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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. Yes, we were on the NCL Prima in August. I did my best to take in the positive comments and basically ignore many, many negative comments. And we truly enjoyed the cruise.
  2. Well, I have new insurance information. We submitted the claim to our secondary insurance (primary is Medicare which does not pay for overseas treatment), and they reimbursed us 100%. Actually, this surprised me as the medical center on the Prima is obviously not in their network. But of course I am not complaining about this. So also I guess we do not need to file a claim with our travel insurance as one of their questions was how much other insurance reimbursed us, and I was waiting to find out the answer to that before filing a claim. So, for everyone who said the medical charge was very reasonable, I have to admit that our insurance company agrees with you. 😊
  3. There is a lot of information in this response that was not in your original post. When you leave out information, that will definitely affect the answers you will receive. BTW, these are public forums and be prepared to sometimes have a thick skin.I apologize if you found my response "nasty". I do believe I nailed what you were really asking, not did others call, but what response if any did they receive.
  4. I take it from the replies that dealt with the question I asked as the OP that on other larger ships than the Prima that we were on, the Syd Norman Pour House is basically the same size. There have been so many complaints about the size of venues on the Prima, and yet here we see the same size venue for a ship with about 1000 less passengers than the Breakaway class.
  5. Of course they were able to. You really are asking if anyone called and was offered a refund if they asked for one, right? It sounds to me like they did not offer you a refund and you are looking to see if anyone else did receive a refund.
  6. I'm going to respectfully disagree. We were just on NCL. They only have some dress rules for their most expensive extra cost dining venues. They can enforce that in a much easier manner than a different mainstream cruise line that has a dining dress code for everywhere except the buffet. Have a few rules and strictly enforce them can work a lot better than having multiple rules that are not enforced.
  7. Not the person you quoted, but we've been to both on an NCL cruise. I am not a beach person (DW definitely is), but my favorite beach in the world is Horseshoe Bay.
  8. No, it is not the same thing. Either have rules and enforce them, or do not have the rules. I still remember from back in the 60s a professor saying in a seminar I was taking with him that the 2 worst laws ever are speeding and alternate side of the street parking. And the reason they are the worst is everyone breaks them with no consequences. And once you get used to the idea that they are no consequences for breaking a law, breaking the next law becomes easier.
  9. Is it the same on all of the NCL ships that have this as a feature? We were on the Prima which is a smaller ship than the other NCL ships that have this. Other than the Rumours concert, you could get in coming at the last minute (though not a seat). In fact on the first night, we came after it had started and still got in. If it is the same size on the larger ships does it make it even harder to get in?
  10. OK, I can understand that, but somehow I got the impression from your previous posts that you feel the exchange rate will almost certainly get worse for you.
  11. And the opposite is also true---if you go in looking for what you can complain about, you will find things wrong and not have as good a time as you should have.
  12. Isn't it just as likely that the exchange rate will make it less expensive than to make it more expensive?
  13. You have made this same post over and over. What you want is an immediate answer even if the logistics of it have not yet been finalized. Would you feel better if they gave you an answer to get you off the phone, but it did not turn out to be what they finally will do?
  14. Yes, price is guaranteed. We booked the Prima cruise we were on in this past August almost 2 years ago. Our price did not change. (I did ask our TA a few times to check for any price drop.) The only thing that was added to our charges was when I decided to pay the DSC in advance as we were given the option to pay the rate that was in effect when we booked instead of the new rate if we paid in advance.
  15. Of those ports, we have only been to Akuryeri. We did not do an excursion. We went to the botanical garden there, the most Northernmost botanical garden in the world. We also stopped at a museum on the way to the botanical garden.
  16. There has been such a change in "dress up". We have a picture on our wall from our first cruise with me wearing a suit and DW in a dress. She was so excited by the idea of formal nights that she bought material and patterns and made 2 dresses. On our cruise this past August, no formal nights (NCL freestyle) and I basically wore tye die tee shirts. She dressed better than me, but nothing near formal or even dresses.
  17. I see your point, but there is a difference. The EDL would have added nothing for me that I could not do already having a passport. The passport for you would allow you to fly out of a foreign country back to the USA in case of a need for medical evacuation or a family emergency without any extra hassle. Now this may not be ever needed or considered valuable to you, but it is an extra benefit.
  18. That's how I saw it and why I turned it down as I posted above with 9 years left on my passport.
  19. I do not understand; a majority is at least 50% +1. 56% is well over that.
  20. 1. That would be 9 years away, much longer than the license renewal so it would not come up before the next renewal. 2. If the situation did arise, I could go to the DMV and pay for the upgrade to the license.
  21. I did the opposite. When I renewed my license, I was asked if I wanted it (extra cost). I asked if I needed it as my passport had just been renewed the year before. I was told no I would not need it, and then just did the regular renewal.
  22. Santorini is a tender port; it would be a terrible choice as a port for embarkation.
  23. And yet people call and complain when they cannot get an immediate answer as to what modifications will be done. (And then some of them come and rant on there boards.)
  24. My interactions with the performers was much more personal. On one of the earliest shows I asked Steven where one could get Syd Norman shirts. The next time I went there, he came over and gave me a napkin with the web address for ordering them. (He had told me the first time.) At another show, before the show, Mandy commented on my tie dye Grateful Dead tee shirt and said they were her favorite group. I explained that it was part of a birthday present from my wife bought at Bethel Woods which is the site of the original Woodstock concert in 1969. And told her a story from my time there. She said she wanted to hear more. After the last show I hung around afterwards and spoke first with Mandy and then Steven and told them a story from my Woodstock concert experience.
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