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Everything posted by hallux

  1. The gratuities are based on the price of the package - $109 pp/pd. If you're going to do this, your break-even point with drinks is 2 pp/pd if you assume $14 per drink, to make up the $20 (a little more now since it's 20% of 109) pp/pd that you have actually paid for the package, or rather the gratuities on the package.
  2. your CND was part of your payment, if you were not due a refund equal to the value of the certificate what did you expect? I the CND was expired, I would also expect to lose it. This is also covered in the T&C's for the program - https://www.ncl.com/popup/cruisenext_terms 9. To cancel a reservation made with a CND, submit your request in accordance with Norwegian Cruise Line cancellation policies and procedures. The CND will be refunded back to the guest Latitudes Rewards account minus any cancellation fees, and will retain its original expiration date. Once a CND is applied to a reservation, it is subject to the same cancellation policy, rules and regulations as any other deposit which can be found on your reservation confirmation.
  3. @Medgirl2001 understanding the promo is part of the deal. NCL will only assure those in the same cabin are on the same flight. They used to have the 'travel with guarantee' where you could pay additional to 'link' cabins to be sure you travel on the same flights but when there were all kinds of airline issues NCL dropped that option and even refunded that fee to people that had selected it but NCL couldn't honor it due to the issues with the airlines.
  4. I said it in an earlier post in the thread - if you need VPN you HAVE to get the unlimited PREMIUM internet. Neither the free minutes or the regular unlimited plan will allow VPN connections.
  5. One other thing - if you're using the internet for work will you require a VPN? If so, that requires upgrading to the unlimited PREMIUM internet..
  6. When you want to use the internet you go to logon.com (or is it login.com?) on the device where you want to use it. Once logged in, you use it as needed, then you go to logout.com to end your session. If you don't logout, even if the device is turned off, you'll keep counting minutes used.
  7. Larger ships does not equal better. I guess Royal's leadership didn't get that memo. I've sailed on Royal when my entire family is going (one of my siblings booked it, I was invited to tag along), I've liked NCL much better. I need something other than "bigger ships" to get me back on that line.
  8. Not just check with the cruise line - read the documents and communications related to your cruise as passport requirements will be communicated through that means. There are some recent stories of passengers that called and were told ID and BC was sufficient, but for their itinerary it was NOT. They were left on the pier on embarkation day as they did not have passports.
  9. I was counting on Southwest for my next cruise (in March) as I can get direct flights from home to MCO (one of the FEW direct flights unless I'm going to a hub). Yes, I was still planning to go a day early. I have a business trip planned in 2 weeks for which I'm flying on SWA (booked prior to the meltdown), if all goes well for that I'll probably book my flights for my cruise with them as well.
  10. Over the last few years, sure. The DSC has gone up more than this one time over the last few years - the last time was less than a year ago but was only $1 or so (someone posted the numbers earlier in the thread). And the reality is that some people (myself included) work for companies that issue MERIT-BASED wage increases rather than COLA increases so wages are hardly keeping up with the increased costs of fuel to get to work and food to be put on the table. For the first time in quite a few years I got a 3% raise last year, and I'll be lucky to get similar this year. Why do I work for them still? I get some flexibility on work hours, I like the people I work with and a cumulative SIX WEEKS of time off each year (PTO and floating holidays, company holidays are in addition to that) is very difficult to give up. So, yes, while it's understandable that the costs are going up this reduction in services immediately following a 25% increase in a cost many see as directly related to that service IS hard to swallow, especially when you hear that some crew members are facing a wage CUT as well.
  11. Yup, it's a cascade. First was the announcement of "best day/week/month" of bookings. Next breath was the increase of the DSC by 25% for balcony and below (club balcony and Haven might have had a lower % increase as the Club Balcony had a higher starting point but is now the same cost as the balcony and below instead of its own rate). Now they're saying that we're spending more and getting less. Yes, inflation is a thing and things cost more, I get that. That accounts for MAYBE a 10% increase in the DSC, but to go up TWENTY FIVE PERCENT, especially as you're announcing your bookings are up? THEN you announce a reduction in the service people have come to expect? What's next? Are they going to install laundry chutes for us to send our towels down when we want fresh ones and put out tables of fresh towels in the elevator lobbies so we can grab them when we need or want fresh ones? Of course charging us "for the convenience"... Don't get me wrong, I've certainly enjoyed my cruises on NCL, but Princess was running a deal in December that I could have sailed in a balcony for less than 50% more than my studio on NCL, similar itinerary with drinks, WiFi and 'crew appreciation' already included.
  12. Oops, I missed that one. I've always bought in increments of 2..
  13. That would depend upon what port you're sailing from. You can go check in the East Coast departures forum section for port info.
  14. Not quite. It's BOGO, not 50% back. You'd buy in multiples of two, but if you want only 3 you would pay $500 and get $750 in CND's. See the explanation of the deal here - https://www.ncl.com/cruisenext
  15. When I sailed the Bliss twice in 6 months both the solo host and the assistant CD from the first cruise recalled that I was on the ship earlier in the year. Maybe not by name but they recognized me, or claimed to.
  16. Different people have different levels of comfort for making drives like that. My parents and I live in NY, 3 hours North of NYC, my parents (dad will be 80 next year) may drive to FLL for their next cruise. Dad wants to, mom isn't so sure it's a good idea.
  17. Some people think that since the change goes into effect on Sunday they need to pre-pay before Sunday. But, as pointed out by someone else, those of us that read the entire message from NCL know that is not the case - we can pre-pay as late as 2 days before the cruise and still pay the old rate.
  18. That may be a UK thing. In the US the cruise line is not offering gratuities as part of the initial rate offered during booking, but you can select to pre-pay gratuities during booking or at final payment. The gratuities you might be thinking of as being included are the gratuities for the beverage and dining package, which are included in the fares for you folks and added as a line-item for us in the US.
  19. On my cruise in March, I ended up showering 2x a day. I can't wake up and start my day without showering, but then I'd get in the salt water pool in the afternoon and need another before dinner. My shower would be cleaned (for the second time that day) with a fresh floor mat by the time I was done at dinner. That would be a water savings. The towel being hung for re-use was definitely honored. Also on that cruise I know there was at least one room that never had the sofa made back into a sofa during the day. I'd be on board with this plan, but it does make me a little salty to know they're DECREASING service, DECREASING staff, DECREASING salary for some staff and yet INCREASING the DSC that goes toward those salaries and services. This might change your mind...
  20. I'm not sure GSC can handle two of NCL's largest ships. My point is that if they're going to choose between a new ship or an older ship to get the private island they're going to pick the new ship. Royal can dock two ships next door at CoCo Cay, but that island is now much more developed than GSC is and people can be more spread out. Back when it was a tender destination and basically a beach day I'm not sure if they had more than one ship there at a time.
  21. In this case it seems it's NOT saving them money as there's still a ship scheduled at GSC that day, just not the one the OP is on...
  22. As far as compensation - yes. There ARE other legal ramifications to cancelling every port on a cruise, at least on cruises from the US.
  23. Right. As I said before, NCL Premium Air is different from the BOGO offer, it's more like using NCL as your TA for your flight bookings.
  24. First result when entering 'ncl premium air' in Google - https://www.ncl.com/freestyle-cruise/premium-air
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