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Everything posted by Joebucks

  1. Nearly half of that doesn't look that special. The other half could be bought on just about any cruise line. I'm sure it's good. However, I'm sure a leading attribute is FREEEEEEE (with a larger fare). I don't think anyone is saying Carnival's strength is dish for dish comparisons. The elitists can have their 2-4x more expensive cruise because their fish looks a little better. I think Carnival shines because of the combination of quality and quantity. Personally, I don't think I can name anywhere where I look more forward to lunch than on a Carnival ship. Is Guy's the BEST burger I've ever had? No. Is BlueIguana the BEST taco I've ever had? No. However, the quality and quantity is just enjoyable and fun. Honestly, for the price of the cruise, the food quality is better than you'd expect.
  2. While this is true, you also have to consider the last few years have not been an environment to start giving away more free product and service. While this is a complete shot in the dark, I legitimately believe it is coming soonish. Prices are going up. I believe the new dinner menu at least presents a higher price perception than the old one. I think loyalty programs have a higher importance to a company when the margins are higher. With that said, people obsess too much about "free stuff." You might spend $5000 total on a vacation, but complain because 2% of it "wasn't free." Many people will overspend if they feel they are getting something free, and absolutely refuse to admit it.
  3. I would go to Youtube and dedicate a few hours to watching onboard videos. Seeing the ship, entertainment, food, amenities, etc. are probably some of the best unbiased views you can get. There's too many biased people on the internet that refuse to admit it.
  4. In general, most people will pick the newer ship as it will be more likely to have more of the bells and whistles, while showing less of its age. However, it's really a nitpicky situation. While some may swear by differences like Teppanyaki, most would never even know. If it were me, I'd worry more about the cost, itinerary, ease of access, etc.
  5. Should really be Cruise Complainers or Cruise Karens
  6. I bought a hard shell for a carry-on. I don't think I will ever do that again. In the few times in got sent to general luggage storage, it came back so scuffed. It looks terrible. The truth is, anything isn't going to last forever. They go through a lot. My standard Samsonite soft luggage is starting to get a little wear, but has made it past many trips. The next piece I hope to buy is a soft carry-on that meets most requirements while having more storage.
  7. I remember this time all too well. Too many people were screaming that their money wasn't in their hands now and to charge it back. I mean, I get it. It seemed to all be handled well in the end though. People never consider consequences. Only the benefits in the NOW. This thread wouldn't be complete without this. An unprecedented pandemic prompted health concerns, mass cancellations, loss of billions, etc. A complete disaster that the cruise lines (or anyone for that matter) wasn't prepared for. Next time, there should just be a giant cancel button on the desk of the CEO so they can be better prepared to refund everyone immediately. Internet warrior needs that discretionary money in their hands immediately.
  8. I carried a lot of Guaifenesin over the past few years because I was getting sick a lot over the past few years, and having buildup in my chest. It wasn't fun being in public and having to cough/clear my throat constantly. I made some changes on diet and supplements to consume things that were heavily supported to improve immune function. I believe I've been sick once in the past 8 months, and it was more mild. I also used to take antacids. Then I realized how bad that is for you, and found a more natural alternative. All of these OTCs for unhealthy habits are terrible.
  9. Higher decks are more money. It's one of the few "upgrades" I personally do most of the time as it is nice being within walking distance of Lido. I think sometimes people overdo it with booking their cabins by "predicting noise." In 10 rooms I've never had an issue, minus the occasional jerk in the hallway.
  10. Whatever you do, I wouldn't wait around and risk losing it.
  11. Another reason not to fly with just a carry-on for "liberation". Last time, I found a bottle I really really wanted (and was not available in the states). I was very glad I was able to bring it home. I always bring my wine carrier to the cruise as I'm transporting wine there. On the way back, it can carry a new bottle if I need it to.
  12. While I'm sure I will strike a nerve with some, the "medical need" definition certainly continues to be stretched. Not necessarily saying that here, just in general.
  13. For a lot of people, poor customer service is not hearing what they want to hear. Honestly, some people need to take a step back from whatever they expect and consider reality. Imagine you ask the most obscure question to any organization, as many times as you want, to as many people as you want, expecting to hear what you want? Who knows how many different ways it was asked. It's fairly clear that an answer was given on here previously, and it was still not accepted.
  14. I will sum up the two top themes without reading the thread: - I hate it. Kids don't belong in the casino - MY KIDS are the most well-behaved ever. Probably more than the people in the casino
  15. That sounds absolutely awful. Good luck getting 25 people to commit to a time, and then waiting for a table that large. That'll probably eat up at least an hour each night.
  16. The voyage burger was very good
  17. What's not to love: being in the same spot for a week (or more) and missing out on other experiences you might never have again. Bars and food are open elsewhere too. Again, it sounds more like feeling the need to stay behind because you spent too much on the ship.
  18. One of my favorite parts about cruising is the variety. I'd much rather feel like I didn't do everything vs feeling like there is nothing to do. With that said, I feel like there is plenty of time to enjoy the ship and whatnot. I believe a lot of people overdo it on the cruise fare itself, and feel like they need to stay on it to get their monies worth. We go cheaper on the fare so we don't feel inclined to stay in a suite, or on the ship for drink packages, etc. We always get off the ship, no matter what. Even if it's just for a stroll around the town for a little. More often than not, you find something you liked last time, something new, or had some other kind of fun. When you're done with the town, you simply walk back on the ship. Honestly, I can't side with drawing a line in the sand that says you will stay on the ship. Take it day by day. Take advantage of opportunities to explore and enjoy yourself. If that means going back to the ship, then go back.
  19. Honestly, I never had much of a concern with the quality of the MDR. I'm satisfied with my dish far more often than not (and let's be real, if you aren't, you can get that fixed rather quickly). However, it does get old only having the same choices every time. I'm very glad to see this. As we all know, you will never, ever please everyone. No matter what you do.
  20. Likely crunched some numbers to find scenarios that were most cost-effective. While my opinion may not speak for everyone, the last sea day at brunch is not even in my top 10 of times I would want a drink on a cruise.
  21. While I am not an expert on the topic, expecting a cruise line to have a specific brand of something, in a specific size does not sound like standard reasonable accommodation. That is far different than low sodium, gluten free, or other food preparation methods. They don't have personal shoppers to run to the store and stock up whatever people "need." I'd seek an accommodation at the very least where you can bring your own.
  22. The best part is, if you could book the exact Carnival 1986 experience today, people wouldn't want it. Sure there might be some nostalgic people and whatnot right off the bat. However, double the price, less amenities, less to do, no balconies, etc. People absolutely love to pick and choose the best parts of everything, and complain when it's not possible. Spoiled. This is actually more spoiled speak. The whole "worked hard" thing is fairly subjective. In fact, the cruise ship workers have probably worked harder than 95% of the passengers on the ship. Many of the employees that serve all of these hard workers on their various vacations will never get to enjoy the luxuries we have. There's also plenty of people on these ships that never worked or barely did, coasting off of the salary of a partner or family member. All while complaining about every little thing. Spoiled. I don't mean to put down your career or anything. I'm sure you worked very hard as many of us do. However, hard work has different outcomes for different people, especially in other countries.
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