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Everything posted by Jasukkie

  1. He's a hoot. As the captain though, any lateness is on his decision to wait. It is pretty hilarious to hear him go on very directly about latecomers.
  2. My experiences since the restart, enforced in Seattle and Bayonne, not enforced in Los Angeles. I've only done a port stop in San Juan so I don't know the logistics of boarding there but you may be able to drop your bags off and go eat lunch nearby or go sightseeing.
  3. It's listed for $150.99, also without any description, for Radiance of the Seas. The only thing is a weight limit restriction of 300 pounds. As others have said, the beach is free access. This could possibly be worth it, knowing you can relax about transportation with your mobility challenged person, if it included a reserved shaded cabana, lunch, drinks etc, but as there is zero description it looks like a rip off.
  4. The only cruise I caught Covid on was my unmasked one. I let my guard down, regretfully. Enjoy your B2B.
  5. No, it would be very unusual to see someone leave cash on the table in the MDR. Some people with traditional dining who have the same servers every night may give a supplemental tip at the end, but you have already tipped if you have paid your auto-gratuities.
  6. Get the earliest boarding time you can get and head to one of the restaurant stands. Don't go to Jamie's since they are the busiest being open for lunch. Give the host a list of your preferred venues and times and they will do their best to match you
  7. I find it to be more of a menu problem than a preparation problem. The choices feel dated. Virgin Voyages gets it right, but it's a completely different product with all specialty restaurant dining. Royal would need to spend a lot of money to transition away from the main dining room model.
  8. Definitely El Loco Fresh. I'm not sure why but the one on Navigator is much better than the one on Oasis.
  9. For me, the value isn't about the food but the service. I like the smaller, quieter experience. I'm also a big fan of Windjammer for dinner, which is very different from breakfast and lunch time. Just not a MDR fan.
  10. I can tell you what not to get. I love grilled octopus and the Giovanni version I received was rather wet and soupy, without any smoky char, and thus rubber bandy. I had the prawn entree. The prawns were fine, but the plating over potato puree was a very poor choice. I love potatoes, bake them, mash them, fry them, but save the pureed version for nursing homes. My dining partner didn't care for the risotto. We joked Giovanni's was a poor man's Olive Garden. If I ever do go back I will definitely try the filet, sounds good.
  11. I've noticed more and more height and weight restrictions on excursions. Sorry, no knowledge of how carefully they are enforced.
  12. I was very surprised at Windjammer on Oasis. Small, high volume, and definitely not a place to relax and linger. I like Radiance class best for Windjammer with the large outside areas. We ended up more at the cafe at Central Park and taking food out. Okay enough but limited on choices.
  13. I work for a large hospital system. We can test on day 7 and day 8 and if negative can return to work, masked as always. I was still positive on day 7 and 8 and had to continue out of work for the full ten days. No negative test is required at that point but I didn't test out of curiosity. Just the faintest of lines at that point.
  14. I'll add my data. Took four Covid era cruises masked, didn't get Covid. Let my guard down in May on Oasis and was infected onboard. Yes, it was definitely onboard because my group met on the ship having come from different locations and we all tested positive on day five of the sailing. I've flown about 20 times masked during Covid and never got it. Numerous trips to the grocery store masked, no Covid. Worked as a nurse with Covid patients, masked, never got Covid (was tested frequently). I believe in good masks, worn properly. It's a game of luck if you take them off to eat or drink.
  15. You've answered your own question that entertainment is a top priority. It's the lowest priority for me so I would have a different answer. I try to see the ice shows on ships that have them and maybe some Latin music in Boleros. Maybe a movie on deck at night. That's it for me. Most everything else feels cheesy to me, or highly repetitive if you're a regular cruiser. You do you though.
  16. Jordan's second bout of Covid was unrelated to cruising. She got it before she signed on to her current contract, she believes at a wedding.
  17. Did you get a print out of his positive test? I would ask about certificate of recovery. Rooting for you to get every penny back if they won't do that. I'm very pro-vaxx but I'm very anti-companies changing the rules to something you can't possibly do after they have your money.
  18. Don't look at it as complaining, look at it as seeking a solution. Present the opportunity for improvement. Set goals and communicate priorities to the powers that be in the dining room. Evaluate and give feedback. If problems continue, it may be time to wave the white flag and retreat to the Windjammer with a bottle of wine. I find the dinner staff there to be quite helpful and attentive. It's nothing like breakfast and lunch.
  19. It's rare to have that level of free time, enjoy it. If you want to be truly daring, don't get the internet package and unplug from the world. As to how to spend your days, I've crocheted, read books, walked for miles, spent all day on a jigsaw puzzle, played games, etc., etc. Since you are solo, you may want to take lunch in the main dining room as a way of meeting new people. (assuming you are okay with Covid risks)
  20. This is hilarious to me because that soup was memorably one of the worst things I've ever tried on a cruise ship. And I really like parsnips. There's some sort of dish advertised as tacos that is nothing close to being tacos. Not good. The menu assumes vegans want a very light spa type menu. Portion sizes are small. The vegan Indian dishes in the Windjammer are a better option for those who want to feel like they really ate dinner. It seems to be hit or miss on getting those options in the main dining room but it's worth asking.
  21. Personal choice. I like to eat outside on my balcony sometimes. I do wish they'd offer reusable containers you could return.
  22. I would say it's mid-level sushi. Well above a supermarket, but not destination sushi.
  23. Just risk mitigation. Bermuda has an excellent hospital but tourists tend to get sick or have accidents there and not be able to pay their bills. They do not charge Mexico prices.
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