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Everything posted by jimbo5544

  1. Was not sure but thought someone would comment…thanks
  2. Also, there are no self service laundry facilities on Excel class (MG, Celebration and Jubilee)
  3. And unless somebody comes up with a bridge grower that is not changing anytime soon.
  4. The market is flush, there is no doubt. While I do not have a lot of facts to base this on, I would not be surprised to find that they are not the price leader presently. Of course, things change, but when demand is so high, normal is a strange word. I would love to see a cross line loyalty program, they have tried and tried. I have serious reservations that we will ever see it. Hope I am wrong. Lastly, the economics of larger ships compared to smaller ships will never cross for pricing, simply not feasible. On the same note, my view is, Carnival building a Spirit class ship again is slightly higher chance of happening than me winning Powerball, the economics just plain do not work. Could there be another Excel class, you betcha, come 27 ((or thereabouts) we will see the follow on to the Excel class, not smaller BTW.🤔 Could they repurpose other line ships like Luminosa (HAL ships as well)? Sure. From my humble view, that would be absolute best scenario.
  5. Thanks, to lazy to look this early in the morning…..
  6. Well that sure makes her a viable ship for Tampa/Baltimore, and way younger than the rest of the Spirit class…. That said, they are going NOWHERE anytime soon (and we are better off for having them as long as they can continue to sail).
  7. Nice sail away. Pretty unique port, clearing the bridge is cool as well. I would def say do it.
  8. I do not know heights or other potential issues, would Luminosa clear the Sunshine? Fit at the pier?
  9. The cruise lines already have decided what they are doing. There is a better chance of building a new port than them building smaller ships. Not sure I understand the logic in dredging, sea level to the span clearance does not change by making channel deeper….or did I miss something. Now if you had a sky hook and a bridge stretcher and rise it up 50 ft or so….that would work. 🤔
  10. One you pay for as opposed to getting credit for Carnival cancelled action or at times they gift a cruise.
  11. We have done this twice, both good times, but first ws best, great sunset pics
  12. As a first time cruiser, I would recommend using those free valuable resources that a TA or PVP provide. PVP is personal vacation planner, basically are people that Carnival has work with clients (kind of a Carnival TA) but only deal with Carnival. In either case they have great knowledge base and are free,,,
  13. Fairly easy, it is his job. He is the brand spoke person. Is it unique in the industry. If it helps, I can assure you that their customer service does do exactly what you say. You only hear about is posted on his site.
  14. Agree with the above. Downtown by the port in Aruba there is much to do within easy walking distance. In Bonaire, the ships docks downtown as well, and there is some things to do, but not even close to what Aruba has.
  15. Just past guest rates between the lines. Way to many lines and complexities to do anything different.
  16. I would be willing to wager he solves way more than you might think.... Never quite understood the love hate thing CC has with John.
  17. options are always a good thing in my book.
  18. bingo, btw my past experience is those first class seats got for way more than that.
  19. Long way between a supervisor and exec, but that is just me. I think you would have MUCH better luck with the link mentioned above or the guestcare email. Good luck.
  20. Never sailed out of seattle. I have no reference to your comment on out dated equipment, can you expound upon that?
  21. Flying in the same day kicks my butt. On our first trip on the Breeze I fell asleep during the muster drill (old way) and my pic was on the big screen for days….
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