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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Good evening @voyager70. I hope you are well. After work we went to the beach with a picnic. I hope everyone on here is safe and well.
  2. Good evening Dailyites. After work we took a picnic to the beach.
  3. Nice photos and Happy Victoria day to you. Graham from England UK.
  4. Good afternoon. It is overcast and 55°F here. 2 interesting days and 1 it is best not to comment on. Thought provoking quote. A spring salad is nice. Prayers 🙏 for our friends who are unwell. I hope everyone is safe and well and looking forward to a new week.
  5. Good morning. 11°C and cloudy here. I hope everyone is well and had a nice weekend.
  6. @Nickelpenny. I'm sorry to hear some low life stole some of your possessions. Good luck with your operation recuperation.
  7. It is 16.45pm here. It has been cloudy and 52°F all day. We have had a pyjama day watching TV. I hope y'all are safe and well and having a nice day.
  8. Good morning and thank you for today's fleet reports and daily. It is 52°F and cloudy here. 3 good days and laughable quote. Salmon sounds nice. Never been to today's port. I hope everyone has a happy day.
  9. Some thoughts for Pentecost. Wishing you a lovely Sunday. God bless, David 😀 https://youtu.be/DnFQvd08iIM?si=iVrmq0wDUPDc5qo7
  10. Good morning. 10°C and cloudy here. I hope everyone has a good day.
  11. That man's bullying to his wife in public was disgusting. I dread to think how he treats her in private. Sorry you lost your game Josy
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