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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Thank you. It was for information only to my friends on Dani's thread and not a subject I ever discuss. There are lots of mentions on UK threads but not by me. I had an Epiretinal membrane repaired when they did my first cataract op and had an intraocular lens put it which gave me excellent distance vision and I asked for the other eye to be done a couple of months later and an intraocular lens was put in that eye too. I used to have varifocal glasses that I wore all of the time but now I only have reading glasses.
  2. Engineer's were doing this in January. In November the infinity pool was closed on our 14 night Canary Islands cruise.
  3. When we were on Iona in March I watched a couple of premiership matches in our cabin on the Sports channel on TV.
  4. Sending you our best wishes for your surgery next week. Sorry to hear about the bug in your eye but hopefully the antibiotic eye drops will help you.
  5. Good evening. It has been raining all day here but it is a mild 55°F. For information to my friends on here. July 4th will be a general election in the UK. I pray everyone is safe and well especially Dani @dani negreanu and her family.
  6. Just for information to my US and Canadian friends. July 4th will be a general election in the UK.
  7. There are several filter plugs in the scoop and when these are blocked the scoop fills up and then overflows.
  8. Nice collection of photos Sandi. I hope you are feeling a lot better now.
  9. This was my first find but didn't want to contradict Rich's days.
  10. Good luck with your cardiologist appointment Roy.
  11. Good morning. It is 12°C misty, raining and windy here. After a couple of early morning 5.30am wake ups I was a sleepy head and woke up at 8.30am this morning. I hope everyone stays safe in today's bad weather. Pyjama day for us.
  12. Very interesting Kalos. I'm pleased you had a great time in Madeira.
  13. My late mam was the cook supervisor at the school near us.
  14. Sending good luck wishes to your DH at the dermatologists this afternoon Terri.
  15. Good evening. We took a picnic to the beach but encountered the infamous Sea fret when we got close to the beach.
  16. Good evening. We took a picnic to the beach and encountered the infamous North Sea sea fret (mist). This is caused by warm air over the cold sea water.
  17. Good evening. We took a picnic to the beach. As soon as we got near the sea we encountered the infamous North Sea sea fret which is caused by warm air above the cold sea.
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