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Everything posted by Bo1953

  1. Den, Hold it in your Iconic Suite, that way the Butler will take care of everything for you, soup to nuts! LOL Cheers and bon voyage
  2. Personally, pending on how you contracted your insurance, I would not worry about it until day after missing or delay of any departure flight. Please remember to keep scrupulous records from emails and screen shots/printouts from when flights were canceled and notes as to discussions about any new flights offered or recommended by you and of course the receipts from pre-payments and email correspondence for any cancellations. Ask your insurance broker to assist, if need be. The insurance company will be more interested and wanting documentation supporting the missed/cancelled flights which caused the financial loss. It could be that the first flight (if multiple) gets going yet connecting flights can be the challenge... I think, in the end, all will be well and everyone will have a relaxing trip, overall, regardless of the stress leading up to it... the cruise, hopefully, will be the icing on the cake of it all... Good luck and bon voyage
  3. He may need to upgrade for any large video clips to be dl'ed... bon voyage
  4. I know that stinks, but your third party travel insurance would cover any non-refundable costs associated with this situation. I trust all will work out in the end and nothing has to be cancelled... Good luck and bon voyage
  5. Actually, he could pound the beef before eating it... or ask for it to be warmed up again after beating it tender... LOL bon appetit and bon voyage
  6. Can he or you get regular 'play by play' emails from friends or other fans with clips to follow??? Lots of emails, too... over a few hours. Good luck and bon voyage
  7. The booking process for 'many' cruise lines that offer air to their booked passengers is that of a third party travel agent which in many cases can provide more 'economical' airfares internationally based on contractual agreement with certain airlines. Those fares are the inducements to get passengers to book vis-a-vis the cruise line, along with payment of the tickets at final payment for the sailing, more often than not. Travel agents, no matter their flavour have no control over how the airline operates, they can only do what they can to assist and get you to where you need to be day of embarkation. If an airline changes schedule, cancels a flight or whatever the TA can only roll with it and try to get you where you need to be when you need to be there. NO guarantee, only a strong promise to assist as best and how they can within the restrictions of the contracts they have with any one airline. Those of us who cannot live with those policies really need to consider booking air on our own terms and forget about the money savings as you have pointed out. Provided we understand if we do book on our own, then we are fully at the mercy of the airline and not TA (in this case the cruise line) and have to figure out how to get where we need to be when we need to be there... Are the cruise lines 'seemingly' lax in their communications and out reach? Quite possibly so, yet appears to be overwhelming from those who have issues and post here. Yet, I Am willing to believe, for the moment, that most passengers get to where they need to be when they need to be there. As far as I can tell, again, you have answered your own question... still your choice how to proceed. bon voyage
  8. Have you asked/inquired about Viking Air on that forum??? I would think that far more individuals will have that experience vs those of us here... to impart their first hand knowledge. bon voyage
  9. Actually, arrive anytime you wish before the latest time assigned most recently on the app. There can only be two (2) outcomes: 1) you board at whatever time you arrive OR 2) you will be asked to return at the assigned time (whichever it is the pier shows). Get in a quick walk all while taking a deep breath in anticipation of board, if the latter happens... bon voyage
  10. It sounds like you have rhetorically answered your questions... bon voyage
  11. Of course... Take a look at X's website.... provides input on this... bon voyage
  12. Both, pending on ones beverage package... LOL Cheers and bon voyage
  13. My only comment is, if there were tea bags, ice and lemon available, then iced tea was available one has to work make it... Just think, if they did not have any lemonade available, the work you would have to do to get some!!! LOL Cheers and bon voyage
  14. You did mean 'tipple' (n) correct??? LOL Cheers and bon voyage
  15. Even to the point of going to GS to escalate the complaint... (or something to this effect if not exactly quoted). You are quite correct, at least one (1) poster was supportive of that move... bon voyage
  16. Travel Agent may have been notified.... and not passed it on. bon voyage
  17. They will, exactly the day you make final payment on it!!! LOL In health and bon voyage
  18. Okay, My bad for not recognizing this... Yet, as a rite of passage on CC (... and I have been hazed here, too!!!), it just shows that often times some of us fail to peruse postings before posting and as such get 'caught' or called out on it all. I Am sure you know that most of us will go out of our way to help someone who really has a challenge or issue of note with detailed information... With some of the pejorative phrases, words and whatnot, most of us will likely not show mercy. Additionally, being E+ AND with TA... Is this really the worst thing that could have derailed the OP's sailing??? Especially a rant such as it was unidentified as such? No request as to how to approach the situation, if it needed to be addressed either before, during or after the sailing??? As I have said before, were I to write what the OP wrote, PLEASE come after me with all brimstone and fire to get me back in line about priorities and principles.... bon voyage
  19. l - not at the moment, I think you covered it... Thank you. While I actually believe it is syntax and sentences, overall. And if we believe that it needs updating, there is always the edit button or append to our original post. thank you and bon voyage
  20. Especially when it is entirely possible that the TA received the info and forgot to forward it??? Then again, possibly not. bon voyage
  21. ... or keep us returning to CC to read what is next!!! LOL bon voyage
  22. tr - I, for some reason, have archived all of her messages to me... and I do re-read them every few months to get a renewed grip on living and life and her influence on how I view cruising and specifically X, even though she did sail other lines, X was her line of choice and it showed!!! Unlike me, often, she was very even tempered and gracious... Thank you for mentioning her - bon voyage
  23. tr - while I had not saved the info, yet in the announcement of Edge Class ships, there was a lengthy paper released on IV's and the research before hand and the resulting move towards that style of ship. It was posted here on CC in the Edge Forum with some robust discussions (ha ha ha, who knew it would carry on to this day!!!) over the issue of being an OV with window that opened, how ugly the ship looked, etc... and more not covered in current discussions. Yet, many of us followed along the build, a few of us were fortunate enough to be on the Maiden Voyage and a few of us were beneficiaries of experience(s) of those here who sailed The Edge during the first few sailings and beyond... Ahhh, but a sweet memory of the pre-build days... there were former ship builders and engineers who chimed in on the discussions, too. Some accepted their professional opinions and some tried to bunk the opinions, of course the few of us commenting on the pro or con of the IV's were in that category of builder or engineer.. yet we chimed in regardless... LOL bon voyage
  24. Good thing they were not booked into the Iconic Suite... can you imagine the additional wrath??? Security, security, security... we have a situation at the Retreat... (what code would that be???) LOL bon voyage
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