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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. Judging by the steady stream of large drops close to the window, might be time to clean the gutters. 🙂😇
  2. I've heard about it but never have been there. I believe the original restaurant has closed but still sell jars of their various flavored Peanut Butters in local supermarkets.
  3. PB&J is my 2nd favorite peanut butter sandwich, right after peanut butter & apple butter on lightly toasted white bread. Or rye bread. Or English Muffin. 🙂
  4. I'm guessing there was no compensation coming your way, not even a bowl/plate/cup/Tupperware of strawberries?
  5. We are going to try the painters tape trick but you are on to something. He's got two scratch pads that we put in his favorite spots downstairs and that seemed to solve the problem with him scratching the downstairs furniture. We will get him a one of those tower/perch contraptions with scratching post & put it upstairs. But in the meantime, we'll try the tape. Thanks all!
  6. A few years ago, DW and I were celebrating our anniversary while on a cruise. Her daughter arranged to have "Happy Anniversary" signs and balloons and other assorted decorations delivered to our cabin as a surprise. Well, the surprises was that "Happy Birthday" decorations were delivered instead. We laughed it off & didn't say a word but our stateroom attendant - who know it was our anniversary - had it corrected and the proper decorations delivered the next day. Along with a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberry as an apology. I think maybe a tray of cookies too. Then the next day, a fruit basket and a bottle of wine shows up in the room as an extra apology. The moral of that long-winded story is, if that was offered for a mere mix-up in decorations when we didn't even complain, then @Sunshine3601 better get something at least as good for being poisoned & potentially sicken by worker incompetence. Ok, maybe that's a bit over dramatic and I know the cruise line doesn't "owe" anything but still...... I think you might be on to something. I wonder if CoCo Cay is a different department or "profit center" or "Revenue Generator" or whatever, than the ship, no compensation will be given once she was back on board. They might view the offer of a properly cooked sandwich as "compensation", similar to when the MDR offers to swap out a meal if you didn't like your first choice 🙄
  7. Good point and duly noted. I could argue that everything is included as well, it's just that some things cost a bit more to be included. But I won't. Honestly, I'm a lazy typist so it's easier for me to write "free" vs "included in the base price". 🙂
  8. Here is a break down of free dining vs for-fee dining, along with $$$$ scale to indicate how expensive each one is. You'll be able to purchase a specialty dining package to reduce the cost but if this is your first cruise in 15 years, plenty of free options before you become bored. https://www.royalcaribbeanincentives.com/ship/oasis-of-the-seas/dining/ For some odd reason it includes room service as a "free" dining option. I guess technically true but you'll pay delivery & gratuities.
  9. Are you also part Kangaroo? I think "my" Leonard might be as he has the ability to be completely stationary & sitting still one second, then launch himself 5 - 6 feet into the air. Is that a normal cat thing? Remember the aforementioned moth chase? I found it very entertaining until the moth flew in front of my face just as Leonard was launching into "attack mode". I'm 6'2" and we were face to face, his paws swinging away with claws extended. He also has the dexterity to twist himself out of the way at the last millisecond so we did not collide. He might be part bat as well. The moth escaped unharmed. For now.
  10. Hopefully there will be a free bottle(s) of wine coming your way soon to help kill any of those germs. EDIT: Or better yet, complimentary specialty dining.
  11. Leonard is doing well. Still adjusting to the new surroundings. Still a bit skitterish, some of the "house sounds" startle him. Things like the window A/C's or downstairs dehumidifier cycling in and out. The boiler, which is also our hot water heater in addition to providing winter time heat, kicks in every few hours will send him running into his mommy's bedroom. Hope he gets used to it by the time cold weather sets in as it will be kicking in a lot more. Which reminds me, got to order home heating oil now before prices start to go up. The only real "problem" is he likes to claw furniture despite having several scratching pads & towers. I'm told there is a spray thar can be used to discourage him. But its not a big problem just yet. Also, he's happy he is no longer the new kid on the block now that @Lionesss Lizzy and @Gardener5b Golden Retriever & Bassett Hound have joined the thread. Leonard would like to welcome them personally but he's busy chasing a moth. At least he's earning his keep by keeping the house insect free. Last night, he brought me a spider as a gift.
  12. I'm not sure I ever mentioned this but Thor has to be the coolest pet name ever. Next pet I have will be named Thor, even if its just a goldfish. 😃
  13. I've played those Quick Hit machine plenty of time in various casinos & cruise ships. When they get on a hot streak, it's a lot of fun and rewarding! Key word being "when"😉😄
  14. Colonoscopy was all good. Thank you all for your well wishes. Clean bill of health and will do again in 5-7 years. I was surprised that 7 years was suggested as I thought every 5 was the standard but after 3 procedures since I was 45 and no change), the doctor said I can stretch it out to 7 years. Although I may still stick with the every 5 years just to be on the safe side and since the insurance company pays 100%! I was craving McDonalds afterwards but decided I didn't want a belly bomber to be my first meal so I went home and had a "big" salad instead. Dinner last night was coconut crusted chicken cutlet with watermelon (sry, no food porn pics) and today will be McDonald!! Pretty sure that will have the same affect on me as the Miralax did!! 😄 TMI?
  15. I should have known better than to read this thread today. Tomorrow I'm having my routine, every 5 year colonoscopy screening which means I've been on a Low Residue diet for three days with today being a no food, clear liquids only and no alcohol day. So I come to this thread to see all the food porn, new recipes and drink ideas. Why am I torturing myself? On a positive now, I probably dropped 5 pounds. Belt is definitely 1 notch tighter. Now to keep it off!
  16. I can't believe I got sucked into a tipping thread and put in so much time & effort. I need to find a hobby 😆
  17. It tells me that Royal respects all of their customers diverse opinions on the subject, whether the customer has high standards or comes from a culture where tipping is not a thing or needs to be earned and not handed out automatically. It also tells me that Royal is not going to put in the effort & expense of tracking why people may reduce or eliminate the auto grats as they know most customers will tip above and beyond the auto grats which will more than make up for the "lost" gratuities so their crew is still very well compensated (and not slaves begging for morsels of food as some continually suggest). So, happy crew, happy customers and profitable company. No need to change a thing.
  18. Me too! It's like having someone finally scratching that itch that won't go away. Feels so much better afterwards. I'd go once a month if I could.
  19. Exactly! Everyone on a cruise ship will have their own set of expectations & standards ranging from "best-in-class white glove service" to "just happy I don't have to make my bed". What I find satisfactory will be different from others and vice-versa.
  20. Thanks! I just bookmarked that site in case this post goes **poof** into the night.
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