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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. It probably helped that I watched the PBS series first before ordering the books. It was such an engaging series and the actor who played Cromwell could say so much with few words with his facial expressions.
  2. @rafinmd Roy I don't think it is creepy to draft your own obituary. I will be doing mine when I prepay for my life celebration. You may remember more things that your family wouldn't.
  3. Good morning everyone! I woke at 7:45 after a perfect 8 hours of sleep to a gorgeous sunrise, with a sundog. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. Thanks @grapau27 for the explanation of today's day of reconciliation. Pass on the chocolate covered anything. I don't know what to say about stupid toys though family members have given my cats toys that they thought were stupid and basically ignored. A great quote by Maya Angelou! In 1653 Cromwell was elevated to his position in Henry the Eighth's court. If anyone enjoys that period of history there is a good book and series to go with it call Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel who passed away recently. I will pass on leftover turkey, we are having another for Christmas because John decided to buy a bigger one for Thanksgiving. Today's cocktail looks yummy and a good one for the SBP. Today's wine looks good too. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Prayers for everyone on our care list, especially for @JazzyV who really needs a break from her pain and lack of sleep. Prayers for the remaining hostages and for the families of the three who were killed by friendly fire. Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the innocents in Gaza and Israel. Today is a quiet day of football today with three games back to back with John's Vikings game starting the day off. Gratefully no casino trips between now and our cruise, too much Covid going around. We had low attendance at our GC potluck with several calling in with Covid or Covid exposure. Today I will pack 9 weeks of pill pods for our cruise and the road trips to and fro. We roll south in about 9-10 days. Here is the photo of today's sunrise, it is a sun dog reflecting against the clouds because sunrise was at 8:05. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  4. We visited Fuerta Amador in January 9 2023 after leaving the Panama Canal. We took a tree top jungle tour. Saw some beautiful country and birds and one pet Coati. The last photo is of the Gehry Museum near the port.
  5. @57redbird I am so sorry your surgery has not given you the relief you needed. I hope you have the help you need at home. Good afternoon. A long day so far with 6 stops before returning home at 1:30. I got my hair done, visited briefly with two of my siblings while dropping of Christmas cookies, pharmacy, dry cleaner and then to another town to get my second blood draw of the week. Thanks for the Daily Rich. My DS is a cat herder. Her daughter brought home one, then brought home two, then another two and now she no longer lives there but the cats remain. Then there are the outside cats as their area is popular for dumpers. I can't recall the last time I regifted something. I have been to today's port in early January. I will pass on the fish and the cocktail but the sparkling wine from Mawby would be good. We visited there on a Traverse City trip with our local wine society, I did taste their "Sex" sparking wine but it was a bit sweet for me. Prayers for everyone on our care list and those in war zones. Prayers for the return of the hostages. I have to plate up more cookies and deliver them to the neighbors, then we are going to dinner at a nearby tavern, good food but a dump. Happy Friday! Nancy
  6. Good morning everyone! @marshhawk there are store brand honey baked hams that are 1/2 the price of the brand name ham, spiral cut and sugar crust and all, pretty good. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich. More Good Today works as my LF bag is closed, the cruise is getting closer. Conservation is important, I am sad when I bake and have to throw non reusable material in the trash. While shopping at Meijer two days ago I saw they had bagged chestnuts by the radishes so people here must enjoy them. Late DH put them in turkey stuffing one year. A great quote by Einstein, a sad human being who treats people differently depending where they are in life. Celebrating Amundsen making it to the South Pole in 1911. Pass on the meal, another wacky cocktail and aged cheap cabernet. Happy Anniversary @Sharon in AZ! Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. Praying you get some relief soon. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them, those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. As I mentioned earlier our bags are out but John noticed the plastic around the grommets had ripped just being moved around on the bed so it took some duck tape reinforcing. My cookies turned out great yesterday, especially since it was all new recipes except for the Magic Cookies Bars. I have fruit bars to finish today and all can be dropped off tomorrow. My garden club has their annual potluck tonight. A trip is due tomorrow back to my doctor because my red blood cells are low, I hesitated about going for another blood draw but I researched from my last blood results the number has decreased since April. My Vitamin B12 level was fine last time so it isn't pernicious anemia. Thankfully I feel fine. Time to start stuffing the pill boxes for the cruise once my baking is done. Have a lovely Thursday! Nancy
  7. Sorry I hit quote I didn't intend to. John took a covid test and he was negative. At least he is sitting in his easy chair by instead of sleeping. I got three batches of cookies completed and only need to do fruit bars tomorrow then I can plate them up and deliver them Friday. Using three brand new recipes pulled off the Internet they all turned out great. My blood work came back and my low red blood cells have continued to drop from my test in April. I need another trip to PCP office for them to draw blood for B12 and Folate, probably on Friday, thankfully the results come back quickly.
