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Everything posted by Cruisin'allovertheworld

  1. What would seasons in Australia and Alaska have to do with reduced formalwear? I'm very glad that I'll be on my first Cunard cruise (and only my 6th ever) next January!
  2. To be fair I feel that there is some difference between dressing as a slob and meeting formal dress requirements...hyperbole I'm sure! I would enjoy every night being formal attire if I'm honest but as long as there is one or two on my upcoming 10 day voyage I won't complain. 😄
  3. Hello everyone, I am brand new to Cunard and am going to be traveling on the Queen Elizabeth departing from Sydney January 22nd, 2024. I am just having a quick look for accommodation (I'm from Perth) and I was wondering where the ship will depart from? There seems to be multiple terminals in Sydney. Thank you.
  4. From reading the article my impression is they aren't putting all their eggs in one basket- they've secured a cabin but are keeping their house also. I imagine that people are allowed to come and go as they please, within reason? Is this a scenario where you are able to purchase a time-share type thing? That would help diffuse the cliques... It is definitely not something I would do if I had their budget and situation...but each to their own.
  5. Hi all. I was wondering how you could tell what dining arrangement you have? It's a long story but suffice to say we don't have control of our booking and the company that does is unwilling to do anything or answer any questions. We were not asked by them what we desired, either.
  6. Hi all. This will be my first time with Holland America. I am travelling for 7 days on the Koningsdam in July. I would love to be able to consume 30-40 ounces of soft drink a day. I read that on the Koningsdam there is a Freestyle Cola machine, so though I ordinarily prefer cans or bottles at home I'm prepared to stick to that if it is the best option cost wise. Any info about this machine (location, if it works etc) would be appreciated. I also drink around 100 ounces of water a day. I prefer still, filtered water. I've never had water from a can. I am unsure about the availability and quality of free water onboard, so any info on that would be appreciated. How much does water and cool drink cost onboard? I'm sure it varies but there is absolutely no information I've been able to find on this and as I have no interest in any other beverage type I'm trying to figure out if I'm best off having a package or paying as I go. Thanks all.
  7. Well yeah...I mean we do have actual gun restrictions and universal health care here, so to be honest a first world country that doesn't seems pretty crazy. I also find it bizarre that you're determined to paint Mexico as more dangerous than the USA, even though the facts and figures DO NOT bear this out in any way for the type of experience we are discussing. I'm aware. I read the news every day. However, like ldtr says possible danger is to do with getting in the way of the cartels or dressing/behaving inappropriately for the situation you are in, presenting yourself as a possible target. Violent gun crime (i.e. specifically targeting a person/s, with the intent to injure/kill) is higher in Mexico than the US but you're still more likely to be killed by a gun while just existing/being in a tourist destination in the US than Mexico. You folks was used as the plural-referring to the many individuals that make up the mass. Not you specifically.
  8. I did say some 'folk', not all. Hence alert. *eyeroll* You seem to have just a little bit of a chip on the shoulder about this issue.
  9. This thread quickly became hilarious for an Aussie. All y'all (as some of you 'folks' say) up there in North America be crazy. OP Be alert but not alarmed. That is how I treat every trip to North America. That is how I treat every trip to a place I am not familiar with.
  10. Sadly as an Australian all I can say is you're mistaken- that's our general internet speed!! Ha ha (but not...)
  11. You've mis-interpreted. I am put off HAL by all the snobbery and derision towards people who choose other cruise lines. I'm nervous about being stuck on a boat with people like that!
  12. This is the type of post that makes me feel nervous about cruising with HAL.
  13. My understanding of things is that in terms of ingredients/food items global warming and associated weather events are an issue and will continue to be, aside from any covid-related staffing/supply chain issues. I'm from Perth, Western Australia and we have recently had/are having a potato shortage due to flooding and wet weather. Just one example!
  14. 1) Wished for is so very different to need. 2) Incorrect. Technically the great depression in the USA went from 1929 to 1936, with 1937/38 being a recession. It was not until well into WW2 when the USA was forced into action...December 1941... 3) Congratulations. College degrees used to cost 2c...and were still financially unattainable for many. *eyeroll* Haven't cruised yet but going to be in July- and cannot wait, regardless of staffing levels.
  15. Absolutely 100% agree. That article was ridiculous. As a customer I'm not interested in who reports to whom in the corporate structure or what elements are organised by which people/organisations- I'm interested in the outcome of those reports. I care about the experience of organising a cruise and being onboard, not whether the IT department that facilitated my booking is HAL only or 'shared' between multiple lines.
  16. What an amazing thing to do! I'm super interested in hearing the details and seeing the pics. 🙂
  17. Not if you acknowledge it and use it for the benefit of others who do not have as much as you. Certainly it is if you wish to make things more difficult for some and then dismiss their increased struggle.
