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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. LOL--- Please don't take " anything " tooooo seriously on what " some " people post. This social media " stuff " can cause heartburn and get you ( me ) all uptight because someone you don't know or care to meet posts a negative comment on what you ( I ) wrote. There--- I just taught myself a lesson. LOL--- Ya ever read some of the thread topics that attract 1730 pages--- Like , like --- I better not mention any of them again for fear of " Pinboy---Get over it already "!!! About Celebrity--- as long as they don't cancel the golf putting tournament and our Waiter brings my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time, it's all good. Book and enjoy your cruises.
  2. I forgot the name of the place-- I'm not from Ottawa, so, thought you might know. Holy cow, that's all they talked about--- LOL-- In your 30's ?? What are you doing on CC reading " important " stuff like : The size of the lobster tails are getting smaller , or, I have $37 OBC left .Any suggestions what I should spend it on, or, our Butler was 4 minutes late coming to draw my wife's bath. How much should I deduct from his/her tip, or, everybody's favorite--- Who's the etc, etc---on --- 2026?????
  3. That is an excellent post-- great grandchildren and well brought up--- nice to hear. I do question "95% should NOT be on Celebrity " only because on cruises that we have been on ( never at holidays, school break or short cruises ) we never observed unbehaved children on Celebrity. Perhaps that's the difference-- less children. ( Off topic--- Ottawa ? LOL---We met a couple on a cruise from Ottawa and all they talked about was some place that served eggrolls).
  4. Absolutely, and not only on cruise ships--- We all have seen how some idiot parents behaved with their rotten brats thinking they were having fun. The Staff did/does nothing for fear of taking a tongue lashing from " Funny Boy " ( Dad ) and/or " My Kids are adorable " ( Mom ). Mind you, some folks are capable of being idiots on a cruise even without kids. That reminds me of some of the behavior in the OVC , better known as the " Slugfest on 14 ". Unbelievable --- and all over a 6th piece of cake !!
  5. No big deal for us--- Just go with the flow--- changes are made from time to time and not " grandfathered "-- don't want to spend " hours " at GR complaining about the size of a friggin lobster tail, or looking for a $ 250 Future Cruise Credit because our Server forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time, etc, etc,---so, be it---we just enjoy what is there. ( Off topic ) What's with this adding " ie " to a Ship's name, as in Connie, Millie ? It sounds so " hokey ". LOL-- And while I'm at it, the IV's are nothing but a 3ft extension to the room with a window that opens 1/2 way down. And, to add---- If "you know who" suggests ( wants ) to order room service and they charge $9.95, Pinboy springs for it-- He's getting smarter now. And, a question--- Who/why are the line ups so long at GR on the last night of the cruise ? I had to wait 43 minutes just to get a few envelopes for additional tips. Oops, gotta go---tee time in1hr and 9 minutes.
  6. Nothing !! No big deal, a small increase. If it bothers ya, eat more !! Ya think Madame Chartrand posts a "warning" ,oops notice, every time she raises the price of her " famous " burgers and poutine ? Actually -- she does " notify " us of price changes---- She draws a line through the old price and writes the new price --- ( nobody calculates the % increase or questions it ).
  7. "Spot the American" ?? LOL : ---Did you forget about us Canadians wearing a Montreal Canadiens t shirt and hat and swearing in French-----( when " you know who " displays the xyz she just bought on " sale " that will end up in the junk drawer at home )? ---How about those slobs with a knap sack containing 4 bottles of water ,6 sandwiches and 9 cookies they snuck out of the OVC hitting people ( me ) in the face while deciding on a $125 Rolex. --- Who d'ya think them old farts sittin on benches outside the stores are ? Mind you it's a good way to meet people--- One time a man with an accent even asked me if it's cold up there when I told him where I'm from.
  8. I hope I'm not reading this question re the color of the tote bag as being a status symbol , similar to wearing a lanyard indicating your Captain's Club level on Celebrity. LOL-- I heard about that and tried to get a key chain on our last two cruises, but, they told me I needed 20,000 more points to qualify. When I saw the Captain ( forgot his name ) he told me " Pinboy, it's only a friggin key chain, so, just enjoy the cruise, and bye the way, stop looking at that " old fart " with the 32 yr old " !!!
