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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I just want to echo @grapau27 and @Sunshine3601 comments, it's great that you have such loving, caring support system. And It's a testament to you, the life you lived and the family you raised. 👍
  2. I couldn't agree more Graham. My mother had Alzheimer disease, one of the more rare, early onset forms - early 60's - where she first lost her ability to speak coherently, followed by radical personality changes. Because her speech was reduced to gibberish, we could never determine how much long and short term memory loss there was. Despite our best efforts, my father and siblings could no longer care for her & checked her into a nursing home. The doctors said she would live only 18 months. She lasted 8 more years. At the same time, my sisters husband had Huntington Disease in his late 40s, which is also a degenerative brain disease. Seeing 2 family members slowly fade away is difficult and as you said, you only realize how bad when you are the one caring for them every days for years on end. Ain't I just a ray of sunshine today?
  3. No need to feel anything remotely close to guilt. It's always uplifting to read posts like this. Have a great time & can't wait to hear stories when you get back in, what, 3 or 4 weeks? Hopefully you can check in here from time to time.
  4. Record the game while talking to his sister. That way, he can fast forward thru commercial breaks, stoppages in play, etc. Most games I watch on TV, I start recording first so I can do that. If I time it right, I'll get to the end of the recording just as the game ends.
  5. A fact I haven't googled but I heard that Dolly has written more than 3,000+ songs, including many commercial jingles. I'm guessing that she probably wrote more songs for others than she sang herself.
  6. I see a Penguin too. Most likely an Emperor Penguin although I see hints of Galapagos Penguin, which would make sense as it's the only Penguin species north of the equator. *** Yes, I googled types of Penguins. 🙂
  7. It wasn't that long ago that the dream was the 2 New York teams would meet in the World Series, aka The Subway Series. (Fun fact: the 2 stadiums are not on the same subway line. You have to go out of the way to transfer at Grand Central Station). Now it's a dream if either team can make it that deep into the playoffs. 😟
  8. Sure, why not daily? Or at least several times a week. Granted, the pictures of Cap Codders or the Mac&Cheese at Chops will get a bit repetitive by day 29 (or maybe day 7 😀) but with so many unique ports that Royal does not typically stop at, I'm sure the review can be kept interesting and fresh.
  9. Which is why I was surprised the other 2 power companies had a program in place to reimburse people as the power outrages was caused by a severe storm that passed thru. Some people were without power for up to 3 weeks but ours was restored after 5 days. Pretty sure there was a cap as to how much they would reimburse. As our food loss was minimal, I didn't bother filing anything.
  10. My condolences on your loss. At that age, you almost expect them to live forever. And it's never easy losing someone no matter how old or how "expected" it may be. But it will be comforting knowing she had a good long life.
  11. Does the power company reimburse for food lose? A few years ago, we lost power for an extended period time when a rare August tornado touched down. Someone told me that the electric company will reimburse for food lose. As you are familiar with the area, there are 3 major electric companies - ConEd, O&R and NYSEG. Sure enough, 2 of the 3 would reimburse, my electric supplier - NYSEG - did not, saying that was the responsibility of the insurance company. I didn't argue or follow-thru as we ended up packing up as much of the perishables we could & stayed with family so the food lose was minimal.
  12. Ok, thanks. I know on Liberty, each MDR floor has a name. Rembrandt (deck 3), Michelangelo (deck 4) & Botticelli (deck 5). But I wasn't sure if that was true for Adventure as I never sailed Voyager class
  13. Your answer is correct but I can understand the confusion. Doesnt each MDR level has its own name? I always thought that was silly. I'd remember the deck # of the MDR before remembering the name.
  14. Speaking of Leonard the cat 😉....I found a dead mouse in my washing machine today. Judging by the smell, it had been there for while. How does a mouse end up in my washing machine? It's a top loader & I always would leave the top lid open after using so it to dry out for a day before closing the lid. Monday was laundry day so I would have closed the lid on Tuesday. Yep, the mouse must've been "hiding" somewhere in the innards of the washing machine drum & was trapped for 3 days. Now, in the 28 Pre-cat years of living in this house, I've never had a mouse in the house. At least, that I know of. Never saw a live one, dead one or any signs left behind of one. Less than 2 months of having Leonard - Mr. Apex Predator that stares longingly at squirrels out the window all day long - I'm finding rodents in the house that he should be hunting? He better start taking care of business inside the house otherwise I might start calling him Garfield. 😄. For those unfamiliar with the comic strip, Garfield was a very lazy cat that made friends with mice rather than hunt them.
  15. I watched and enjoyed all but 4 of those shows. The 4 being: The Man from Uncle, Johnny Quest, Where The Action Is and Sea Hunt. Never saw them.
  16. Glad you're feeling better now, Lenny. Hopefully, the flare up in BP was not related to anything here on CC. Was there any specific reason or is it just "one of those things" when being on 3 different BP medicines. Sorry to hear you missed the traditional holiday dinner.
  17. It's great to see you back. For the record, I believe everything you post so there is no need for double-checking or triple verification as far a I'm concerned, just as I believe everyone else when they post stories from their past or the accomplishments of their children. In the case of Mickey Mantle playing in the outfield, I chalk it up to fuzzy memories from events that happened 55 years ago, not your intent to deceive or spread misinformation. Lord knows, I have trouble remembering minute details of events from 10 years ago. 🙂 I've always enjoyed your stories of your past accomplishments so hopefully you choose to share them here as well. Again, no need to post a source and I'm certainly not going to be triple checking every post you write looking for minor inconsistencies in the wording. I have no time nor desire to to such a thing. Not sure who amongst us would. 😉 😇 So post away!!! 👍 Looking forward to it.
  18. Yep, Gilligan's Island, The Brady Bunch, The Muensters, I Dream of Jeannie, Star Trek (the original) were all after school shows I'd watch, when not playing outside. Probably are few more that I can't remember off the top of my head. And even though I watched each episode of Gilligan's Island multiple times - including the rare Black & White ones - if I watch it now, I just shake my head & wonder why?? 😊 Agree 100% with Modern Family, especially in the early years. Another underrated show was The Middle, which came on right afterwards. While it was overshadowed by Modern Family in the beginning, it actually got better with age and dare I say, was better than MF in the latter years. Plus, there were certain situations and characters I could relate to from my childhood.
  19. Unlike Jade, Leonard is not a lap cat. The word "snuggle" is not in his vocabulary. Which is why moments like this are rare & precious. The closest to a snuggle I'll ever get. He'd rather spend his time squatting and looking out the window at the squirrels and chipmunks roaming in the front yard. For an indoor cat, why he thinks he's the great predator is beyond me. 😀
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