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Everything posted by dlh015

  1. Reading a thread like this helps me understand how/why automatic grats came into being. I had no idea (just call me naive I guess) that there were really that many people willing to stiff the crew. I should have known after reading threads where folks were 'screaming' about a $1.50 increase in daily grats...
  2. You fought the good fight. Thanks for your efforts on everyone's behalf.
  3. What the...? I must admit to being totally mystified by your post. Let us see luggage, etc? Seems like total stream of consciousness... @4-2-N-8 Really enjoying your review! I haven't been the greatest fan of your posts in the past but you are really hitting it out of the park with your commentary here. Thanks for sharing and keep it coming!
  4. Thanks, Jim!! We booked a cruise March '24 on the Apex...I will definitely be looking to get that tour!
  5. And I can confirm this...I didn't want to be staggering down the gangway...
  6. Don't know how up to date this X page is... https://www.celebritycruises.com/ports/key-west#:~:text=Celebrity cruises to Key West,short walk from many attractions.
  7. Yep, always try to get to port a day or two early...except for my last cruise earlier this month. And I almost paid the price for that exception. My flight was on the day that the FAA grounded flights because of the system outage. But I made it...whew. Will *not* be doing that ever again I can tell you!
  8. I think you are making a sweeping generalization IMO. Much the same way *some* view a positive review as being a cheerleader and *some* view a 100% negative review as honest. There have been many good, balanced reviews here. (JimIain comes to mind for instance...) I certainly don't try to pin a label on either one...they have to earn it...lol.
  9. I'm much more leery of my fellow passengers then the crew. Been to the buffet lately? Or belly up to a bar with dozens of others wanting a drink?? How often do you think the passengers get tested before they board the ship?
  10. Yep, just make it a habit to stop by the lounge or sundeck and stock up!! (A few times a day...lol...)
  11. Sadly, ENTRANTS The Competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom who are over 18 years of age. Proof of eligibility must be provided upon request. https://www.celebritycruises-find-the-x.com/terms-and-conditions.html
  12. Here's the site... https://www.celebritycruises-find-the-x.com/
  13. Agreed. Bringing up Boulud after he's been around X for what, 3 years or more?? 'Article' is simply PR attempt to get positive media coverage...
  14. Canned marketing fluff...imo...
  15. Thanks for your tenaciousness!! Beginning to look more and more like X didn't want to pay something or wanted to cut back on something...or both...lol... Thanks again...
  16. Yes...body wash, body lotion, shampoo, conditioner...
  17. It was large pump bottles on the Equinox earlier this month in a Sky suite...imagine it's the same for Aqua...
  18. I guess I got lucky. I booked a cabana for the day when we got to GC. (I was ticked off that we had to tender 6 miles south of George Town itself) I had no problem receiving my bottle of Grey Goose and bucket of 6 beers when I checked in to my cabana...what a deal that was! $99 to book the cabana...and about $80 dollars+ of booze and food given to you as part of the deal!! Bean counters must have been off on holiday at the time 🤣
  19. Don't be sorry about it...you're relaying your experience...you certainly don't *want* to be negative and you're not making it up... I appreciate your feedback.
  20. And you should be concerned. Here's an example: I booked my Sky suite back in August. At the time, there were 3 Room Service breakfast categories. Continental, Premium, and Specialty. When I boarded Jan. 12th, Specialty breakfast category was not on the card in my stateroom. My butler informed me that this was not for Sky suites starting that day. (Of course, this was the breakfasts I was looking forward to...) Only Continental and Premium. However, Specialty breakfasts were on the app for 'Retreat Guests'...I showed him that...and he said "You are absolutely right sir" and I had the breakfasts for my cruise. The timing for these (unannounced) changes is colliding with what you expected when you purchased the product. So one needs to be aware of what was advertised when you made the purchase compared to what they offer when you arrive in your SR. And bring it up on the spot when something is missing. It was the same for the afternoon canapes...not for Sky suites any longer...unless you pointed out that that was the bargain when you made the booking. Now, I didn't care about those, but my neighbors down the hall did...they mentioned it and *boom* they got them. (They had a different butler BTW) I haven't looked to see if the marketing blurbs have been updated on the website...but it's obvious they are doing a little more differentiation between upper and lower suites. And it certainly makes the lower suites feel lower...lol...
  21. I didn't think much of the X questionnaire. Too short and too vague. The only real opportunity to comment on various aspects of the cruise was the area for 'your final comments'...that part was an essay for me on both the good and the not so good. Oh, and it asked me if I would care to give an opinion on shore excursions...click yes or no. Then the list of ports was incorrect. Aruba was not listed, Puerto Plata (which we didn't go to) was. I find the Princess questionnaires to be much more granular. It took more time but it asked about most all aspects of the cruise. And it specifically gave you an area to comment on up to 5 members of the crew.
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