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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. We were away on a long cruise and I want on these boards…can you give me a link to your review of Adventure? I saw some not good posts on that other site and were booked next year. Thanks.
  2. That sounds cool! Did you take any pictures of that to share? We’re watching for a canal cruise for 2025, full up in 2024….
  3. Thanks for all the pictures!! The views from the height of the ship are way better than we got from that teeny tiny ferry boat we were on in February!
  4. We got off our ship yesterday, the 2nd leg of our B2B and didn’t get an invoice emailed like they said in the disembark paper. And yes we also checked our spam. We did get the survey though. The first leg we got the invoice emailed very soon after. Im only interested because we had a credit after the cruise and I want to be sure we do get the credit. Should I call someone?
  5. Just got back from the Odyssey TA and catching up with this thread. Although I like the WJ annex, it’s a good idea to convert it to a card room. On Odyssey almost every table, every venue including 270 and every bar we visited, was overtaken by card/game players. We couldn’t even have lunch in Gio’s Wine Bar because there was nowhere for us to sit and the guy there said they can’t say anything. The lectures in 270 had most if not all the tables taken over all day with card/game groups, who were loud at times and disruptive for those of us that wanted to hear the lecture. Many tables in the WJ also had people there all day. I have nothing against card or other games, and obviously on a TA with many “at sea” days, it’s necessarily for people to have places to go, I just feel they need a place to do it. I heard grumbling about the the chair hogs in the Solarium too for the same reason, they needed a place to go. I’m not complaining here, we had a beautiful balcony we enjoyed, I’m just stating what we saw. And for a cruise as long as the World Cruise will be, a dedicated area for cards and games is a good idea.
  6. Since I wrote that he checked and found out he can use that outlet too. Thanks.
  7. On Odyssey now and at yesterdays D+ lunch with officers I asked and he said he’s going to Utopia
  8. Since they made this change we have always been asked if we prefer morning or evening and we have always chose evening. I do admit that on this cruise I don’t think we’re getting the same through servicing as the morning. There’s things I notice like we always have to ask for things that we’re running out of, and I don’t think our carpet has been vacuumed but I’m ok with what she’s doing.
  9. We’re currently on Odyssey TA and also have everything service and I’ve seen our room attendant in the hall on some nights until 9. Have you asked guest services to see if it’s just your attendant or it’s the whole ship? I know ours said most want morning and was happy we chose evening
  10. I tried the patch many years ago and had terrible reactions from it. I then tried half a patch and still had bad reactions. I bring Ginger essential oil and put that behind my ears and on wrists if we’re rocking and if it’s really rocking Bonine works great! Try that and see if it works but have a backup in case of reactions.
  11. I bought a small new adapter that has the USB-C outlets that we use for our IPADs, which replaces our older one with the regular USB. we also have a converter that we use and may use for DHs CPAP on Serenade. Unless he finds a small converter for next to the bed.
  12. The food in both the WJ and MDR is nowhere near as tasty or healthy as what I make at home!! Maybe I’m a picky eater because I prefer my food to be cooked properly, to be WARM, not loaded with salt, and tasty enough that it doesn’t need to be covered in some sort-of gravy to mask whatever it really is. Regardless, we still cruise because I love the ocean. Ad an added bonus is I don’t gain weight.
  13. I’ll be following along as we’re on 2 legs of the world cruise and were also on the same cruise as you in February and hope things are better than they were then. Im hoping the chillers really “chill” and DH would Like an outlet next to the bed or near the bed for his CPAP that not a European plug. enjoy!!
  14. Are there only European plugs? DH said his CPAP can’t use that unless he has a converter.
  15. It’s ok we’ve been on many cruises with this menu so I’m kind of used to it. I always ask for more veggies too. The plus is I dont gain as much 😁
  16. I saw that video and am crossing my fingers they bring back the classics as well as more vegetarian items. So far on our B2B on Odyssey many nights I’ve only eaten appetizers for dinner. No entrees.
  17. So you pre-booked online 1 specialty dinner for each of you and when you got there for dinner you told them you’re using the BOGO and they accepted it? In other words they were only expecting 1 person to show up and two came instead? Did you only choose days 1 and 2 or further out? Have all ships accepted this? We’re currently on Odyssey and I tried to use our BOGO for lunch at Giovanni’s and no matter how hard I pushed they wouldn’t budge. He kept saying why wouldn’t I want dinner instead and I said it’s too late for me to eat that much. Other ships we had no issue doing that. I wish it was more consistent across the fleet.
  18. The voucher is added to your card. That’s how they did it on our cruise. Not all cruises need this but we’re top heavy and one quirky coffee machine isn’t enough
  19. From what I was told in Cafe 270, it’s restricted to cappuccinos and lattes without any syrup or flavorings. Same as you would get in the lounge. An odd thing in Cafe 270 yesterday I was told by the guy making it that because I’m D+ over 340 I can get the big cup. I thought that was odd.
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