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Everything posted by kdr69

  1. OMG is that a hair?.....kidding....:) Rooms looks nice.
  2. Maybe im blind but all i saw in the video was a quick shot of a corner of a bed and a small picture of what could be a striped sheet so im not sure what decor is beiing talked about?
  3. I take my son to HP Trivia everytime cause i know he will win it lol. Even the host is completely amazed he knows some of the answers to questions. Hell even im amazed at some of the answers he provides.
  4. My son did lol, He blew everyone out of the water including the cheaters and took home that gold ship on a stick!
  5. There arent enough days left in my lifetime for me to get there short of a Powerball win so i can sail weekly lol. Kudos to you.
  6. While im happy to follow along to learn more for our Pride Cruise in August i wish that you were on that cruise instead lol.
  7. Good to know about Blackberry i have them booked for our Aug Pride Cruise to take us to Dover.
  8. They also have a department for this. https://www.carnival.com/wedding-cruises
  9. yes i used to stay up till midnight myself until someone pointed out the time zone difference....DOH!!
  10. Never had one but i assume since its forward facing it would be like sticking your head out a moving car window on some days.
  11. This usually has more to do with Customs not being able to keep up and requesting the ship to slow the debarkation of passengers down.
  12. Dont know much about scooters but those look an awful like baby carriages to me?
  13. If its for after the cruise then buy them a bottle of whiskey from the Liquor Store onboard. Usually some good choice for afficionados....
  14. Here is a site you can check out https://4allfamily.com/
  15. My ex wife has been taking insulin for years on our excursions and never carried it anywhere but in her insulin case. Also the coolers in the room were more than sufficient to store her isulin in.
  16. Ice Buckets on Celebration if my memory serves me correctly.
  17. This would not be a big issue with me since i cant swim lol
  18. How far back are you reading lol....For me its not just the activities but the entire atmosphere on board feels FUN.
  19. Not sure i understand what you mean by FCC issued by AON? FCC's are issued by Carnival when you cancel if you are eligible since you would have to cancel through them not through AON? Maybe im just confused?
  20. KA CHING$$$$ damn well paid for em by that time....
  21. FTTF goes AFTER Diamond, Platinum and Suite Guests not WITH. Not sure how that equates to the same perk. Its just another level of BEFORE everyone else. Hopefully nothing changes before April of 2024 when i take my Platinum cruise and dont need to pay for FTTF anymore. 😊
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