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Everything posted by BecciBoo

  1. We LOVED it on Odyssey. One of my favorite shows on any ship. Can't wait to see it again. Guess I'm just easy, but I was fascinated. But then again, I did not like Mama Mia at all and I've seen it twice.
  2. My favorite are the old sourdough rolls and they have really cut back on them as well, but on Allure I asked for both of them and I got them the next night. I even request them warmed and they were more than happy to comply. One of my favorite adages: "You have not because you ask not". So I always ask and politely smile if they refuse...and there are some times they do.
  3. Tips from Garden5B: I cut down the recipe to 1/20th of the original. For my savory base, I used 2/3 soft sun-dried tomatoes, 1/3 potato flour and some italian seasoning. I ran it all through the food processor until it was pretty much the consistency of flour. I think next time, I would reduce the sun-dried tomatoes to 1/2 or slightly less, and make up the rest with the flour/italian seasoning. As an avid bread baker, I think you will be able to substitute wheat flour (bread) for the potato flour though and come out pretty tasty anyway.
  4. I had them on Allure last September. Any baker will tell you that is not factual. They should have the Potato Bread Flour on all the ships, but maybe yours didn't. Here's the recipe courtesy of BIGKAHUNA: Savory Bites Recipe Servings: 1157 pieces (!) •25 pounds Potato Bread Flour. •2 ½ pounds Savory base. •2 pounds Margarine. •5 ounces Dry Yeast •7 ½ liters Water. 1.Mix all ingredients for 2 to 3 min slow and 5 to 6 min fast speed until well developed. 2.Rest the dough for 30 min. 3.Scale into 16 oz. pieces and pre shape. 4.Roll them sheet pan long and dip in Poppy seed, than put 9 pieces on one sheet pan. 5.Store in freezer overnight. 6.When ready to bake defrost about 3 hours in the fridge, cut them into small triangles (25 pieces per pound stick). 7.Place 9 x 6 on one sheet pan. 8.Bake them between 220 °C and 230 °C and steam for about 13 to 17 min until golden brown.
  5. Just ask for them at first dinner, they will have them for you the next day. I have done it many times,
  6. Not that unusual, I've done the same since I learned about a "Swingers" charter cruise just before ours way back in 2012...LOL
  7. We had just about given up on Chops and low and behold it was our favorite of all the venues on Allure last September! Outstanding! We did Giovanni's and 150. All good but we were quite surprised about Chops. Oh I forgot about Sabors, we loved that too! Shortribs were my fave. We did it long ago and weren't that impressed but this time good, we'd do that again too. Woohoo, Bon Voyage ya'll. OK I'm getting that cup!
  8. Sorry ADPMOM that we have hijacked this thread so many times! 🙄
  9. 🤣 First breakfast is mainly in Diamond Lounge where he gets our lattes and a pastry. Second breakfast is usually at Rockets or the main dining room.
  10. In the words of the climate professor in Day After Tomorrow...."I'm afraid that time has come and gone, my friend." LOL Triple what we paid in October LAST YEAR!
  11. We were getting our third block for ICON and I had to go and book Voyager for a quicki in March and that may have messed it up. Thinking they'll be giving it to us for Voyager...darn cruise addiction!
  12. Hubs loves his time walking around with nobody there too. He does all his photos then so we don't have to later. THen I join him for first breakfast around 6...LOL
  13. Yep, I nod off quite frequently back there. BUT I still get up at 5.
  14. I wasn't offended, I just know that statement was untrue. Plenty of people who love the ocean and cruise for that and that only, love the big ships. And you are free to make any statement you want, and I am free to refute it...no worries. And I wasn't trying to be hostile, I just don't appreciate it when folks think their view is the only view. I never forget I am on the ocean, especially when I spend so much time here on the big ships:
  15. I take real exception to that statement. Big Blue is always my first reason for cruising and...itineraries are almost all the same for any class. But we do enjoy the latest innovations on the new ships. I try hard never to make such exclusive or absolute statements. Didn't you mean to say that YOU wouldn't be flocking to it?
  16. It's been mine on all my Oasis class sailings, I spend naptime there! 🤣
  17. First time I've heard it called that, but it is certainly apropoe. Terrible!
  18. Sleep is for the weak 🥱 We get up at 5:00 here in Arkansas....just can't waste a single second of the day.
  19. Celebrity still holds its place in our most expensive cruises, consistantly being above $3300 for a balcony and 2025's Asent Sunset Balcony cost us $2499 for 2. And I consider that a real deal for their newest ship, but we booked so far out it was reasonable... but ICON now holds it for an inside cabin! Another deal at $2400 for in inside accessible. We booked it last October. Booking early is your best bet. Now that cabin would cost us triple what we paid.
  20. We have done all classes and my favorite is now the Oasis sisters. So much to do...love it. So I am sure ICON will be just as interesting. The crowds have never bothered us on them, in fact, we had more crowding issues on Voyager class than any others. Having said that, ICON is just about the last cruise we will take because ALL ships fares are just pricing themselves out of our league. We're just glad we booked last year when they were cheaper...our interior cost us $2400! Yikes! Time to think about land cruises at our age.
  21. WE were there December 13th of last year and it was very chilly, never got in the Lagoon Pool nor the ocean. In fact, we sat in loungers enjoying the little kids that were turning purple and went back to ship after about 2 hrs. If the weather doesn't co-operate, you might as well not get off.
  22. We loved Bonaire for a dive trip, but cruising...I can only say I would prefer the Bahamas over the ABCs. Much more to see and do. BTW, the ABCs are DESERT islands. Not tropical, the only palm/coconut trees were imported. All cactus and bramble. People grow their fences out of cacti. So the Eastern or windward islands are much prettier. IMO.
  23. We did the Presidential on Liberty which is in the middle and loved it, we really never noticed the big grey area, we were always in a lounger and you really see the wake well from that angle! Of course you wouldn't get that one but the JS would be about the same one deck above. The only down side is the very long walk to the elevators, but the amenities more than made up for that. You can see the JSs above us well on this vid. GOPR1114.MP4
  24. Yes I was fascinated with Oasis passing under. Thanks so much. I enjoyed it.
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