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Everything posted by Daisi

  1. Here in Canada, about 1/2 or our rivers flow north. I just never thought of rivers not flowing in all directions. Learned something new, thanks @screwsmcernst
  2. We've used Avalon flights for years. We are fussy about our route and airline, and they've always came through for us. My TA tells them what route we want and what airline. This time we lucked out, as one of our preferred lines was already one that Avalon had on their site.
  3. @cbr663, that's unfortunate about your flights. We booked long before the $699. flat fee flight, because there was enough of a discount to actually pay for the flights. When it came to booking our flights last month, my TA and I selected the ones Avalon had on their site, and she asked if we could get the discounted flight. Well, long story short, we ended up paying $702., but that's still a lot cheaper than what we could get anywhere else. I am just waiting for them to get ticketed so I can go to the sites and upgrade them.
  4. when you select your cabin, there is a note telling you the price for the cabin. It’s indicated when selecting the date - b&w screen shot showing starting price AND under the deck layout showing category level.
  5. Ok, that looks better. It sounds like the OP is looking at their first river cruise, and while I find the showers generous enough on Avalon, it would be tight to bathe a child in them. Possible, but tight, especially if said child has had a long day and is cranky tired.😀
  6. I was referring to the size of the shower, to bathe the child in. It looks fine for one person, but to have a child and bathe them could be tricky. If their child is old enough, no problem. But OP said their child wasn’t old enough for the kids program in their post.
  7. @Tedferg, the one major difference between Viking and Avalon is that if you are booking your cruise more than 6 months ahead, you will have to pay Viking sooner. I’m not sure exactly how long they allow from initial booking to final payment, but I know it’s early. Avalon is the standard 90 days before sailing to pay. Something to consider. I say 6 months, because even if you do have to pay shortly after booking, you would be paying Avalon 3 months later. If you’re planning your trip for next year, you might want to check with Viking before booking when final payment is due. I see another post here today with someone getting surprised that they have to pay so early.
  8. We haven’t eaten in the lounge, but I know it’s been available for quite sometime. I heard it’s “tapas style “ version of the same dishes served in the dining room. I’ve eaten lunch in the lounge and it was fine. The day we ate there, they had the bbq on the deck, and the food served in the lounge was more local and varied.
  9. Yes, I said that "(except for the two suites and the lower level)", which is the Aquarium class. All other cabins are French balcony only, while Viking has both regular balconies and French balconies. Just to clarify on Sharkster's comment, there is a menu of limited choice as well for breakfast and lunch from Avalon. To tell the truth, I've never looked at it, but I do believe I remember someone ordering waffles one day, and saying they were really good. I tend to eat a more continental breakfast so enjoy the buffet where I can select what I wish.
  10. Everyone will have their preferred line. I think you should look at the itineraries and dates available. Then look at the cabins that will fit in with your budget. If you are going with Viking, they shifted the aisle to one side to give the balcony cabins more room than those with French balconies. Avalon (except for the two suites and the lower level) ONLY have French balconies. I'm not sure with Viking, but Avalon has virtual tours of each cabin to let you know how they are space wise - cabins are small on river ships, so be prepared if you are used to a larger ocean one. Although most don't spend much time other than sleeping and getting ready in their cabin, some like a bit of quiet time, so having a bit of space helps. Don't expect to sit on your balcony on Viking much as most sailing is done at night, and during the day, you could be rafted up against another ship....mind you, it's a good way to meet fellow cruisers who are rafted up against you. 😉 Food is subjective, I think I've heard that Viking is buffet breakfast, and dinner & lunch from a menu. Avalon is buffet breakfast and lunch, with dinner from a menu. Don't worry about the buffet, they are well spaced out (at least on Avalon, haven't sailed with Viking) and it's not a rush or crowded space. Both have beer & wine available for lunch & dinner, Avalon has sparkling wine if you wish to start your day off with a Mimosa at breakfast, but once again, can't say for Viking as we haven't sailed with them. Avalon has a "happy hour" usually from 5-7 where drinks are free from a select menu, but you can also order off menu if you wish. I know Avalon's drinks off menu aren't over priced (at least for where I am), but I don't know what Viking charges. Avalon doesn't have a "drinks package" per say like Viking, but their wines change daily and are usually local. Tours with Avalon are usually limited to 13-15 people and I've been on ones that were only 4. When we see Viking groups out, they seem a lot larger, but once again, this is only from seeing them touring, I don't know what their average size is. One main difference is Avalon has Active & Discovery tours where you can go biking, hiking, kayaking, canoeing etc. I believe the "discovery" part is similar to Viking where you do food tours, or visit special places. Avalon also has a small "gym" and bikes onboard that you can take out to cycle in free time. Spend time looking at YouTube videos done by passengers - stay away from the ones done by tour companies or the actual lines themselves as they are done with actors. Avalon are few and far between, however you can get a good idea as to space in the rooms, and other areas on the ship, as well as some tours.
  11. As mentioned, Arosa Sena does have the family cabins (bunk beds for kids across from parents bed), there could be one other thing to think of. I looked in the bathroom, looks like a smaller shower. Would you be able to fit one parent and your child in it to clean them?
