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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Wow that's too bad. In the past they always said come directly to the stand and bypass the line.
  2. It's still my understanding that if you make reservations for MTD you can bypass the line and go right to the maitre'd stand, correct?
  3. Tried that before helped a tiny bit. My dentist doesn't do gas any more. I need to find out why. Looks like you had a great time. So pretty to be out on the water.
  4. We've had the restaurant manager check on us but never a head waiter.
  5. I bow down to you. Wow I could never do that. I'm so tense the whole time. After I get out of the chair I feel like I've gotten beaten up.
  6. That's great. Too bad you have to now go to the dentist. I hate dentist's they stress me out. I have a thing about someone else's hand and tools put in my mouth. The feeling of the scraping when they clean your teeth is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Good luck. Thank you Judy. You are so right. Thank you so much. I never thought about that you are so right. Makes no sense. @A&L_Ont Fantastic pictures Andrew.
  7. Wow that's a blast from the past. The Red Loin was the KC Chiefs hotel I stayed at every year for 12 years with the Chiefs when they played Seattle. It had a great bar and when the team stayed there it was always packed with girls. Needless to say fun times.
  8. Thank you all so much for your love and support. While I do not want any sympathy towards me I just wanted to pay tribute to someone I was very close to and was an incredible human being. Again thank you to all who took the time to post. And yes Bob that is one of videos that included me (I'm the one in my music studio) talking about Len. I hated doing it because it took me about 20 takes because I was getting too emotional. I'm way better behind the camera than in front. Here are some of the pieces that produced and edited about Len that were first used when he retired from broadcast television. I knew then that they could be used for his obit. Enjoy these video about Lenny.
  9. It was great when we had it on Harmony in the MDR with a lobster tail.
  10. I know Patti it is hard as we get older. Losing our closest of closest. That's horrible about your friend at a resort in Hawaii I'm so sorry. I must say when I go I hope it's on a cruise ship.
  11. I find it interesting to hear all the things you are thinking as you watch this season as I have already seen it on the Peacock app. What's interesting is that I thought all the same things that you are now thinking.
  12. Thank you to everyone who took time to comment of the loss of my dear friend and coworker Len Dawson. I just got through watching the hour long special my team at KMBC-TV put together for him. Many of pieces were pieces that I edited a couple of years ago when Lenny retired from KMBC-TV. I said to my boss at the time, we need to save these because some day Len will pass and we will need them for a tribute. I dreaded the day I would see those pieces again but now I'm glad I saw them. To remind me and to those that watched what a great man he was. One of the things Len taught me was about fine dining and good french cognac. I was blessed to eat in many 5 star restaurants all over the US with him. He bought me my first glass of Cognac and taught me that it's to be slightly warmed by the cupping of your hand under the glass and gently sipped. We had many glasses over the years and laughed and told many stories. Thank you for the memories and the imprint that you left on my soul. Cheers, Leonard Ray Dawson.
  13. Great Job Dave! I think you did an awesome job. I bow down to you my friend. I’m glad I inspired you. Thank you!
  14. Do not pay attention to the sales hype and percentages off. They mean nothing. Royal can do some interesting math to make something appealing. Just go with the price. If you feel comfortable with it go ahead and buy it. If the price of the DDP goes down you can always cancel and rebook. If you don't know if a drink package is right for you it depends on how much you drink. Use this calculator to see if the DDP is right for you. Keep in mind the DDP covers all your soft drinks, water and coffees too. https://cruisespotlight.com/drink-package-calculator/
  15. I agree not good and you would think for a nice resort they could provide a better third party transportation.
  16. And especially since I've always seen it on the menu in that past.
  17. Great intro, love it. Glad you are back in the game. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure. I will especially be interested in hearing how all the bars are stocked and if there are any shortages. Let me know what whiskey's and bourbons are on board as we whiskey snobs don't get the love that wine and scotch lovers get. I also hope you get great food. Seems to be hit and miss on different ships. Have a great cruise!!!
  18. I am heartbroken. Please no sympathy for me. I do this post only as a tribute to my longtime close friend and coworker for over 38 years. NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback and sports broadcaster legend Len Dawson. Len passed away last night he was 87 years old. I first met Len Dawson as a child. I was maybe 6 or 7 years old getting a haircut at an upscale barber shop in Kansas City that my father had brought me to. As I was getting my haircut two chairs down from me a man got finished with his haircut and got out of the chair and put on a full length mink coat. He walked by me and stopped and smiled at me. He said, “how are you doing sport?” Having no idea who he was I just said ‘fine.” After he left my barber asked me, “do you know who that was?” I said “no” to which he replied “that was the great quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs Len Dawson.” I thought wow that was pretty cool. He stopped and took the time to say hi to me. Now fast forward. I have had the pleasure and honor of working with Len for over 38 years with 12 of those years as a sports video journalist covering the chiefs. Because Len was the color commentator for the Chiefs radio network and we had the Chiefs Coaches Show I traveled with Len on every road game on the team plane. I traveled with Len to every city in the US and spent time with him in Berlin and Tokyo for NFL abroad games. Most professional athletes have giant egos but not Len. Everywhere we went people would want to come up and meet him and get an autograph. He was always accommodating and very courteous. He talked to everyone young and old. But it was especially the young kids that he engaged with. Remember my first experience as young kid? I can’t even tell you the number of autographs he gave unconditionally over the years. He taught me many things. How to be humble. How to sometimes be quiet and just listen. How to be the utmost professional. He also taught me about fine food dining as we got to eat in the finest restaurants around the world. He even taught me how appreciate fine wine and cognac. They don’t make professional athletes like him anymore. He defines class, honesty, humbleness and dignity and he did it on the field as well as off. A true gentleman that treat everyone with kindness and respect. I’m proud and honored to have worked along side him for so many years. He was more than a coworker he was my dear friend. He once told me that if I ever need something to call him. Len was that kind of a friend. So many stories, so many memories. He is one of a kind a true Kansas City hero and treasure.
  19. Seems a little too close for comfort. Was the Carnival Captain trying to prove a point?
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