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Everything posted by MAVIP

  1. Today"no bus at all if I am right: on strike and the French love that...
  2. About 2 months. I cannot book at this very moment a tour for May 6th, so I made a note to try again March 1st.
  3. And our 3 cruises disappeared too. I donot worry, HAL must be busy installing some update or maybe even a new programm....
  4. Bureau de Tourisme Nice etc. Jardin François Binon - 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer 04 93 01 73 68 www.explorenicecotedazur.com info.villefranchesurmer@nicecotedazurtourisme.com
  5. Little problem is that you will arrive at Villefranche sur Mer and that Eze sur Mer is at sea level too. But Eze village is to be visited from the Moyenne Corniche (quite high up...). See here https://www.lignesdazur.com/ choose the english language and look for the interactive map. Place of departure will be JMO (if tendering) Quai de l'Amiral Ponchardier. and place of arrival: Eze Village. Including walking between bus stops, it will take at least 75 minutes. I believe bus #80 plus #82 will give the best connection from sealevel to the busstop at the Moyenne Corniche where you can wait for bus #82 to Eze Village. At least you will see from the interactive map the winding roads uphill..... I never arrived at Villefranche by cruiseship (however we will in April next..), but normally Tourist Information will be nearby or present when you arrive.
  6. No, I donot know, because the tours and that cruise itself were organised by our quality newspaper 😉 with the help of a dutch touroperator specialised in cultural voyages. I try to translate an excerpt of the tour: from the border of Montenegro by small boat through the Street of Verige entering the Bay of Kotor. The small island in front of Perast is the 1st stop with a visit of the OLV (literally Our Dear Lady of the Rock) church from 1630. To Morinj for lunch in een beautiful restaurant in an old watermill. By bus a tour around the bay from Perast to Kotor. On foot through Perast (old palaces). In Kotor we walked through the walled center, visited the cathedral and a few squares. If you had enough energy left: up the stairs to the fortress (I did, but DH decided not to climb those stairs). 8 hrs excursion, incl transportation by bus and boat, entry tickets, lunch and a very good guide. in 2018 € 62 per person..... Enjoy your cruise and excursions!
  7. DH and I did (in 2018) a tour of the Bay of Kotor - Perast, Morinj & Kotor including the island with the church dating from 1630 of the Lady of the Rocks. A tour of about 8 hrs. We had a very interesting day in beautiful surroundings. Kotor is World Heritage, but without any doubt you know that.
  8. Skjolden: I remember looking for excursions there (Tour to Jostedalbreen Jotunsheimen, Urnes Church, Feigumfossen) and we tried to contact a touroperator (turidvisitskjolden@gmail.com) by email and telephone. Finally we got the first answer from a business partner of the touroperator after 4 or 5 weeks.. Reason for not anwering: they have other jobs in wintertime and most (of the few!) inhabitants have a very bad/irregular internet connection or are on holidays themselves. Covid was the reason we would not cruise at all and we had to cancel the tour (cancelling caused no problems at all). If we will visit Skjolden during another cruise, I will not hesitate to contact them again....
  9. Pastoorstraat 18, Arnhem and Derde Walstraat 83, Nijmegen, Fandm.nl or Wolvenstraat 7, Amsterdam, Lauradols.nl or Bilderdijkstraat 194, Amsterdam, and Haarlemmerdijk 143, Amsterdam, and Grote Houtstraat 160, Haarlem, Jutkaenriska.com IJsclubstraat 13, Rotterdam, and Moskesweg 2, Breda, Fleursdepot.nl or Nijverheidsweg-Noord 74, Amersfoort, Vintamersfoort.nl I did not visit them myself, but I found the addresses in a newsletter of a respected dutch company (dutch railways: Nederlandse Spoorwegen). Maybe.....
  10. If I understand your question well, you would like to know where the shuttle from the cruise terminal to town drops the passengers? My answer for Rotterdam would be: cruise terminal in Rotterdam is so close to the town center that I cannot imagine a shuttle will be offered.
  11. https://sagradafamilia.org/en/rules-and-regulations For safety, no hats are allowed inside the nave or the museum except for religious, health or belief-related reasons. Visitors may not enter barefoot. As it is a Catholic church, visitors must dress appropriately, following these restrictions: No see-through clothing. Trousers and skirts must come down to at least mid-thigh. Visitors may not enter in swimwear. Visitors will not be allowed to enter wearing special clothing to celebrate any sort of festivities, nor with any decorations designed to distract or draw attention for artistic, religious, promotional or any other purposes.
  12. 3 cruises on ms. Rotterdam VII in 2022. And the answer to your question is: None
  13. Yes, it is. Delicious (but for me without the onions).
  14. https://flycovidtestcenter.com/en/barcelona-t1/ Barcelona Airport (Terminal 1) . Euro 50 for an antigen test.
  15. Please read https://petit-train-marseille.com/en/circuits/1-notre-dame-de-la-garde/ and maybe download the leaflets. I translate the french text on the lower part of that page: Departure 10 AM untill 12.20 and from13:40 PM to 19:20 All days of the week Departure about every 20 minutes Departure for the return trip from Notre-Dame de la Garde every 20 minutes Obligation to stop at least 20 minutes for all passengers at Notre-Dame de la Garde and return by next train Return trip incl a stop of 20 minutes takes about 75 minutes The train leaves at the Old Port of Marseille (nice!) (in French: Le Vieux Port). See for that part a plan of Marseille on this page :https://petit-train-marseille.com/fr/contact-reservation/
  16. Book the moment after we decided. Interesting excursions too often sold out.
  17. Too much work for $ 50......
  18. Maybe you can use it for a transfer to or from the ship?
  19. Amsterdam-Hamburg May 6th 11:00-16:14 with one change in Osnabrück, incl seat reservation NON-flex € 32,90. return at May 28th 11:45 € 38,90 via NSInternational.com (Dutch railways). Trainline offers the same trains for resp € 32,90 and € 34,90 plus in both cases € 4,50 per seat reservation.
  20. Tours by Locals guide Kenji did a very good job in guiding us through Tokyo. But it was in 2017, so I really donot know whether Mr Kenji is still working through Tours by Locals.
  21. Official website of the Tourist Office of Marseille (marseille-tourisme.com) and search for le petit train and the result is...€ 9 per adult, by clicking on photo of the train I found this page where you can book ahead: Notre Dame de la Garde Tour (Marseille) | Marseille Tourism (marseille-tourisme.com) Pity it doesnot work as a link. 😉 Cheers, Lenny
  22. Museum and Aquarium just accross from the quay (at least our HALship docked there). Our grandchildren, parents and we as grandparents loved it.
  23. minimum about 57,2 F and max about 75.2 F. Donot forget to pack a light woolen sweater, just in case....
  24. I love wuite a few of the suggestions I read above. Just one advice if walking is a problem: take the tourist train www.petit-train-marseille.com DONOT take the (HoHo or 60 bus) to the basilica Notre Dame de la Garde with the fantastic panorama over sea and town and it itself worth a visit. WHy? from the stop of the bus it is a steep (!) 1km walk (stone steps...) to the highest point above Marseille.
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