  9. " you'll be seated right away" From our experience---- Not necessarily. The Host/Hostess will take your room number , but, will seat whomever has already checked in whether they had a reservation or not.
  10. Correct-- But, you will have a choice of 4 MDRs to select from instead of the one MDR on the other class ships, plus, you can order whatever you want from any restaurant and your Server will get it for you. We never waited more than 5 minutes.
  11. From our past experience on E Class ships: We made reservations on line at the various (4 ) restaurants for each night of the cruise. On board , we preferred X instead of Y where we had a reservation on various nights. Absolutely no problem to switch and in future we will not make any reservation on the E class ships. Suggestion : Don't spend time making reservations--- It's " Anytime Dining " on the E Class ships--- Just go to the restaurant of your choice and you might have to wait a few minutes. Lastly, If you are dining in X and want something from the menu on Y your Server can get it for you. ( If you like meat---Try the beef tenderloin --- If you don't like meat--- wait for suggestions from other CCers )
  12. LOL--- Oh Yea ??? Tell that to "You know who " after "someone " enjoys 3 diet cokes on a hot afternoon after a game of golf !!!!
  13. LOL-- Finally, I can contribute to this thread !! " a fool and his money are easily parted " ??? Oh Yea ?? Not so fast !! Ya never met Big George ?? The loudest, cheapest " you know what " at our golf course !! The guy is the biggest %$^%$#%%^ and he don't spend no money. He also cheats on his score-- if that means anything !! The last time I played with him was in 2006-- the next time will be in 2096 !! Rumor has it that he's going on a cruise in 2026 and was asking around if anyone knew who, etc etc.
  14. --I'm going on a cruise and didn't receive my luggage tags. --We have $ 18 OBC left --- Any suggestions because we don't want to lose it --It's 2 am and waiting for room service---Should I tip the delivery person $ 3 or is it included in the AI package--- Hurry with your answer because he/she should be here in 42 minutes with our 4 burgers, diet cokes, chocolate chip cookies, etc . -- My Waiter forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time and didn't apologize. Where do I go to remove the Gratuities ? -- An old fart sitting beside me is , etc, etc -- I split Kings playing Blackjack because I had a "feeling" and lost $10--- The man beside me had 4 black chips in that little box in front of him and when the Dealer took 'em away the guy starred at me for 21 seconds , mumbled something ( not very polite ) , got up and left. 3 minutes later he came back to the table and pointed at me to his friend who mumbled something pretty loud. What did I do ?? -- And finally--- Here it comes ------ After " payment in full " has been paid the Captain has been changed . Now, what should I do ??
  15. Thank you for responding-- I must say I read and misinterpreted your post. What prompted my response was the numerous threads about Gratuities , especially the one regarding whether a gratuity is included in room service where there was quite a debate and the impression I was left with was that " It's included, so why should I tip any more "? As we both know and appreciate the hard work the Staff does for us and to not tip for room service is certainly not the way I treat Staff-- and, you appear to be the same. With that, I now understand your post --- you are " bang on ".
  16. This all very confusing and I doubt anyone on CC really knows the answer. We've asked many Staff, including a Hotel Mgr, about the gratuity distribution in specialty restaurants, elite breakfast in Tuscan Grill, Stateroom Attendant, and the most reliable answer ( IMO ) is: If you provide cash in an envelope or directly into the hand of your Server or Room Attendant they are allowed to keep it for themselves. If you add it on as " Additional Tip " located at the bottom of the bill, it goes into the gratuity pool. Therefore, I assume the same would apply with the Butler--- whether they are part of the AI or not. " plan accordingly " ? For what ?? To save a few $$ ??
