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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. Thank you again. Relieved there’s room in May; we are booked on “British Isles” on 24 May. How marvellous: two Queens on one day.
  2. Thank you, Blue Marble. Is there a Southampton “vacancy” 1-4 days before her mv?
  3. Well, that's where it was alright, just as described😉
  4. CC is my only social media, so I'm assuming the one you refer to is the one which can't be named. Is it possible to kindly relate the details for us here?
  5. Yours is the true spirit of Christmas: courage and acceptance in adversity, and caring for the plight of others, to name a few of the enviable qualities I glimpse in your story. Wishing and fervently hoping your lives are returned to normal as rapidly as possible. You deserve a happy, untroubled year of good health and tranquility. Hang in there.
  6. We were in a Sirena Vista Suite last September, and as on all previous sailings (always in PH1) we were happy to relax with our carry-ons in The Terrace for our "number" to be called. They do call "stateroom ready" in hierarchical order, which TBH does make us feel a tad uncomfortable and conspicuous, although I can't recall ever hearing the Owner's Suite being called. We wouldn't dream of disturbing the hard-working stewards to drop off luggage of any description. They are on the clock as it is. It's so lovely to simply enjoy the realisation that you're aboard your floating home, to nestle in and enjoy a refreshing drink or bite to eat (the lunch spread on embarkation day is always delicious) and to chat to fellow passengers. I think I should leave it at that.
  7. Precisely. Glass half-full for me.
  8. I concur with all opinions here re Dinner for One. Watched it last night before another two riveting episodes of Vigil (Series 2). Dinner was indeed hilarious. It reminded me of the drunken waiter in Peter Sellers' equally hilarious movie, The Party. We have enjoyed that iconic piece of entertainment many times over the years. I don't know where you'd find it, but please watch it if you can dig it up. If you enjoyed Dinner for One, you'll love The Party. For a really gripping thriller, I can't recommend Vigil highly enough, but for character placement, start with Series 1. Available on Binge (Foxtel home page).
  9. It's a symbol of good luck for the house visited. That I knew, but I also googled for you: Ideally, the first foot should be a dark-haired male. He should also bring (with the coal) shortbread, salt, black bun, and of course, a wee dram of whisky. Only five months till we're back in the Highlands, home of my ancestors.
  10. I need to qualify: Harry Connick Jr and Casey Donovan were superb in the Sydney NYE concert.
  11. Your NYE programme sounds very much like ours, except that we joined a very small group of friends in Curtin for dinner, 9.00pm fireworks and the end of BBL. We were back home by about 10.30, and with a wee dram of peaty, malty nectar, managed to stay awake for the Sydney finale. The pre-concert was, IMHO, abysmal, but the haunting rendition of Auld Lang Syne deeply moving. Sydney fireworks were certainly amazing, but the greatest spectacle of all was, as ever, that beautiful, shining harbour itself. We were surprised that this year we made it past midnight. It's always a special evening for us, last night it was fifty-six years since we met.
  12. That’s hilarious😂. Cheers, and Happy New Year to you both🎉🍺
  13. Thank you, Lyle and Lynn, for your kind words and wishes. They are returned many times over.
  14. We watched it, Les, and it was, as always, enthralling. The precision drills are riveting, and the skirl of the pipes carry me to a far land, especially if the pipes and drums break into “Highland Cathedral” or “ Flower of Scotland”. The Lone Piper? So deeply moving.
  15. Oops, Armidale, not Tamworth. I remember now😆. It seems you had a wonderful family Christmas, Les. I'm guessing you're back in Batehaven? Have a lovely evening over the road with your neighbours, and we'll raise a glass to you and all our CC friends (met and as yet unmet🙂🍷). We're spending the evening with friends at their home, but we're normally home by 10.30 or thereabouts. We prefer the quieter NYEs these days, having enjoyed many years of past-midnight festivities. Tranquil is good. Our son, daughter, and their respective families have a roster going for the coast house, so we'll be down when they've all had their turn, usually that's after school holidays. We'll catch you next time we're down, I'll ring before then anyway to see how things are going. Wishing all CC friends a peaceful, healthy and happy 2024, with fair skies and smooth seas for those of us sailing. Linda and Mario
  16. Les, how was Christmas in Tamworth with your family? We’ e been thinking of you. Hope you avoided most of the terrible storms. Looking forward to catching up at Catalina or Raymonds in the new year. Take care.,, xxx Linda and Mario
  17. No, that pic of the empty plate with used utensils is his signature shot 😂
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