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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. 'and this adjustments positions us in line with our competitors' Apparently they don't use Grammarly...or anything like it...lol.
  2. I did the ABCs earlier this year on the Equinox. Loved it. Nice ship and great service! What a wonderful way to celebrate your doctorates et al!! Relax and enjoy!!
  3. It's anyone that dines in the MDR. Suites are unaffected. Rest easy...
  4. Absolutely! I've always had a craving to dress up like Ronald McDonald!!
  5. After all the emails to Lisa, I imagine they've locked up that new CEO email in Fort Knox 🤣
  6. I can already hear the reply to this...lol... (We'll need verification from someone on a cruise 7 nights or longer, etc, etc....) ETA: BINGO!! I win...<nothing>...
  7. How do these 'Premium' MDR selections compare with what is offered in the 'Specialty' venues?? I'll be sitting out X cruises for some time I guess...seems obvious this is going to be fleet-wide...
  8. I'll agree that the closet light can certainly be annoying. It was making me a tad crazy on the Ruby in my balcony room. Too bright and stayed on forever! But I got over it...had no choice...lol... The lights under the bedside cabinets are great though...absolutely love 'em. They don't shine in my eyes, they are a softer light, they don't stay on overly long...I like everything about them. I immediately noticed they didn't have the closet light in our suite on the Regal (which would have been stupid as the closets are in the room...not separate). But they had the great bedside lights. It was a perfect setup...
  9. Got 'em!! I can now sleep tonight 😃
  10. Yes, I am flying out later that night...a 8:55 pm flight (Sydney time)... I should think you would be successful with the hotel doing that...they might charge you a small fee... Good Luck!!
  11. Hey!! I still have my Commodore 64!! And it still works...lol...
  12. That's it! I can't stand no more! My paltry 20 nights this year doesn't even barely count!! You are *all* on ignore...<sigh>...
  13. Did he say this every morning, lol... 'This is Dan your cruise director speaking to you from the ceiling'... ETA: And that was the cruise right after us...
  14. You're right...I had forgotten about that. Which is kinda strange as our all time best cruise was a Princess 21-day Mediterranean on the Regal...round trip from Barcelona...everything was perfect and I mean everything (although I could have done with more sea days...lol...). (June 2022)
  15. I think you're missing a very important word here...😀
  16. Sorry I wasn't that clear about that. I had premium wifi and was able to stream using my firestick. I was streaming from Amazon Prime Video. This was on the revolutionized Equinox this past January.
  17. Agreed, would be a big positive. But I'm fairly sure that this would depend on the outside weather to a large extent. For the life of me, I don't recollect anyone making a definitive statement of how quickly the room heats up/cools down with climate control out of the picture...But I don't read every thread...LOL...
  18. My understanding is that if the window is open, there is no climate control in the room...the doors have nothing to do with it... Here is a link to one (of many) threads discussing just that feature...
  19. Now, one could say it's just a short walk from the saloon.... However, it's a loooong crawl!!
  20. Have had robes in both suite and balcony rooms this past year...(and slippers but my feet are too big for them...lol...)
  21. I would only differ in the TV others have posted. On the Regal Princess, in a suite, the On Demand selection was absolutely incredible!! On the Equinox, in a suite, the On Demand was absymal. I was actually shocked at the very few choices. (Fortunately, I had brought my fire stick and hence it was not an issue.) I certainly agree with Honolulu Blue about the buffet layout on the Ruby...rather stuffy and lord help you if it's really busy!! I completely rearranged by dining schedule because of that...
  22. I was in a Sky suite and I really slept well...I have back issues (not like yours though) and it felt like one big comfortable pillow that didn't sag in the middle. Supporting, yet soft. Wish I had it at home...
  23. Absolutely! Much ado about nothing...
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