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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. Happy to say weather prediction was completely wrong for us. No rain and actually saw the sun for a couple of hours. Temp around 70f Hopefully your forecast is wrong and your football games goes without any rain.
  2. I would pick Wonderland for their presentation and costumes. Question is Will she eat their unique food?
  3. Thank you Graham. I hope you and Pauline have a fabulous day despite the gloomy weather. We are expecting rain all day here.
  4. WooHoo!!! Let the fun begin. Happy Anniversary 💐 Cheers to both you and Linda🥂
  5. Curious, why do you say boarding time will be closer to 12 noon? We've sailed out of FLL and could always board sooner than noon.
  6. Great news! When I told my boss that we cancelled our January cruise he invited us to their home in Cape Coral for a long weekend. Yesterday he told me he booked a couple of days at Boca Grande, Gasparilla island. We will sail on their catamaran to the island. Dock and stay onboard as their catamaran sounds like a small yacht with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, full living room, full kitchen, and hot tub on sun deck. I never heard of this island off the coast of Ft. Myers but it looks beautiful from everything I saw online last night.
  7. Great photos. Thank RJ for use of his phone. We have gone to Renaissance on past trips. Always nice! Also, love West Deck. Still hot, it was a feel like 108f when we were there in September. Such a shame you didn't dock next to the scientology ship. 😘
  8. Yes, I completely understand what you said about refunding their deposit money. Especially since this contract was a cash sale, no inspection contingencies and home sold "as is" stated on the contract. Eric and I had worked in real estate/mortgage biz for over 30 yrs and majority of time seller does refund deposit monies so we agreed to refund but only if they meet the terms we demanded Friday night. They had no right to remove (basically steal) any of our personal belongings from the home nor did we authorize for their electrician to do repairs. This is what is infuriating to us. No word from them yet. We are happy that we had a back up offer and hope all goes well with this couple.
  9. Me and white do not get along so I rarely wear white😁 I'm the one that usually sits on something dirty or spills or gets something spilled on whenever I wear white.
  10. Eric and I have had an physcially and mentally exhausted week. As you may recall we had a last minute problem with laundry sink in basement of his Mom's house that we were selling back up. We did get a drain guy out there Monday night to look at and he came back Tuesday morning to do a clean out. Said it was the drain pipe from Master bathroom and hall bath upstairs that had a clog. Said all was clear and good to go. Closing was supposed to take place Tuesday at 2 pm and in good faith we asked our Realtor to let the buyers know that we had a last minute drain issue but all was resolved. The buyers asked to extend closing until Thursday as they wanted to make sure themselves all was good. We agreed. Thursday came and went and they asked to extend closing until Friday afternoon. We told him he had until 3 pm Friday to close. Friday at 3:30 pm we received his request to terminate contract asking for full refund of their $10K deposit stating they had concerns about drain but were unable to get a plumber inspect. Twist to this story is the buyer had hired their own electrician to do some work in changing out main power line that connects to the house (that we did not authorize). We stumbled upon this contractor working on Wednesday. We immediately called our realtor and advised we did NOT authorize this electrical work. He phoned the buyers and was told "he forgot to cancel the electrician as he had scheduled him thinking he was closing on Tuesday" Now that he had the main power line for the whole house disconnected. We told the electrician to finish up and reconnect/restore power to the house asap and that we are NOT responsible for paying him as we did Not authorize the work and the person that hired him did Not own the home. He looked shocked and kept apologizing. On this same trip to the house we noticed a couple of items that we said we would leave with the home in the shed and garage for the new buyer (snow blower, lawn mower, small pressure washer, leaf blower and some misc. garden tools that were hanging up) were all gone from the property. Looks like some sneaky action by the prospective buyer but this was Wednesday so I we thought okay let's see if he closes by end of week. Back to current time, he did Not close and we advised him we will Not issue full refund of his deposit money until he provides proof he paid for the electrician he hired to insure we are not financially liable and we want everything that is missing from the home to be returned ASAP. Eric has been so stressed out about everything so last night we turned off the outside world and had a nice relaxing evening in front of the fireplace with a bottle of kraken (almost gone). Meanwhile our Realtor contacted a couple that had made a back-up offer and we accepted their offer last night and they are scheduled to close on November 10th. Fingers and toes crossed this one happens.
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