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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. I took the Behind The Scenes tour last January on the Equinox. I was putting together a photo album and rediscovered this pic I took in the wine prep/serving area behind the MDR. It seems to me from what I've read here and elsewhere that these bottles of wine are stored incorrectly. Now, it was obvious that they were meant to be stored that way because the hole for the neck of the bottle is at the bottom. I don't pretend to know a darn thing about wine storage, etc. But perhaps someone can illuminate me about some aspect of this?? I'm just curious...please don't beat me up too bad for my ignorance...lol...😁
  2. I stayed in 2126 this past January. (across from yours...) Minimal noise a couple of times. I was in the cabin at all times of the day...here's a youtube I found prior to my cruise... https://www.cruisedeckplans.com/DP/deckplans/slideshow-cabin.php?ship=Celebrity-Equinox&cabin=2126 Note that in the sticky above, there are a few entries complaining about noise in that cabin. I didn't experience anything like that at all...and ship was full.
  3. Couldn't agree more... Yep, same here. Top market movers? Fear and greed. Always has been, always will be.
  4. Hey, it sounds good to me! I was just curious as there certainly was some bizarre interactions with X personnel in that thread. I was downright appalled at some of them. Glad you stood your ground!
  5. Cool! But did you ask for an updated customer invoice since then?? (I'm assuming you booked direct??) I remember reading that thread...
  6. How will I ever get to sleep tonight? <yawn> 3 pages in a day and a half.... Well ok...two and a tad...lol...
  7. I can only echo everyone else!!! WOW!! Tremendous memories to help blot out that stressful beginning!
  8. You're overthinking this. Just leave the autograts in place and then give an additional tip to any staff who you feel has made your voyage more pleasurable. You know, those who you think went above and beyond. If no one meets that criteria then don't fret about it. They'll get their share of the pool...
  9. Oh, I certainly understand that...I signed up for Go Green also...couldn't tell the difference either... Just pointing out it is not voluntary on RC...'regular' staterooms are once a day...
  10. Voluntarily if you sign up for Go Green. Mandatory on Royal Caribbean unless you're in a suite...
  11. As Daisyloo posted, deck 5, port side. You can't tell by the deck plan, but it is sectioned off and very private, you don't see the rest of the main dining area. This will give you some idea...about 15 or so tables... https://www.cruisemapper.com/deckplans/Regal-Princess-798/deck05-1350
  12. As already stated , you might as well ask. And post #3 if you used a credit card is good advice...see if it has any coverage for this kind of event... Good luck and best wishes for your DH!
  13. I don't think they're working together. But I do think they are all being driven by the same set of circumstances right now...resulting in the same unfortunate state of affairs in the categories you outline. They need to strive (harder) to point out what makes them different from their competitors. And it makes it even more important to do ones due diligence to find those items of value/amenities that are offered by a cruise line that help make the cruise worthwhile. ETA: Want to clarify I did not just mean RC and X...I meant cruise lines in general...
  14. I understand and agree with you (and the OP as it turns out). It should remain voluntary. I missed the 'suite' part and didn't see the post of the RC notice until just now. Pretty blunt change for those just boarding...
  15. I guess things were getting too positive around here...lol. Pot needed stirring... Personally, I'm just fine with one cleaning a day....
  16. Certainly agree! I stayed at the Leonardo Royal that evening and realized the distance to the port at that time. Decided against walking it 😂 BTW, I live in Hayward...
  17. Yep, as of today, it's 28.40 USD...one way as you said. I used it and found it to be quite comfortable and certainly reasonable IMO...
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