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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. One other tip... when you use a voucher, the drink should show up on your account in the app almost instantly with the name of the bar you used and $0.00. This is another way to both keep track of how many you have used as well as make sure you weren't charged.
  2. What is "the home proctored covid test"? Could you be more specific? You can use any legit test you want with sites like RapidTestAndTrace or OnPoint. They each use different methods of video calling though. If you mean the emed test RC encourages you to buy, I'm not sure what they use as I've never used those but many here have and will be able to help. For example, RT&T uses a program called Microsoft Teams but you don't have to download it or set up any accounts, you just click on a link they e-mail you and voila! Very user friendly for those who aren't tech-savvy. It also works via phone or computer.
  3. We do the same exact thing. As an added bonus, the singles you get from your bank don't reek of smoke from the casino. 🤣
  4. No, they don’t roll over, use em or lose em. Tip: You do have 4 more on disembarkation morning (or turnaround morning if a B2B).
  5. I don't find them crowded on Oasis-class. I commented in another thread that I had never seen one as busy as I did last week on Indy though.
  6. The answer is supposed to be "no, those are the rules" but I see no reason not to ask the suite concierges when you get your pre-cruise e-mail. The worst that can happen is you get the above answer.
  7. You can also add your set sail pass to your Apple wallet (if you use Apple devices) to see the numbers under the bar code.
  8. Yes, I was just B2B on Indy from 7/15 to 7/22 and there was a lunch in the MDR for the 24 of us. We looked at the menu and passed b/c my wife is picky and I enjoy the day one paella in WJ but it was there. 3 choices for each course.
  9. DL is very quiet and relaxing nowadays. Not enough people in there to run a poll. 🤣
  10. I wasn't sure either and since our 1st cruise post-restart was in a suite on Harmony (as you know), that didn't tell me anything since I had both (plus the 11-11 drinks) and I can't come close to drinking that much, lol. After 7 nights with just the vouchers last week, I'm definitely in favor of the new system. I enjoyed trying different stuff including frozen drinks at all hours rather than something boring in the DL every night. It was a no-brainer for my wife who doesn't really drink but is now happy to have a couple virgin daiquiris while in the Solarium or at Cococay and an occasional mudslide for dessert (yes, she's a big kid). Since we're not that far from D+, my goal is to properly use all 10 vouchers when we get there. Wife was only using 2-3 on average so I need to step it up a bit. 😁
  11. Either my recent 3-nighter on Indy was an exception or I just didn't notice b/c our routine doesn't involve much partying (lots of eating, Solarium rather than main pool, DL, ice show, headliner, trivia, etc.) The one thing I did notice... I've never in my life seen Sorrentos so busy at all hours of the day/night. That could be a result of the drinking, of course.
  12. Very likely to stick but there are always exceptions.
  13. Thanks for the updates, blondcat. Glad the gangway incident and storm didn't ruin that day and my minor bits of advice helped. My wife saw a very similar shark on Cococay last Wednesday. Enjoy the rest of your trip! I couldn't last more than a couple hours in a theme park in the heat we have here right now. Drink plenty of water. Advice for next time... get a suite on Wonder if it fits your schedule and budget (it would be a 7-nighter of course). Since you mentioned some of the suite perks, I can safely say you would absolutely love them on that ship. YouTube if you're not familiar.
  14. I just did a B2B 3-night and 4-night on Indy last week (was in Cococay with Freedom on both legs)... FWIW, I barely noticed any difference on either leg from the 7-night cruises I am used to taking in the Summers.
  15. It's impossible to generalize about RoyalUps. Way too many variables like the ship, length, how full it is, etc. Beyond that, no one truly knows how the algorithm works. All that said, I wouldn't bid much more than the minimum, but only you can put a price on the value of that window to you.
  16. 1st thing I did after getting my Walgreens “negative” e-mail before my 1st cruise after restart was go to the bank.
  17. I didn't drink much there either (was too busy eating as usual) but my drinks were mostly from there. First drink each trip came from Chill Island where my wife snorkels early in the morning before we spent the rest of the day by the pool (and making food runs).
  18. I'm not even a big drinker and I know what you mean. Counting the singles for tips in my pocket also didn't work on that one cruise b/c I was being a good uncle and tipping for my 12-year-old niece's virgin drinks when I took her to a bar. It was much simpler being alone with my wife last week. Back in steerage. Less money, less problems, lol. Using vouchers on Cococay was interesting though. On our two trips, they didn't show up at all the 1st time and the 2nd time they showed up later on under one of the ship's bars.
  19. Yes. I'll take my sample size over yours. Thanks for winking at me.
  20. Reading this forum everyday for months is my source. You don't have to believe me though.
  21. The majority of D members have said they prefer the 4 vouchers for any drink any time over the 3 hour happy hour with the limited menu... so while you consider it a downgrade, you are in the minority.
  22. This is correct. The “tap type” cards have a chip in them rather than a magnetic strip so they will not risk damaging the chip by punching a hole in the card.
  23. Nice. Never seen those. Natural choice for a creamer.
  24. Trash can punch, lol. The Sprite was very important.
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