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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. I left the room for literally 5 minutes and came back to a plate of cookies. Giant cookies and still a little warm. I couldn't resist I had to eat one. I am working hard to resist another 😋. I'm thinking its going to need to be an early dinner tonight 😆
  2. One more whale shot before heading back. I was told going into this excursion not to expect to much. They don't really get close and can be hard to spot. I was prepared for that and ok with that. I don't expect nature to put on a show for me. They did anyway. There were many many sightings including way more than I took pictures of. I got a few then put away my phone to view the whales through my own eyes. Even the naturalist was impressed with how many there were and how close they got to us. They were also very playful. Today was a memory I will treasure forever. The guide was also one of the best I have ever had. She was so funny and great at explaining things. She said she used to be a kindergarten teacher, so that explains how she was so natural at dumbing things down for us 😁
  3. Now we are off to see some more whales. Water spouts in the distance. Whales, Whales, Whales everywhere.
  4. Approaching some sea lions chilling on a buoy. Very cool to see and they did just like in Finding Dory whenever someone else tried to join them on the buoy, starting barking at the would be joiner. Hilarious.
  5. We were provided with a book so that we could identify the different marine life we had collected. We learned some facts (which I have now forgotten all of ooops) about each of them and then we released them back into the water. There were no invasive species found in today's sample. Setting sail again. Our first whale sighting in the distance.
  6. Soon we stopped to do our research portion of this trip. We collected some specimens from a trap that had been set to document the sea life present in the area and make sure there were no invasive species in the area.
  7. Next we headed to the harbor to board our vessel for our whale watching adventure. We had a very foggy start but within a few minutes things cleared up and we could see the beauty around us.
  8. We started off with a very chilly crisp morning. It did warm up nicely but it was quite chilly as we started our day. We had some time before our excursion so we did a little shopping (by we I mean my mom lol) Looking back at Spirit. Once the excursion started we had some time before our whale watching began so they gave us a bonus stop at a scenic lookout towards a glacier.
  9. Juneau, Alaska: My day in Juneau (almost a month ago where has the time gone) was tied for my favorite day in Alaska. Tracy Arm Fjord was maybe just a tad bit better, but I got to experience this one with my mom which made it a little bit more special for me. She also seemed to enjoy herself, which is something that I can't say I've seen very often. For my day here I went with Discover Alaska's Whales $199.99: Whale sightings are guaranteed on this personalized, small group tour combing marine exploration with a scientific research, interpretation and discovery. Take a short drive with your naturalist science guide where you will board a safari vessel on your quest for gathering scientific research while enjoying the antics and displays of wildlife. Custom build vessels provide a comfortable heated cabin, large opening panel windows, and an open bow perfect for observing wildlife. Your group will learn about the smallest plants and animals in the ocean and how these support the ecosystem as a whole. You will attempt to track and record the behaviors pertaining to various marine animals including humpback whales In addition to an amazing tour experience, you will have the satisfaction of knowing your efforts made a contribution towards safeguarding and deepening our understanding of the delicate marine environments of Southeast Alaska. NOTE: Receive a $100 refund if whales are not sighted on the trip. Binoculars, maps and a whale ID book are provided on the vessel
  10. I have found even my favorites from the deli to be hit or miss so I usually try to sample items a time or two before I write them off. This was a miss today but might be a hit another time.
  11. We are now pulling out of St.Thomas. The next time I see land they will be asking me to leave the ship 😞
  12. My sandwich from the deli was a huge disappointment. I got the southwest chicken wrap. It was premade and just not good at all. I think they were using the wrap they use at Blue Iguana (the whole wheat not the jalapeno) so maybe they really did run out of the wraps they use here. Everything else was good but the wrap was just bad.
  13. I forgot to mention it yesterday but the port area and ship were invaded by butterflies yesterday. Butterflies everywhere. It was cute in the morning but by afternoon Lido was covered in dead butterflies and I'm sure guy's topping bar came with a new protein 🤢.
  14. Good morning everyone from the USVI. This is the last time I get off the ship before I get off for good. Same plan today, walk around the port so my mom can do some shopping and then back to the comfort of the air conditioned ship.
  15. No luck in the casino drawing again but at least it was quick. I'm off to bed now. Last port tomorrow, st.thomas.
  16. Indian vegetarian. Cappuccino pie. I also got the chocolate and cheese brownie. It uploaded out of order and I cannot find it out of the thousand or so pictures I have uploaded now. Just pretend like I posted a picture of a yummy looking brownie here lol.
  17. Had a good dinner tonight. Michigan pasty. Buffalo cauliflower. My mom got the turkey, which she did not care for.
  18. Off to dinner. Tonight is the extra menu they pull out for 8 night cruises.
  19. Not sure if that part is accurate the crew member unofficially confirming the rumors was less forthcoming about an injured crew member. Could be for privacy could be it didn't happen. Definitely agree.
  20. Tied on trivia but won on the tie breaker so now we each have our own medal. Scuttlebutt is there was a small fire onboard last night underneath the theater that was quickly put out. One of the crew may have injuries. Heading off to get some lunch now.
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