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SwordBlazer Cruising

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Everything posted by SwordBlazer Cruising

  1. Yes, it is. Covid was the catalyst and remains the reason why they are paying back billions at not the very best of interest rates. No major publicly traded cruise company is profitable, because of Covid. They can’t catch up. NCL tried to keep their rates high, it failed. CCL keeps their rates low, it has failed. The beat goes on.
  2. It is true to an extent its all of our vacations but some people just do not like to be told what and what not to do and me included sometimes. How should they handle the kids running and the boom boxes? Like do what, lock the kids in their cabin or fine the parents. Its a very touchy subject and this type of behavior is not exclusive to CCL as well.
  3. You do have a point but just remember that the same people who complain about these rules are perhaps the same people who break "other" rules like smuggling on alcohol or edible gummies, etc. Not saying this is you but it is a fact. Can't have it both ways.
  4. Thats correct. And MSC will give thousands of free cruises away and NCL will continue to loose hundreds of millions of dollars and RCL will be just as leveraged as Carnival. If anyone thinks the cruiselines are different they are mistaken.
  5. No, what we need is grown ass adults to follow the rules. I just came off a CCL cruise and I first hand heard a guest say they are entitled to do what they want as they sail 15 times a year, blah blah blah. You very well know what would the perception be if they started to rip or grab radios out of offenders hands...
  6. I have sailed on NCL and there was the very same marijuana issue there as well. The rude, obnoxious and arrogant guests are everywhere now perhaps a bit more on Carnival but I have personally witnessed security telling parents to stop their kids from running on lido and they basically told security to FO...
  7. A majority of the posts on CC including this one centers around one person and their lack of needs being met or their perception of cutbacks that affect them.
  8. To be fair, the Steakhouse is still a massive bargain compared to Mortons Or Capital Grille. Yes not the same ambiance but one steak there costs $54.
  9. Definitely was not intended for you, my error. Your points are VERY valid with great merit.
  10. I think the reason this is tossed around alot is there are hundreds if not thousands of YouTube videos on how to do this - smuggling alcohol onboard, all cruise lines.
  11. Very good point. Net of it all, if people don't like it they wont sail. If they don't care, like me, I will continue to sail.
  12. In my opinion it's not arrogant, its one step to curb a trend onboard, which is large fighting happening. In my opinion what's arrogant are my fellow guests who feel entitled, smuggle and do whatever they want in order to circumvent the rules. I would not be suprised to see Cheers be reduced as well, maybe to 12 drinks per day. No one on this forum, including me really knows the full reasons. We all speculate.
  13. And you can also find parents giving their minor children alcohol from bottles and watching them drink it from a cup that is not from the cruiseline. Its a problem all around and no decision will please everyone.
  14. You're correct but if you read most posts on this topic, one would assume everyone is a subject matter expert. You even said you wish the cruiseline would stop the BS. What BS? I am not as well by the way and chalk this announcement from them as a business decision and moved on.
  15. If you are very concerned with honesty, why don't you get mad or show your anger towards the thousands of fellow guests who are not honest, by smuggling alcohol onboard, giving alcohol to minors. That's the real problem.
  16. I think the big 3 have zero choice. It is either close up shop or do what they need to stimulate their business. This is similar, although not on the same scale as hotels. Housekeeping every other day, or on request, no more breaks at certain hotels, no lounge for elites and have you seen the rates for hotels these days? 300+ certain markets for Fairfield or Courtyard. The crusielines have to manage their debt the way they need to and I am very sure their finance people are infinitely smarter than me.
  17. That's why the stock price is not indicative of how the company is truely doing as whole. You actually made a food point. Why was the stock at one point $33 during the height of the shutdown in operations, with ZERO revenue coming in except for customer deposits all the while buring 750m to 1b a month? It goes to show you the market is very messed up.
  18. I disagree w this. The outlook is a whole lot better than during peak shutdown burning a billion a month. CCL will be good however NCL is the cruise line that is clearly the smallest and the lowest market cap with the lowest amount of assests. What do they owe the banks that are financing their ships vs what they got for loams in the marketplace during the shutdown - ALOT. I am not no financial expert by any means and this is simply my opinion. CCL and RCI have much more in terms of assets which in turn will prove to be beneficial over NCL.
  19. This is called your opinion. That's it. You do not have data nor anything tangible as to what is an actual cutback. The person next to you might not agree with your statement. The major thing that has changed in 20 years on Carnival and other lines are the clientele, in my opinion, what they expect and most importantly how they act onboard. That is the real change, again in my opinion. I have been sailing for 20 years also, like you so it's only fair that I provide my opinion.
  20. There are no profits. The big 3 have billions of dollars of debt due to being shutdown for 13 months. If the listed cutbacks happened in a normal business environment then yes it would be frustrating. I can understand why they are doing it now.
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