  12. @Tedferg, we sailed the end of Sept. last year. We were to go from Budapest to Nuremberg, but couldn't make it past Passau. Usually summer is the dry time, but unfortunately, we got caught in it. You can never tell with the rivers, which is why they are reluctant to cancel any cruises. Rivers can be perfect, but add in a week of heavy rain, or a week of hot dry weather, and things can change quickly. We were bussed to Regensburg from Passau, and I was really glad to see it, as it's a beautiful city. Next Danube cruise we will tour Passau.
  13. We've always pre-paid our gratuities, which covered those onboard. It covered all crew, not just the ones you interacted with during the day. You get envelopes either at reception or in your cabin if you haven't pre-paid, and then leave them in boxes at reception. You can request to pay them at reception, but onboard purchases are in Euro's. While there is a suggested amount, it's up to you what you wish to pay, no 'automatic" add on at the end of the cruise. We usually give a quite handshake to those who we feel gave exceptional service as a thank you. That way we can give them an extra thank-you as well.
  14. So if I'm reading this correctly, the draft (draught) for the View (135m) is 1.6m, the Imagery II (110m) is 1.7m. Therefore, the View has less draft even though being a longer ship?
  15. Not always. Just looked draft for Avalon View (135m) and Avalon Imagery II specs from the ship yard and they seem the same. I’m not a ship expert, so could be wrong.
  16. I was worried about having more passengers on the larger ship, but I guess with the larger sized ship you didn't notice it. Plus, it's only 19 more couples, if both ships are booked full with couples. Counting in solo travelers, and ships not being fully booked, you may not even notice the difference. I think for the tours on the French rivers (excluding the Rhine) are all on the smaller ships, I looked through several and that was all I found. The Danube will have both sizes.
  17. If it's your first time on the longer ones, be prepared. We boarded, had lunch (the lounge doesn't seem much bigger, probably due to being furnished), then went up to the sun deck to wander. That's when it hit us how big the ship was! Our cabin was about 1 past the ones we usually get on the smaller ships, and we noticed it there as well, just that little bit longer to get to. Didn't mind, it was that much more walking to wear off all the excess calories we take in with all the great food. 🙂 Enjoy your cruise, I hope you manage to do a review, I'm curious as to what it's like.
  18. We've travelled on both the Imagery II (110 meters) and the Envision (135 meters). I think the only difference you would find is the smaller ships have fewer cabins (so yes, the lounge & dining room are smaller as they don't have to seat as many passengers), and the upper deck gives you more room to walk. The larger ships will also have more bow space for seating that is shaded. No difference as to cabin size or anything else, both are equally good. We did the Envision on the Danube, the Imagery II on the Rhine and will be on it again for our upcoming Moselle cruise - even down to the same cabin! Plan your trip for the itinerary, not the ship. They are almost identical as to layout, just the longer ones are....well...longer and that much more walking around. 🙂
  19. Don't feel bad, we took the train1x (well, twice, we had to come back). Not a good experience as we were late getting to destinations both times. So glad I left lots of time to get through the airport, if we had been cutting it close we would have missed our train. Returning, we were 1/2 hr late leaving, and 2 1/2 hrs late getting in. My poor Dad was overdone on the coffee waiting for us. 😉 Never been on a subway. The trains we took in Europe were on time (actually we almost missed one as it was sitting there early and we were thinking it would be leaving and our train coming in) and smooth. We did have a short trip on a high speed, but I don't think it was a long enough distance to get to the full speed...but it did go a lot faster than our milk run ones.
  20. We took the train to Montreal in Sept. for our river cruise...there is quite a difference from the European ones and the VIA. We found the ones in the Netherlands and Germany/France to be very smooth, and were surprised at how you really felt the VIA train. We took the "milk run" from Basel to Amsterdam along the Rhine, and also while in the Netherlands, took a train up to Enkhuizen.
  21. Yes, there is both non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks offered during happy hour...it's basically just time for socialising before dinner, and also to hear the CD explain the excursions for the next day. Same with at dinner, I believe soft drinks are available, and ice tea (unsweetened - my favourite) and coffee / tea are always available all day. They also have water "machines" in the lounges and various public areas where there is flaveroured water, ice water, sparkling etc.,, and coffee machines (I've heard the hot chocolate is really good, but as we go when it's warm, it's not exactly what we are looking for). Here's the link for the bar menu. Don't worry if you are dining with others who are enjoying the wine and beer if you aren't, no one will notice. https://www.avalonwaterways.ca/why-avalon/drinks/
  22. Another one for Avalon - beer & wine with meals, happy hour between 5:00 and dinner, and sparkling wine if you wish to start the day of with a mimosa, but that's all that's included. As you don't drink much, you aren't paying for what you won't use. Avalon also have a healthy inspired menu with fresh, local ingredients. We find that we can eat all we wish, but don't come home with the extra "vacation" lbs. We do make sure to skip the 4:00 afternoon tea. 🙂
  23. Look on the itineraries that specify "lights" and or overnight docking. Those ones will be evening Christmas Markets.
  24. We've been on two as well, both with temps well into the 30's. We always choose cabins at the stern, and have never had a problem with our A/C. We've never had problems with the food, I've been surprised considering how small the kitchen is how well they get your food served.
  25. You can never know about rain, this year Europe has been hit bad, and the rivers are flooding. As to the weather, I'd suggest looking at a weather app that does long range forecasts - I use AccuWeather, and will check the towns along the way starting about 1 month prior to sailing. As time gets closer to packing, I tend to check daily. Enjoy your cruise.
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