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Everything posted by DarrenM

  1. This seems like a hassle to me, when I am just out enjoying myself, and lets just say, getting rather tipsy. I always get the premium drinks package, so I am not going to tell the bar staff, to make my drink with cheaper alcohol.. I am having too much fun to care either way. Others have mentioned Eden, and their cocktails. I loved them last year on Beyond. And could have sat there all night supping away. The easiest way to view it for me was that a premium drinks package allowed me to have any cocktail upto $18. A few were $20. This meant we had to pay the $2. This doesnt bother me in the slightest, and was far preferable to asking them to make it with cheaper booze.
  2. and those vloggers I mentioned are very experienced vloggers too. They have got it very wrong as well.
  3. and to be brutally honest would anyone genuinely know which brand of Rum had been used in a cocktail when mixed with other alcohol and fruit? I know I wouldnt, and I wouldnt care either.
  4. Not saying this is wrong, as I genuinely dont know, but when on Celebrity Beyond last year, the drinks menus just had a price next to them, for example, one cocktail in Eden was $18. I ordered two, and when the drinks were made handed my passcard over to pay, or check against drinks package. They didnt ask to see which package I had prior to choosing the brand of alcohol to put in. Seems a rather complicated way of organising drinks to be honest. Was different when ordering from a waiter. Obviously. But I prefer to go to the bar. Its the british in me.
  5. I recently watched a vloggers video onboard Celebrity Infinity where they had the classic drinks package and tried a bar crawl drinking only cocktails. There was only one cocktail that appeared to be included in their drinks package and (May be wrong here) I think it came from the casino bar. To fully enjoy the cocktails on celebrity ships I highly recommend upgrading to the premium drinks package. We found, at their prices, we were £1000 in credit at the end of our cruise. We drank a lot though. To be fair, they are just too nice to.
  6. This There are no formal nights. Thankfully.
  7. dont most folk go on a cruise to avoid shopping?
  8. We don't. No point. Not sure my 2 sons would appreciate gifts from a cruise ship.
  9. Oh completely agree. We were sat with4 americans nightly who asked us how we managed to get burgers, and only when we told them they were vegetarian burgers did they realise. They looked at us like we were mad. We arent vegetarians, but those beyond burgers were fantastic. Better than any real burger I have ever eaten. But there wasnt many other folk eating them in the MDR. Actually just remembered.........we werent in the MDR. We were in Blu on that trip. Maybe thats why? Memory like a sieve.
  10. Would suggest looking at Celebrity, with a word of caution. Their ships are not geared towards children at all, and I guarantee my two would have been bored out of their minds. Yet weirdly, on Beyond last year, there were hundreds of kids on board. It was strange. I wasnt impressed. Yet on reflection the year before, hardly any. Which was nice.
  11. I am doing a very similar Itinerary this May on Constellation. 11 nights. The extra day being a sea day at the end. I will report my findings in about 2 months time. probably too late for you then. I have been on Reflection, Edge and Beyond, so am curious as to how I will find the smaller ship.
  12. But but, I cant stop eating eggs benedicts in large quantities at breakfast. I accept I am odd though. At home I dont follow rules about timings of breakfast lunch and evening meal. I just eat when i am hungry usually. and thats usually in the morning, about an hour after getting up, and when alcohol has been consumed. Sometimes on a cruise that can be the same time. 😁
  13. No of course not. We have staff that do that. Please dont tell her I called her staff.
  14. On Celebrity reflection 2 years ago we had their Beyond Burger numerous times in the MDR. Best vegetarian burger I have ever eaten. Strangely, when on Celebrity BEYOND, last year, we couldnt get e BEYOND burger at all. Very odd.
  15. DarrenM


    I must have paid more, our tour bus took us right to the top of the acropolis last year. We didn't need to leave the bus. OK sorry. That was a joke. There's a drive way and car park at the bottom of the entrance. You get dropped off there. It's quite the climb and queue after that.
  16. Mind you, I eat so well at breakfast that its just not feasible to eat lunch as well. So more often than not, lunch is missed ready for the evening meals 4 courses. Unless I partake in very early alcoholic beverages then the munchies strike, so afternoon pizza is usually consumed. I don't usually do this at home either. I generally cant be doing 3 meals a day though. That's just extreme gluttony to me. I would need to be running 10km daily to counteract the fact that I would look like Augustus Gloop by the end of the cruise.
  17. This. My breakfast whilst on board was almost exclusively eggs benedict. Never eat this at home. Its cereal with oat milk. Mind you, at home I don't have half a dozen cocktails per day either. Honest.
  18. I have no issue with Vloggers at all. Some are really good, and dont video people indiscriminately. Ben and David, the ones in question on this thread, are very very good. Well they are from my part of the world afterall, so they would be. They are very entertaining. I watch a lot of their content as well as another 2 couples from the UK. Couples that are around my age bracket. I dont blindly follow them though. One of the couples from the UK love ballroom dancing, and loved the Cunard ballroom nights(Not sure what the actual names are for these nights) I actually couldnt think of anything worse than ballroom dancing so will swerve this completely. Not turning into my parents just yet thank you very much. So its all good info.
  19. But how would anyone know, when they make their ridiculous complaint about someone else not adhering to the dress code? leigh1107 wont be carrying a neon sign highlighting their permission not to comply.
  20. This amuses me no end. I get it, that some folk want to "dress up" when they go somewhere posh. And posh places sometimes have a dress code. What amuses me on a cruise ship though, is that they arent going anywhere posh, or certainly no posher than the place they went the night before, when they wore jeans and polo shirts. They are going to exactly the same dining room as the previous night, but on this particular night they get severely triggered by other folk not wearing a tuxedo. You arent going to Ritz in London.........just the dining room. Also, I would rather be sat near a couple with great hygiene in jeans and polo shirt, rather than someone in an ill fitting tuxedo, that hadnt been worn in years, and smelled of moth balls. I could have taken photos of this very thing about ill-fitting suits, had a felt the need to do so or wanted to, last year on Beyond. And some folk wouldnt look good in a £1,000 suit or dress no matter how hard they tried. Thats just a fact.
  21. I was going to ask, what on earth is that ship doing on the bridge?
  22. Yes of course. But somebody in the dining room not dressed to someone else's overblown expectations, surely isnt a reason to be annoyed.
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