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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. That's so true, but simplicity is the hardest thing to perfect. Guanciale and pecorino are the genuine ingredients, but I find pecorino (sheep's cheese) just a little too strong. Even though parmigana is sharper, I prefer its pure taste. Italians very rarely use cream in savoury dishes, and it's a sin to use it in carbonara. You have to be quick from pot to plate with carbonara. My son actually makes the best carbonara in our family, and he doesn't even speak Italian, although he understands most of light conversation.
  2. Thank you. Perfectly expressed. I couldn’t agree more.
  3. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never tried it. I think that’s because I was raised on the land, and it’s the one meat we didn’t eat. Lamb, chicken, rabbit, all yes, but never kangaroo.
  4. Gosh, I hope not Leigh😂 They are all stunning though, and it can’t be just my subjective opinion, because they receive so many compliments. Of utmost importance to us is their kindness and generosity to others. They are always caring for friends in need. I hope they never change. I know instinctively your grandchildren would be the same. We are so fortunate.
  5. Truly a classic carbonara, Leigh. I’m sure it was more than nice😋 we have four girls, and I am dwarfed by each one of them. It must have been only my beauty they inherited😉
  6. Wishing a speedy recovery to them both.
  7. Ah, but the radiance of wisdom maturity brings. If only we had that light in our youth.
  8. It is indeed ludicrous, and while we have enjoyed the stellar performances of some of the Aussie contestants, we have raised eyebrows at the prospect of every European and Middle Eastern nation struggling to send their team to the southern hemisphere in the unlikely scenario of an Australian win. It’s also dubious that our citizens would support funding the enormous cost of hosting the contest. Eurovision has produced many gems over the decades: Lulu, Abba, etc., and who could forget that magical Riverdance interlude while Ireland was hosting?
  9. Me too. Have followed Eurovision since its inception.
  10. Congratulations for your December golden anniversary. We also celebrated ours with a cruise, and I can’t believe that was five years ago this coming August. You are all spring chickens.
  11. Congratulations, Leigh and Rob. A golden moment in your lives 🥂 Happy Easter, Les, and to all on here. Wishing love and peace in your lives🕊️🌿 We just arrived home after a delicious and relaxing family lunch at Agostinis, an Italian restaurant in East Hotel here in Canberra. The photos we took and shared prove I’m now officially the shortest family member😔
  12. Hope you’ve left that hospital building, Mic.
  13. Oh no! A double tragedy. Hope you didn’t suffer greatly, and made a rapid recovery. The latter tragedy aside, I am, as I read your post, imagining a Basil or Manuel moment😂😂
  14. It’s a mall, we’ve been there, enjoyed a tasty chowder lunch but can’t remember the name
  15. Thank you, Hank, for your latest comprehensive report. I know from your previous posts that you are never afraid to express objective impressions (good, bad and ugly included), so your post fills us with excitement as we draw closer to joining you aboard on 11 April. I also know that like us for most of our time aboard, we simply love our own company, although we also enjoy meeting and mixing. If at any time you would like to meet for a Martini's martini, we will be in 11033. We also love sea days, so we wish you calm waters and fair breezes until your next report, which we'll be delighted to read.
  16. That's hilarious, although I'm sure you didn't think so at the time. I believe the reason Cunard has dispensed with table linen in high traffic restaurants (as opposed to main dining rooms where one's regular table is assigned) stems from the pandemic. It is far more hygienic to cleanse tables with antibacterial and antiviral solutions and a cloth, than to launder the linen, even though high water temperature and laundry solutions could be used. I must say, however, that it is delightful to be seated at our assigned QG table, bedecked and resplendent (the table, I mean😉)
  17. I can see that Frank really enjoyed his thirtieth birthday. Happy Birthday, Frank🥂🥂🎉🎊
  18. Same for us in Australia. The package has been mia for several years. We were surprised and delighted to receive that special blue pouch with its luggage tags and well-presented (but yes, generic) booklet last Friday.
  19. Congratulations Julie and Rolf. A world voyage is indeed a lifetime odyssey, and your upgrade is the cherry on the icing on the gateau the silver platter 👏
  20. That’s great news. Take it easy and obey docto’s orders😊
  21. Commiserations, Mic and Rosie. So sorry about your necessary cancellations, too. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow, Mic. I know I can say everyone will be thinking of you. Let us know how you're faring, when you can.
  22. Thought you’d be watching live no matter the hour, with your known enthusiasm. Not another word.🤐
  23. That’s a shame. It’s disappointing when you’re looking forward to biting into a tasty pie. Well, you’re obviously still here, so it couldn’t have been beef wellington with dried mushrooms🫢
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