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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. Seriously???? Where does the "Tips" line end? Do you tip your insurance agent? The receptionist at the Gym? The plumber who fixed your dripping faucet? If you want to praise your PCC send a "My PCC did me a solid" to Holland America.
  2. I don't think you are correct with this. There are plenty of "family friendly" cruise lines to choose from. There are plenty of people of a certain mindset who prefer a quieter experience. Some say the "HAL demographic" is dying off and fading away. I say not so fast; there are new people who have cruised with other lines and now want a different experience. This is the HAL demographic regardless of age, as some move on, more join the group.
  3. I'm pretty sure it will be frowned upon. First do you really think you need to bring camping chairs on a cruise? Just ask your room stewards to make sure they have your dedicated lounges out early. Also ask them to keep the cushions in your cabin, they will be less bulky than your camp chairs. If anyone is sitting in them just give them the punt.
  4. @Ned49 rather than debate "Tips" which are different than "Gratuities" and whether we should or shouldn't; I will make a suggestion to your original question of currency. Is the ship returning to Australia or is it carrying on to the US, or another country? If the currency on board is AUD and the ship is returning to Oz then use AUD. If the ship is in AUD but will be moving to a new home port with a different currency then use the new currency. Our next voyage starts in New Zealand, has stops in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and several other countries. It ends in Seattle, where it will start the Alaska season. We will probably give some crew who make our voyage more enjoyable a "Gratuity" when we disembark in Victoria (North). We will take the opportunity to pass on any US currency we may have left over from our Hawaii port stops.
  5. Great shot Lyndon, hopefully we can get something like that when we visit. Thanks for posting "pretty pictures"
  6. Didn't think so. I guess I will eliminate Ketchikan for the others as well.
  7. I think you were in Alaska. Perhaps Juneau, but I doubt it.
  8. That is a vintage shot, late 1960s?
  9. I have to ad my voice to those of the sticker shock crowd, from looking at the bar menus. I live in Canada and those prices are outrageous. I knew there was a reason why we abandoned Celebrity when we booked our 3rd time lucky trip for next year. We didn't like that they took away the S class ships and prices just kept rising.
  10. @RuthC, that is an interesting solution to the milkshake dilemma. You are a resourceful woman.
  11. This is interesting news. I have heard that they have done a Tamarind pop up in the Canaletto space. I would love to try the Tamarind on Westerdam next year, but I doubt it will take the place Canaletto for that high of a percentage of our 43 day voyage next year.
  12. And reading through that thread apparently they are included with HIA. I should have known as I posted in that thread.
  13. @Grandmaanne7 I just had a thought, I understand it's not the same but what about a "Virgin Cocktail" like a Daquiri or other blended drink? There was a bit of a discussion about milkshakes a while back.
  14. I find the point of availability sort of misleading. While indeed there may be many new berths available, how many are on ships of a size the average person in the HAL demographic are going to want to book. I'm not talking in terms of "age" but more in what the average cruiser enjoys on HAL. A more classic feel onboard, longer voyages, fewer kids, no climbing walls, or wave runners, or amusement parks. Good food (not gourmet) that I don't have to cook or clean up after. Some think that more expensive lines are the answer, we tried Viking and didn't find it a good value for us. We have looked at Oceana and Regent and the price is prohibitive for us. I don't think there will be price drops on the itineraries we find interesting; and all of the new builds listed in a previous post (other than the premium lines like Viking) are way too big for our liking.
  15. I am aware of that, fortunately the individual is rarely quoted, but there are often 3 or 4 "you've chosen to ignore this poster" with options to "show this post". I really have to stay away from that button.
  16. If you have time you may want to stay a few days in Auckland. Like others have said your spent a lot of time on a long haul flight, and a fair chunk of money to get there. Spend some time while you're there. Our down under trip is much different than yours, but I can tell you we are booked at the Adina Apartment Hotel Auckland Britomart. When we planned a previous trip which was cancelled we booked the Sebel Viaduct. There are some apartment hotels right on Princes wharf as well as the Hilton. Best of luck with your plans. I hope you can give yourself enough time to justify those long flights just to get there and back.
  17. I'm sorry I didn't make the rules. I think that a child would have a soft drink package. I have the premium beverage package as part of my HIA package for our next cruise next year and I'm pretty sure milkshakes are not included. Perhaps someone who is on board any ship will be able to verify.
  18. @Birdhunter67 and @deeeeeeem I think you will find the Milkshakes are NOT included in the drink package. I know it seems strange in that the price of the milkshake is less than $11.00 price cap on drinks. There are other things not included in the drinks packages but are below the price cap. Water in the twist top cans, certain sparkling waters and a few other things it's hard to understand.
  19. G'Day everyone, I'm out of purgatory. First I have to thank everyone for your kind words of condolence for Lynn and I on the passing of her mother. She has been very touched by your kindness and asked me to pass on her thanks. I also want to thank everyone for your support in regards to my recent absence from CC. While the promenade thread was at times quite entertaining, and some posts (including one of mine) were deleted, the reply from the OP and a rather blunt point by point take down of the OP's reply to my post was what got the thread locked and apparently deleted. My comment that got me in trouble was on a different thread, simply pointing out that the OP had opened yet another thread on a subject that was recently discussed thoroughly on 2 other threads one that the OP had started. The strange thing is that my post was up for some time and had at least 5 likes and a thankyou on it. It would seem some members over on the HAL boards who are somehow sacred. I MUST remember to not take them off of ignore to read ANY of their posts. They are painful to read.
  20. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I wasn't aware of the difference. But the concept is the same no? And if we are splitting hairs I didn't "quote" you, I mentioned you in my post. That's "different" too.
  21. It's not a clue it's a question. Is it in the Northern Hemisphere?
  22. Were you in the Northern Hemisphere?
  23. I don't have any personal knowledge but I think that @Haljo1935 is somewhat of an expert on the subject, She posted often about the thermal suite on one of her recent threads.
  24. I agree with you completely @Fouremco. I was just commenting on the post by @cbr663 which was talking about so many "work from home" workers are actually at the coffee shop in a crowd of strangers, taking up valuable chair space. Rather than being sequestered at home which was the whole purpose of "Work from home" in the first place. I work in an industry where "work at home isn't an option. We are still trying to find new personnel for those that moved on over the last few years.
  25. It's funny how people want to "work at home" because of risk of infection, and the work place is too crowded; but they will sit in a commercial space surrounded by strangers from who knows where, and that's okay. Not to mention being a financial drain on the poor shop owner that just wants to sell a coffee and a muffin with a proper turn over of happy patrons.
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