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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Happy Anniversary! A few parallels as I started dating my future wife in Dec of 1986, although we had been friends for about 2 years at that point. She was a couple years older than me, single mom to a 4 year old daughter who definitely was NOT shy NOR quiet. LOL Took me a little longer to pull the trigger but we eventually married in 1993, on the same day you met your future hubby - Nov 6th.
  2. I totally forgot about Beatlemania! I saw it as part of a class trip back in 1977-78 time frame. I guess that could be considered my first concert. Or was it a play since it was in a Broadway theater? 🤔
  3. As long as we are discussing concerts, has anyone watched "Trainwreck: Woodstock 99" on Netflix? For some reason, I don't remember this happening. I guess working in IT, I was probably busy saving the world from the Y2K Computer Crash non-event that was going to usher in the end of the world. 😉
  4. I'm a big Beach Boys fan even though their peak years were a few years "before my time". I can probably credit my older siblings who played their albums when i was a mere pre-school child, But their music is still the "quintessential" summer music. I saw them several times in the late 1980's and while the first concert was pretty good, let's just say they..and their voices.... did not age very well in the later concerts. Speaking of bands before my times, one of my first concerts was a 1986 20th anniversary tour featuring The Monkees, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, Herman's Hermits and the Grass Roots. I became a fan of The Monkees while watching reruns of their silly sitcoms in the mid-1970's, long after they broken up. I expected all the fans to be at least twice my age and was pleasantly surprised when a good majority were around my age. Apparently they all watched the show in their childhood as well.
  5. Jimmy Buffett gave one of the best concerts that I was never at. He was performing at the outdoor Jones Beach theater one evening. The parking lot was also one of the beach parking lots - mostly for late arrivals as it was one of the furthest from the beach. After spending the day on the beach, we returned to our car in the parking lot only to find it packed with concert goers. I've never seen so many pop-up tiki bars in one location in my life. We spent the next few hours tailgating - or tiki bar hopping to be more precise - while listening to music from both the theater and everybody's car radios / boom boxes. Turns out, he has quite the dedicated following of people that just park outside wherever he's performing to have a parking lot party. Felt guilty for a bit as we had nothing to trade and nobody would take out money for the food and drinks they gave us, but I guess that's' life in Margaritaville. ⛱️🏝️🍹
  6. DW & I had tickets to see Kenny Chesney when the pandemic cancelled his concerts. We had heard he puts on a great show. Got to see Garth Brooks multiple times as well a Toby Keith, both interact well with their audiences as well. Having been to rock, pop and country concerts, I have to say the country music concerts tend to be the most enjoyable.
  7. Every time I read something about the train derailment in Ohio, I can't help but think about the movie "White Noise" I saw on Netflix a couple of months ago. While the movie is well-acted and has some very witty and creative dialogue, the story lines are funny, horrifying and weirdly absurd all at the same time. So weirdly absurd, I'm not sure I can recommenced it but it might be worth cheeking out if you don't mind something a little bizarre. Anyway, there are several plot points in the movie one of which is a toxic train derailment in Ohio that forces the evacuation of a town for several days until the government declares it safe to return. I'm not going to say any more than that, other than fear of death is a recurring theme. The movie - which is set in the mid-1980's - doesn't specifically say it's in Ohio but that is where it was filmed.
  8. I know I’m a day late on my Super Bowl thoughts but that’s because 1) I’m not a football fan and 2) I didn’t watch the game live. I recorded it and watched it the next morning before learning the score. Took me a little over an hour to watch all 5 hours. Seemed like a good back-and-forth game but the real reason I stopped watching Super Bowls live (unless I’m at a watch party) is that there is just waaayyy to much pomp-and-circumstance. When it takes 10 minutes to perform a coin-flip, complete with slow motion videos, back stories and dramatic music, well, it tells me that this is more of a TV spectacle and the game is secondary. Half time show was ok, nothing spectacular. Which might be a good thing as they seem to always try to top the previous year’s half time show. I mean, it is a football game and not a concert or opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Which actually gives me an idea. Instead of having some almost washed-up superstar trying to revitalize their careers, how about local talent from the 2 cities playing (or 3 if you count the host city)? Commercials – liked the Breaking Bad “Pop Corners” and Crown Royal “Thank you Canada” commercials. Didn’t know Peanut Butter was a Canadian invention. So you thank you Canada! Also thought the TUBI commercial that had scary looking bunnies dragging people from the homes and cars in order to throw them down a never ending hole was very clever as we all sometimes go do the “rabbit hole”. Workdays ‘Rock Star” was enjoyable and was John Travolta& Bradley Coopers T-Mobile ads. Rant over, spring training is just around the corner and hockey playoffs in less than 2 months!
