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Everything posted by jgmorgan

  1. We had the same question and thanks fmlsprtfn for asking and thanks to janabellev2.0 for answering. 🙂 Our issue is compounded by the size of our group (11 family members). We have four separate reservations that are linked and originally had selected Anytime dining. As I investigated making reservations, the max size was for a party of 8, and there was only one of the four main dining restaurants that showed up as an option. So given that, I shifted us all to Early dining (which would have been about our preferred dining time anyway). There is a picture on the Celebrity website of a table set for ten, but I haven't been able to find any info specific to large groups. Is it reasonable to think that we can speak to the dining room folks when we board and arrange accommodation for a party of eleven (or alternatively tables for six and five that are in proximity)? Thanks in advance for your help and any advice.
  2. Well, the full monty certainly deserves a big tip!🤣
  3. We have stayed in 1127 and on Infinity similar locations on other M-Class ships and believe them to be the best Aqua location. Noise was not a problem (unlike some of the cabins on Deck 9) and the ease of accessing the upper pool deck makes it very convenient. Also, the steps down to the Sunset Bar and Oceanview are nice. I don't remember much about the showers, but I believe they were the standard Aqua multi-outlet shower.
  4. Excellent point. See: https://www.healthline.com/health/second-hand-vape
  5. Yes, we are on Infinity and the last port is Kusadasi. Thanks for your response.
  6. We are booked on a cruise next year that starts and ends in Piraeus and visits ports in Israel and Egypt. The final night of the cruise is overnight in Piraeus. My questions are: 1) Will we have to go through immigration and customs when we disembark in Piraeus? and, 2) Given the fact that we are already back in Piraeus the day before, is it likely that we can simply walk off the ship as early on the final day as we wish without the normal disembarkation process? Our plan is to travel from Athens to London for a few nights after the cruise and I will be booking our airplane tickets in the next few days. Thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Yeah, but you have to wear pants.😂
  8. About 8-10 minutes. Seemed very safe and close to several restaurants. We each had a wheeled mid-sixed suitcase, a rolling carry-on and personal item. Made it just fine, pretty easy walk.
  9. Sorry for your loss. I didn't mean to minimize the risks of flu, my point was that, so far, Covid is much more likely to lead to worse outcomes.
  10. On our recent, very full, cruise out of Southampton on the Silhouette the Captain announced toward the end of the cruise that the number of Covid cases had reached the threshold and asked that passengers wear masks in crowded locations and exercise caution. Some folks responded by wearing masks in the theater, casino and elevators, although many did not. Not surprising. The thing that I did find surprising though, was that it was actually quite easy to maintain a reasonable level of social distancing while on board. Even though the Martini Bar was always packed (apparently Brits love their martinis 😀), we were always able to find another location that was much less crowded. The World Class Bar was great (maybe my new favorite). The early show in theater had plenty of seats to spread out and by the time we got to Blu each evening, the crowd had thinned and we almost always were seated with vacant tables next to us. The excursion buses were a bit of a challenge but even they were not full and we generally were able to sit in seats that were adjacent to vacant seats and wear our masks. So, all in all, we were able to reduce (not eliminate) risk without sacrificing having a great cruise. As for the elevators, it seemed every time a really crowded elevator stopped and we would wait instead of making it even more crowded, the next one would be empty or nearly so. As others on this thread have said, Covid is with us and will likely always be (although comparing it to the flu significantly understates the seriousness of Covid). But with a bit of effort, the risk can be reduced and thereby increase the chances of cruising without getting sick. The good news is that the same precautions one uses for Covid also reduce the risk of other contagious diseases. Happy cruising.
  11. A very enlightened view. Brace yourself...😬
  12. Perhaps the point of the self-test is more about self-awareness for the passenger than it is "proof" for presentation at check-in. Although I am sure some people are untruthful when answering the health questions and affirmations required when checking in and boarding, most would choose to honest I believe.
  13. Your point is well-taken. Clearly COVID has evolved and thankfully the current dominant strain(s) are less severe in terms of death rates. One other big difference is the current strains seem to be more transmissible. And while many have mild symptoms, many get pretty sick. My point was that the current policy of requiring a self-test before boarding doesn't seem useless to me (as @lovescarborough had suggested). If positive, I would choose not to put others at risk. But I understand that some may not feel that way. I just hope they aren't on my cruise. 😬
  14. Hopefully there aren't many people like that, but I understand there probably are some.
  15. Maybe to determine if you have Covid?
  16. Requiring a test and recommending a test are two different things. The policy assumes that people won't show up if they test positive. Most people are honest and wouldn't want to knowingly risk others by boarding if they know they are infected with a highly contagious disease that can be life-threatening. Of course not everyone is honest and some don't care about the health of others. You know who you are.
  17. It looks like Celebrity is modifying their policies as conditions allow. For example, for cruises departing from Southampton after September 5, pre-cruise supervised or proctored tests will no longer be required. They will require passengers to take a pre-cruise test (2 days in advance for vaccinated guests, and 1 day for unvaccinated guests) and present evidence of the results when checking in. "Test results may be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test." A COR will be accepted as well. It looks like similar changes are being made for other European sailings with the exception of Iceland and Greece. When it makes sense in terms of local requirements and changes can be implemented smoothly, I would expect similar changes for sailings from U.S ports. There is no incentive for Celebrity to continue unreasonable (in their view) restrictions. So, they will change their policies when the time is right. They get to decide when that is.
  18. Right next to the ketchup.😂
  19. Great idea. Let's talk about tipping now.😂
  20. Yes. https://showmethejourney.com/train-travel-info/countries/italy/cities/bologna/rail-stations/bologna-centrale/
  21. You might want to double-check this. It looks like maybe Spain only requires a test if you aren't "fully vaccinated". Two shots and a booster seems to pass the test. See: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/spain/entry-requirements#if-youre-fully-vaccinated The requirements would be the same for US travelers I believe.
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