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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. In my humble view, that is the absolute worst scenario.
  2. Obviously they can do whatever they want. If they do not want tourists or tourist dollars, then so be it. It seems their higher standard (if that is the notifier they are trying to send) is to not have ships cruise. Alaska does similar. Norway is not going to change the cruise industry, that is just silly. If anybody really thinks that maybe 10 cruises makes a difference in anything in our world then that is really head scratching material. Restate my original post. That is a shame.
  3. Met some people in Dover that were getting off the Pride doing the Norwegian sailing. They LOVED it. Was disappointed when we got back and I looked and saw that it was not on any schedule….. Would do that in a NY minute.
  4. Had not thought about the addition of the additional ship to this class. I tdoes offer up some good options. Problem is, I like almost all of the options you describe. Most are mutually exclusive I would think, with the exception of of the winter/summer swaps. Personally, doing a world cruise segment of two would be the best option for me (wife may have a different view), but if that dog don’t hunt, going back to more extended Journey’s would be sweet.
  5. Did not know they had shrimp in buffalo…..
  6. To quote a great movie…”a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do”
  7. Have to drag that out of the closet. Nice job.
  8. What did you use for the sail away time lapse?
  9. Do not really have a dog in this fight, but I have seen as many drunks with all colored cards doing stupid things, being loud and obnoxious. Really do es not make a difference, it will never change to a color card differntiator.
  10. Post 53 begs to differ. So, if that is all you are comparing, no cost, on land we have high speed internet….check. At sea we have high speed internet ….check. Done deal. That was easy peasey.
  11. I think the real point is that Princess market and CCL market are not the same, experience or cost.
  12. I do not see anybody defending anything, just stating facts. Comparing land resorts and their wifi capability, costs etc to cruises is an apple to orangutan analogy. The cost for a resort to get and offer broadband wifi compared to Starlink costs for cruises is just different. To equivocate wifi costs on land to see is just silly. I get that you think you want it, but expecting EVERYONE to bear the cost for your want, just seems over the top, but agree on the last line. If not having it for free makes you go land, then I guess you made your choice.
  13. LOL same here, my heavy drinking days are behind me and was never a heavyweight (drinker….)😅
  14. To some, all of this is important. To me….meh. We cruised on Celebrity Aqua class and had included drink package. To be honest, not really a big deal and certainly recognized that the price difference made it that way. Others may have a different view.
  15. Because some things are included in base fare and some are not.. It is not up to us to decide what is included in base fare and what is not. Internet is not. Does not matter if you use a pool, it is included. Does not matter if you think hot tubs, they are included. Same for the rest. Has absolutely nothing to do with you putting a word like luxury on it. Still makes no sense.
  16. SI think you just proved the post you quoted point. If it is a necessity for you (might be close to such for me) than you (or I) can purchase it. For those who less inclined, they can say no thanks. Hvaning everybody pay for it makes no sense.
  17. Thanks for sharing your review. Looks like you had a great cruise.
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