  8. Happy Hump Day everyone! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich. A good group of days today. I will be making my Christmas cookies today and cocoa is a main ingredient in my chocolate M&M cookies a new recipe for me. St. Lucia is a favorite port of ours and when talking with my NP yesterday she asked my favorite Caribbean port and I said St. Lucia due to the evening enjoying the Pitons from the ship, we return twice I recall our next cruise. I love the violin and the two concert masters and principal violin for the Baltimore Symphony orchestra provide many happy memories. A good quote by Dumas. The Hague founded in 1920 will be busy if they can catch some of the Russians and Gazans for the horrors they have inflicted on humanity. Thanks @grapau27 @StLouisCruisers and @Nickelpenny for the lovely photos of Dubai. Pass on the dinner and the bitter cocktail today, wine might be a good value wine. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Happy Cruise Critic Anniversary to you @grapau27. @JazzyV Vanessa prayers you had a better night and another good one tonight. I am sure you are on countdown for your neurosurgeon appointment coming on Monday. @StLouisCruisers sympathy on the passing of your cousin. @RMLincoln safe travels for your family celebration in Texas. Prayers for Baby Murphy and the people in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. Prayers for the safe return of the hostages. John's shingles are a thing of the past other than the red dots from where the blisters were but he has been sick for the last three days. I encouraged him to utilize one of our many Covid tests but he hasn't. Cannot herd cats. He has been taking so much cold medicine he sleeps a lot thankfully I could sleep well as he wasn't snoring. Usually I catch everything that comes along but so far just a last few sneezes and having to use my rescue inhaler once. I hope I have dodged whatever he is suffering from. Have a lovely day! Happy memories of St. Lucia March 2022
  9. Shorter the cruise less chance because infrequent cruisers try to pack as much in as they can. 74 day GSA if we didn't like MDR menu or if we missed Gala designation we could get in with a same day reservation. Even though the PG looks empty it is the wait staff that determines how many can be booked in an evening.
  10. On the Grand South America I had to visit the medical clinic weekly to get my refrigerated injectable and a man came in and had not packed enough of his calcium channel blocker. They had the pills but he was not happy with the charge, recall around $90. Even for that long voyage we packed everything in pill pods so we had the correct count. Go to or call your pharmacy and explain and they will do an override to allow early purchase in 2023 for your 2024 cruise. It is pretty simple if the reason is explained.
  11. @POA1 thanks for the good news that Trignon is offered by the glass. We will be utilizing our SBP to the full with a $1.18 upcharge. A lot cheaper than buying it by the bottle even with the 50% discount. Enjoying all your photos and commentary. 🍷
  12. Chateau Trignon is a favorite of ours, do they offer it by the glass now or is still by the bottle? We really found we loved in on the Volendam and ran out of Meomi on day 20 of a 74 day cruise.
  13. Welcome to Cruise Critic @Jessi39! We were on the Volendam for 81 days and mainly ate in the MDR. We were very pleased with the selections and the quality of the food even when we were 10+ days at sea after leaving Ushuia until we got to Argentina. We didn't notice any shortages and the food quality was excellent, I am quite fussy. I had to return a cold starter once and another time I ordered and returned the roast chicken as it came out gray, pretty good record for probably 50 dinners in the MDR. We had an exceptional Spanish chef and the entrees in the Lido were good too.
