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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Yellow is the color of my true love's hair. Actually, it is now gray. I guess she has spent too much time with me. 🤣
  2. My TA has said in the past that sometimes they lose the requests. He has been able to tell me if they have been received or they say they have not received them.
  3. So they wanted your money, but just wanted you to work at paying them.
  4. Not a problem at our local Walgreens as there is a sign that they do not do Covid testing.
  5. It can be not so small once one reaches a certain age, but when you consider what a medical evacuation from a foreign port might cost, it is still a necessary expense. Though I agree you hope you never need to use it.
  6. Many years ago we went to a cruise expo run by a brick and mortar TA. There was a question and answer period, and I asked what effect do you think the Costa Concordia disaster will have on cruising. He answered by asking the audience how many had ever cruised on Costa. And no one raised their hand!
  7. Why suspend something that is a marketing tool and costs them practically nothing? There was the same sort of speculation when Covid first started affecting cruise line stock that the shareholders OBC would be suspended or at least the amount of shares needed to obtain it would double. Instead the last time the Carnival Corporation Board of Directors met, they extended it 2 years instead of the usual 1 year.
  8. 👍👍👍 for Talinn being a wonderful city.
  9. I had the same thought when I read that post mentioning yellow.
  10. Yay! And hopefully as you said it will not be changed again. 🤞
  11. Also, you do not have to do organized excursions. You can research a port, and decide for yourself what you wish to see and do. But, I do agree with check your roll call and see if there are any you have private excursions who might be doing something you wish to do and are looking for others to join them.
  12. Actually, that is not true. A cruise line wanting to do a cruise to nowhere legally could, but their crew would need a different type and more expensive to obtain work visa. The PVSA does NOT prohibit cruises to nowhere.
  13. Yes, I know that. I was just clarifying that the poster who wanted to use it for 2 cabins did not need 200 shares as it was posted "we own 200 shares".
  14. 👍, but am I correct in assuming there was only 100 shares total needed? The post you quoted says specifically having 200 shares.
  15. Thanks for the update. It sounds encouraging that they can get it settled without a strike, but as they say "the devil is in the details". So to quote the great philospher Yogi Berra, "it ain't over until it's over.".
  16. My favorite was a Baltic cruise in 2007 for our 30th wedding anniversary on the Star Princess. I contacted the various local guides and decided Alla was the best for what we were looking for. DW picked out one of their tours. I posted the tour in our roll call, and we ended up with 10 of us (a nice number for a private tour) and after some suggestions, some modifications were made on the tour, which was fabulous. All of us from that tour bonded together very well. Other ports were Oslo, Stockholm, Talinn, Helsinki, and Gdansk (the last one was on our actual annivesary). Oslo was on only a very few Baltic cruises (and in fact on this itinerary alternated weeks with the port for Berlin). We very much enjoyed Oslo, and were glad it was on the itinerary. Talinn is of course a wonderful port. We found a lot to do in Stockholm. (Actually, there were a lot more to see than we had time for.) There were dance lessons and a lot of availabilty of dances, which made DW very happy. And, other than the 8 who joined us on the Alla tour, there was one couple who lived one town away from DW's Mother. We were able to meet them and spend some time with them both before and after the cruise.
  17. 🤞 that you will be back in a few hours with good news. There is way too much going wrong at present with air travel without a strike adding to it.
  18. Ditto, except our visit was in 2007.
  19. Generally, there is no news until something happens at literally the last minute. I would imagine that a postponement would mean they are close but not quite at a settlement and think that they can get there. Keep us all updated at what happens at the deadline.
  20. Interesting thought, and maybe that would work for me, buwt DW is an art teacher and would want the full experience.
  21. For us, actually I love the trivia. DW will be at the pool trying to swim laps.
  22. On our first trip to Amsterdam, we saw both, but the answer would have been Van Gogh as there were renovations going on in the Riksjmusuem and not much of it was available. On our next trip the answer was the Riksjmuseum as the line to Van Gogh was just way too long. I asked my wife who is an art teacher, and she just shrugged. You cannot go wrong with either choice.
  23. Yes, but that too would not be known until literally the last minute.
  24. Generally in potential strike situations, there is no news until literally the last minute. And then it is either settled or the strike is on.
  25. Wow, the cruise lines sure do not advertise that their ships routinely hit things.
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