guessed it - I got another case number with another wait for 10 days. We are now well past that 10 days as well. Princess customer service is a disgrace.
  19. Perhaps but was the OBC refundable? If so they may owe you some money and in that case you should have received a folio statement. I would have thought that you would get a statement regardless.
  20. Fair points. I for one would be quite happy if cruise lines just baked the grats in to the fare. Princess do it to fares here in Aust for us and we just accept the price. If nothing else they should do it just to stop threads on tipping.😏
  21. Many Aussies remove tips without giving it a second thought. It's not the customer who is cheap, it's the company who should pay a decent wage straight up. Hasn't it been proven in previous threads that tips, other than the ones you give directly in cash to staff, just go in to general revenue as the staff now are on a contracted wage? I have broken my golden rule to not comment on a tipping thread as there are no winners in a discussion like this.
  22. They do. I received an email the same day I disembarked in Feb. As mentioned above, check junk folder.
  23. The toilet paper is too shiny.😛
  24. Princess folio summaries are not well set out and where I expect a credit to be shown as a + sign it is often shown as a minus sign -as in a debit for Princess. I thought "Contra" as shown above meant it was a credit to the passenger, but I might have that wrong. I sent an email to Customer Relations asking about a cabin upgrade we didn't get and on the 15 Feb received a reply providing me with a case number and stating a reply would take 10-15 business days. Since then, crickets.
  25. My CVP story is that I entered a competition in the newspaper to win a Princess cruise. Thinking I'd start getting marketing emails I put my "junk" email address as contact. Sure enough an email arrived with a CVP appointed who is based in the Philippines - I'm guessing in the same building where the useless off shore Call Centre is located. Probably wouldn't know the first thing about cruising. I use a TA and will continue that way or just book myself online. As you say, some on here have had great experience with their CVP but if you go searching for one from scratch these days you'll probably end up with a Call Centre dude.
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