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Everything posted by grapau27

  1. Christopher John will always be near you MJ. Pauline especially has seen mediums one to one and our parents and other family members came through with messages only known to us.
  2. @Cruising-along. Happy 11th birthday to your oldest grandson.
  3. I hope you have a nice day and a fantastic cruise in a few days time.
  4. I had that late yesterday afternoon too for around 2 hours but it happened on all the forums I post on. I logged out and tried as a visitor and the same message showed.
  5. Thank you for your complimentary words. I am 5 hours ahead of US Eastern time and it is currently 15.16pm here in North East England. This morning Pauline went to the hairdresser's and I dropped her off and got a McDonald's sausage and egg mcmuffin and coffee and went to the beach. The sea fog was quite dense so I couldn't see anything from the car. After Pauline came out of the hairdresser's we went back to the beach with coffee and hot chocolate and the sea fret lifted so we could see the sea.
  6. @aliaschief. Happy 32nd anniversary Sue and Bruce.
  7. Good morning. Thank you for today's offerings. I will give today's food and drink a miss. I went to the beach while Pauline was at the hairdresser's and had my breakfast but the sea fret (mist) prevented me seeing much of the sea from my car. Prayers 🙏 for all of our friends who are unwell. I hope everyone has a good day.
  8. Good morning. I called at the beach for breakfast but the sea fret prevented me seeing much.
  9. I posted cruise reviews only on another site. I have posted many Hotel and restaurant reviews on TripAdvisor.
  10. Where is everyone?. I pray everyone is well. Good morning. It is 11°C and cloudy here. I might go to the beach later. I wish everyone a happy day.
  11. Mid September till end of October is our preferred time because it is still warm but the humidity has dropped and there are less people there.
  12. I agree. The only days I have not posted since Dani @dani negreanu started this thread is when we were at sea and I didn't have a connection.
  13. Thank you Lenny. I am lucky to have Pauline in my life too. I am also lucky to have friends like yourself and all of our friends including @dani negreanu on Dani's thread.
  14. Good afternoon. I was working today and Pauline came with me. We then went to Wynyard Hall gardens for lunch then popped along to the beach. Lighthouse picture for you @Ocean Boy
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