  18. Please re-read ALL of what I said. I didn't accuse the Cruise Lines of making a programme of "privilege" - I accused your statement that 'If it really matters to people they will find a way...' of reeking of ignorance and privilege. Which it does. The figures and explanation from me were a way to highlight how much ignorance and privilege it was reeking of. PS. Please note the single quotation marks above- indicating paraphrasing. This is truly bizarre and kinda weirds me out a bit.🕵️‍♀️ I am not bothered that less cruises depart from Fremantle than from the multiple ports in South Flordia. I have a happy life that my choices have made. I just dislike ignorance and lack of understanding of privilege and call it out when I see it.
  19. It is not my job. It is literally their job. Agreed! You couldn't pay me to do it, that's for sure! Good for him! That's a great age to retire- My dad was 56 when he retired but would have retired a little earlier if not for the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). My mum didn't work after I was born. Are you jealous because you won't be able to retire at that age? Honestly that is how it comes across. Also everyone in Aus/NZ.
  20. I have read up to this point in the thread and I just really, really needed to reply to this particular statement and sentiment. Not everyone is actually able to always 'find a way'- you know that, right? That statement literally reeks of privilege and ignorance. There are many reasons that it may not be feasible for a person/people to cruise in order to maintain a status. My husband and I live in Perth, Australia. In the next couple of years there is exactly 1 cruise departing from our nearest port (Fremantle). It is 18 nights from the 1st of March 2024 on Brilliance of the Seas. First of all as my husband and I are 36 and working (him)/studying (me) that length of cruise may not be feasible. It would certainly rule me ineligible to study for the semester, delaying graduation etc etc. An inside cabin (not my preference) is a little over USD$3,000. The cruise finishes in Sydney. We would have to fly back (USD$200-600 per person dependant on dates for an economy seat). Our other closest alternatives for ports are Brisbane, Sydney and Singapore. Accommodation can vary between USD$100-300 per night in these locations. Return flights vary between USD$250-450 per person at a low-season time of year per person for economy seats. Yes- in Australia it can be cheaper to fly return than one way. Why not drive? The drive between Perth and either Sydney or Brisbane costs around USD$1,000 in fuel and takes 44ish hours- the equivalent of driving from Vancouver to New York on the quickest possible route. A cruise (for us...and many others), whilst good value, is NOT inexpensive. USD$4500 (cost for inside cabin cruise, a night or two in a not-fancy Syd hotel, food while we're there and economy flights home) is equivalent to over AUD$6500 for 20ish days of holidays and the ability to keep our status. The average wage in Australia is about USD$1030 per week. If my husband was earning the average wage it would take him 6 and a half weeks (or over 12% of his annual pay BEFORE tax etc) to earn the money to pay for this. We are fortunate that we are more flexible than most for several reasons- 1) My husband earns significantly more than the average wage. 2) We do not have children. Check yourself and your privilege, please. It isn't as simple for everyone as it is for you.
  21. I have allergies to tomatoes and oranges. I also do not react particularly well to other members of the nightshade and rutaceae families so I have to be very careful in my daily life- balancing the odd so-so choice (like capsicum instead of tomato as a substitute in bolognaise) with good choices (carrots and other daucus/apiaceae family members really work for my system in particular- my bolognaise always, always has a tonne of carrot, celery and parsnip, lol.). One thing I have enjoyed about cruising was that eating was somewhat simpler- certainly easier than eating out with DH and friends/family on land. The food has always been adjustable to a certain degree (leave cherry tomatoes off my salad, please- and don't add the citrus dressing) and since the chefs are actually cooking the food answers to ingredient questions are reliable and trustworthy. Seriously look these food families up. If I am not completely customising my meals at home it is super hard- I am impacted by various spices, multiple fruits and vegetables and so on and so on. You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've asked 'Does this have any tomato in it?' 'Does this have any orange in it?' only to be told no when in reality it has tomato sauce, paste or even crushed tomatoes in it...or orange juice, orange rind etc. I have to make it clear it is an allergy as it is an unusual thing and people don't take it seriously. I don't want to spend a day or two sticking very close to my shower, toilet and sink because you didn't check or didn't think. I have no issues with the new menus- as long as they continue to let me alter things when necessary. I often supplement from the buffet as well as I can get all the plain-ish salad and veggies I like. PS I married an Italian and I love, love, love pasta...but it (mostly) doesn't love me back. 😞
  22. Nope. Your right to 'enjoyment' shouldn't trump my husbands' right to good mental health.
  23. I see no advantage to passengers in tipping. Or the crew, really. Only the corporation benefits when they don't have to pay people living/fair wages. As someone from a non-tipping culture (Australia) I absolutely abhor tipping. It feels slimy, sleazy and dogy to me. Could someone explain the benefit of it to me? Having said that when I have been to Mexico (once), Canada (once) and the US (twice) I have of course tipped. I don't want people to starve!!
  24. I regularly have toast and ricotta cheese (straight out of the fridge/container) either for breakfast or a healthy-ish snack. Yummo. 🙂
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