  14. @XBGuy Following up from your comments yesterday I didn't know Aaron Pott will be using their grapes. Like Lagier Meredith he has a unique style but his wines are much more "precious" than LM. Thanks for the information on them, they can sit on their expansive shaded porch and enjoy their fabulous view. Nancy
  15. Good afternoon, one appointment down, one to go. This morning they had to do a biopsy on a brown spot on my forearm that has spread from last year. A few beginning keratoses on my nose but treatment with topical fluouricil can wait until we return from the cruise. Our luggage tags have arrived and I am almost ready to shut my big suitcase. It sure is a lot easier packing for all warm weather. Thanks for the daily reports @richwmn and thanks everyone for the comestible reviews and for sharing the photos of Ravenna. @JazzyV I am sorry you are suffering with so little sleep plus the pain. Prayers for everyone on our care list, Baby Murphy and those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza. I hope everyone who have had recent surgeries are felling better and getting the relief that you need. @0106 thanks for the happy memories of Longwood Gardens. My girlfriends and I would go about every other year and walk the gardens, watch the light shows and enjoy some wonderful mushroom soup at their on site restaurant. For any gardener if you are in the mid-Atlantic make the effort to see Longwood Gardens. Have a nice day! Nancy
  16. Good morning everyone! I have 2 doctor appointments today, Dermatologist at 8:30 and regular NP for my annual check up at 2:30. I will try to check in later today. Have a nice day! Nancy
  17. We had the pleasure of visiting there on our last visit to Napa Sonoma a decade ago. Their place is way up at the top of a winding, woodsy road. We especially loved the Mondeuse that was a genetic combination of 2 varieties can't recall which. It was a lovely afternoon of tasting overlooking their vineyards. I tried to find the photos under their name but all I cam up with was a 2014 cellar record. @JazzyV I hope that you can get some real answers when you get to the neurosurgeon. I have had a half brisket in the oven since 10 am and it still isn't getting to temperature. John is a little under the weather with a cold so he is being patient for a late dinner this evening.
  18. @Haljo1935 and @Nickelpenny It looks like your furbabies missed you a lot. @lindaler so sorry you had to cancel your cruise.
  19. I cleaned out my cookies and browsing history but still no go. Thankfully John had printed out the paperwork and it had their phone number. I called and they said they are going out tomorrow by Fedex from Boston. I am grateful we did all of our sign in last week. It is getting closer now.
  20. Yippee! I just went on the "new" HA website to get the contact for luggage forward and I have no bookings. Now doing clean up.
  21. @aliaschief thanks for sharing some of the highlight of your upcoming world cruise. What a wonderful way to get to know people with the bash at the Marriott.
  22. Good morning everyone and a happy day here because the Ravens and the Vikings one. One game was exciting, especially the ending for the Ravens and boring when the Vikings had a field goal for the only score, done in the 4th Q. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports @richwmn. My phone has a lot of apps but I have learned to delete as many as possible when getting a new phone as the data switch can turn into an overnight process. Thanks for the definition of Holiday Food Drive for Pets @grapau27. I used to do that all year long at Petco, they used to have a basket at the front of the store to place purchased food for needy pets. Sadly I haven't been in Petco in years. UNICEF has their hands full in Gaza. Bruce Lee's quote on the importance of time is very true. RIP PTZ Lou. I would like today's dish if it wasn't so carb heavy and it would go well with today's Primitivo. Pass on the martini. Thanks for researching these for us @summer slope @cat shepard and @dfish. Thanks for the daily cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV, prayers you have pain free days ahead along with that better sleep. @Mr. Boston sympathy on the loss of your Aunt Alberta. Thanks for the photos of Portland. @57redbird prayers that your back surgery goes smoothly and a speedy recovery. Supposedly our Luggage Direct bags leave on the 14th but we haven't gotten our tags. First thing after signing off I will be calling them. It is not the end of the world because we drive but not having them is a huge help with an early disembarkation. Someone who lives at the large condo complex we know so well departing Fort Lauderdale sent a beautiful run of 20 photos of the Eurodam departing FLL two days ago. It was on one of the many HA pages on Facebook. Have a lovely day! Nancy
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