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Everything posted by Pcardad

  1. Ignore social media - the real thing is awesome.
  2. Love it!!!! And every time they get caught, they lose 5 SSS nights!
  3. Sport jacket absolutely not needed nor will he stand out without - he will be in the majority.
  4. Yep, I wouldn't be good with that either. Washington State is so progressive that people are now running from it and the eastern part of the state wants to split off and join Idaho.
  5. I researched this and cannot find a Seattle Ordinance that requires tipping. I did find a movement (and how Washington State does love those) by restaurant owners to automatically add tips to their bills. https://mynorthwest.com/3796094/gee-scott-spend-money-tips-tipping/
  6. A very viable option. The only downside is that if you book through Regent then they will work on your behalf to get you to the ship in the event of the delay. They are under no obligation to do so if you book on your own.
  7. I am in the US. As long as they don't REQUIRE a tip then IDC if they get their panties in a wad.
  8. There is a single person at Regent in charge of managing the WL. Sometimes, what shows as available is not actually clear to book. The software can show it as clear if cancelled by a Rep but it might get pushed to the WL person to satisfy a booking on the WL. My point is that the WL is managed by a person, not by the software...but cancellations show up immediately.
  9. If the waitstaff meets my expectations, I will meet theirs. It is a 2-way street. They are not ENTITLED to a tip if their service is bad.
  10. dress code noun a set of rules specifying the required manner of dress at a particular office, club, event, etc.
  11. 100% agree. Absolutely no excuse for thinking you are above the rules.
  12. The problem is that the nicest people I have ever meet in my life were also the poorest (in terms of money). Being able to afford a Regent cruise doesn't mean anything except that you can afford a Regent cruise. I mean no disrespect to anyone but I will judge people by their actions, not their clothes or their bank account.
  13. You can put together an outfit that meets the evening dress code for $50 but I get what you are saying.
  14. Destinations uses a shared database that all the ships can access.
  15. Agree 100% except money has nothing to do with class or respecting others or following the rules.
  16. Your flights will be listed on your invoice and your TA will have them. The Regent website has an advanced case of dementia.
  17. Why is it wrong...we do lots of things differently here. Many people work 100% on commission. A tip based job isn't discriminated against...I know wait staff who can easily make $500 a shift in tips. They choose that line of work...no one is making them do it. The crew fund is cool - it helps defray the cost of a crew member going on an excursion and it helps cover the costs of the crew departmental parties in the crew bar...but if you want them to get the money in hand, you need to tip them.
  18. Expected and required by law are not the same thing. They can tip whatever they like....or not at all.
  19. They are optional...I think the only exception is if the menu says a service charge of 18% will be added to parties of 6 or more. I tip anywhere from 0% to 40%....it depends on the service and if it is our regular bar/pub (they get more because we are there weekly). However, in the big picture, don't lose sleep over a 20% tip on a beer before taking a cruise that might cost $1,000 per person, per day. The bartender is not making a living wage on his salary alone.
  20. Tips are optional...you can always go to a package store and buy a 6-pack and drink it on a park bench. You won't be alone.
  21. I hear ya...they need to live their own lives. We also have the people who think that Regent's rules don't go far enough and people should do more. When you pay for my trip, you can try to tell me what to do...until then, MYOB.
  22. Agreed. Anyone getting on board should do 2 things... 1. Follow the rules. 2. Not have expectations other than the rules.
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