  9. Wonder how long before STI become IBCTI (Intimate Body Contact Transmitted Infections) because, you know, don't want to mention the "S" word. 😄
  10. Unfortunately, no. It's blocked outside the UK. There are ways around that - such as using a VPN - but that seems to be a bit involved. I may just pay the $5.99 when I'm ready to watch it again, binge watch the show & cancel after a month or two.
  11. How are you watching Broadchurch? I watched all 3 seasons just before it left NetFlix and recommended it to others that I know love that type of show. Plus, I wouldn't mind re-watching the first (and best) season again. When I search for it, it appears to be on Amazon Prime - which I have - but then need to subscribe to PBS Masterpiece for an additional $5.99/month. I already have 4 streaming services (2 paid for, 2 "borrowed" passwords) and don't really want a 5th. It's not the money, it's the principle. I'm already paying for Prime, why are they making me pay for an additional service??
  12. Leonard doesn't have to send me a card to let me know when he want's to be petted. He will jump on on my chair and start nudging me or head-butting me until I agree to pet him. When he's had enough, he'll gently push my hand away with his paw. If I continue to pet him, he'll push it away 2 or 3 more times. Eventually, the gentle push become more of a swat and if I continue, the claws will come out and it becomes a game where he is the predator and my hand is the prey. All good fun.......until he draws blood. I've learned my lesson the hard way. LOL
  13. I would have thought that the number of times Steve Martin hosted SNL would have been higher. He did it so many times that some people seem to think that he was part of the original cast back in the Bill Murray / John Belushi / Chevy Chase days, which is not case. Speaking of Chevy Chase, he left after the 1st season which is surprising since it seemed like he was on the show much longer. EDIT: Just fact checked myself, Chevy Chase was on for 2 seasons and then came back as a host 8 times and a "special guest star" 14 times.
  14. I've been told that this is like asking someone from Buffalo if it's Duff's or Anchor Bar for wings. Most today would say neither. These are the famous places that the tourists go. I have heard the same thing as well. However, it is good to know that if I really need a cheese steak at 4:00 am on a Tuesday morning, I know where to go as both are open 24/7.
  15. No offense but I had to chuckle at the words "adventure sports" and "golf" being in the same sentence. 😁 I shouldn't crack jokes though as I do none of the things you do. I used to snow ski and was contemplating a return to the slopes this year but with the warm weather and little precipitation, skiing on the east coast sucks.....even more than it usually does!
  16. Well, Little Miss HBE4 made the trip with me and 2 of her Ranger fan friends that live in Florida met us there. The 3 of them were all to happy to run down to Lobby Bar for me, especially since they were charging their drinks to my room. Lol.
  17. Amazon, maybe? They didn't say it was fresh😉 https://www.amazon.com/Amorosos-Italian-Rolls-Packs/dp/B00U9VOYM0/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32HNEUXZUKPR7&keywords=Authentic+Amoroso+Rolls&qid=1675715858&sprefix=authentic+amoroso+rolls+%2Caps%2C235&sr=8-1 I always say that that you need great bread to make a great sandwich .
  18. @sgmn Just wanted to add, there is a British Pub within walking distance of the Hyatt Place Tampa Downtown called the "Yeoman Cask and Lion". Now, I can't vouch for the authenticity of the place since I've never been to England but they sure like to make the menu items sound very British with items like "The Suffed Englishman", "The Fergie Melt" or "Union Jack Nachos". You may judge for yourself. https://yeomanscaskandlion.com/tampa/ I had the "The GHERKIN PASTRAMI TOWER". Looks messy but oh so good.
  19. I stayed at the Hyatt Place Tampa Downtown last June when the Rangers were playing the Tampa Bay Lightening in last years playoffs. Nice place, clean, quiet, friendly staff, great free breakfast. Typical big city hotel prices. Only complaint is the roof top pool didn't have a bar but I guess that's because it's more of a business persons hotel, not a resort. Don't confuse it with Hyatt House Tampa Downtown which is in the same building with the same lobby & amenities but the rooms are geared towards extended stays trips with more room amenities. Not sure why they advertise it as two different hotels. I would definitely stay there again. The area is very walk-able with plenty of places to grab a bite to eat or drink. As you noted, the Riverwalk is nearby as is Sparkman Wharf - a collection of shops & bar/restaurants right next to the aquarium. All walkable from the hotel. If you want to get adventurous, take the free trolley to Ybor City. It reminded me of a mini New Orleasn Bourbon Street without the scariness or crime. Below is a pic taken from my 12th floor window. It is zoomed in but I'm guessing Carnival & Royal terminals should be near each other??
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