  17. LOL--- Reminds me of a tour we took " years " ago in Costa Rica to see a banana plantation. Talk about wasting $$$ --- After 1 minute and 15 seconds I was done !! Not only did our tour guide tell us where to get a snack or drink , he was nice enough( ?? ) to take us to his cousins souvenir ( junk ) stand for 30 minutes. Lucky for us, the %^#^ was on sale that day and he stood right by the cash drawer to make sure nobody got ripped off . Then on the way back to the ship he had the driver stop the bus ( 20 minutes )--- wiped his eyes and told us that we are the best tour group he ever had. He went up and down the aisle showing us ( only the women looked !! ) pictures of his kids ( 6-7 ?? ). What a great guy !! However, when we got back to the ship some of the men ( including said writer ) tried to get off by the back door ( guess why )--- but, it was locked !! Mind you, he did hug all the women and shook every man's hand . The cost, oops, tip to get off the bus was $10(US) !!! But, it was worth it----- for our tour group to be the " best he's ever had "--- that's something !! Rumor has it that the very next day there was a tour group ( nicer than ours ) that was the best , etc etc. LOL--- Who needs University Marketing courses ? Just send the kids to Costa Rica to take the banana plantation tour !!
  18. " great hospitality" ?? " ready to splurge " ?? Who ?---- Me ??----- I did WHAT ??----- Really ??----- OH, $%#^ !!! Anybody get the number of the bus that hit me before I bought that bottle of wine--- when I don't even drink ??
  19. Holy Cow-- It's a misprint -- When someone was typing up the menus they got all mixed up and wrote $ 100,000 instead of $ 100 and nobody proof-read it prior to sending for print. I'll bet, at every table someone asks the Sommelier : " How many of the $100K bottles of wine have you sold " ? LOL--the answer --- " On the last cruise we sold 3 , but none on this cruise so far ". Who's going to spend that kind of money on a bottle of wine ? ( It's ok, I get it--- It's none of my business how anyone spends their money ) I doubt Ralph Kramden , winner of the " Safest Bus Driver " award would have spent that much on a bottle of wine or even stayed in a suite.
  20. Be nice if the 6 people identified themselves. IMO--- All 6 are just being " funny ". In all of our cruises we never encountered anyone playing their music or watching a video without earphones in the Solarium ( where we always sit ). However, on occasion ( very seldom ) in the MDR or Specialty restaurant when we were seated we noticed ( heard ) some rude, obnoxious , loud mouths (a guy wearing a cowboy hat who just ignored the Maitre'd when he was asked to remove his hat ) so we asked to change our table and were accommodated immediately.
  21. LOL-- Don't you think it adds a little more " spice " to the conversation than: " Oh, excuse me, I don't mean to disturb you, but, do you mind , if you have time , to kindly lower your music. I will gladly lend you these ear phones so you can continue to enjoy your music "?
  22. " since Covid " ? So, were you driving in Montreal at the time ?? LOL--- The driving there has nothing to do with Covid. Hope you can read and translate the signs ( all in French ) while traveling at 140km in a 90km zone in order to keep up with the traffic. Hey, it's all good there--- especially the food !!
  23. Here's the "real " answer: " Hey, hey, yes YOU, You goof --- Turn your f---- music down before I send that guy over there, yes, the big guy with the gorgeous blond you've been staring at for the last hour listening to that crap " !! Now---- What do we/you about loudmouths sitting nearby in the dining room ?
  24. " until you're up on the door "--- Now, you " got it " !! It sure helps those that love to decorate their door with upside down pineapples. Otherwise, I don't know why anyone would decorate their door anyway. Mind you, on our last cruise we noticed that Harry and Sally were celebrating their 10th anniversary. Harry looked like he could have been celebrating his 50th,Sally her 10th. Who do you think put the decoration on the door ?? Did Harry even notice it after 4 days ??
  25. "love to decorate the doors" Are you kidding ?? You will love decorating your door -- ( Not suggested for young kids though) Get a few decals/magnets with pineapples on them and hang them upside down. Talk about fun --- You will /might have more "fun" than you planned on. "Will that work on this ship?" I assume you mean " will decorating your door work (to have fun) " ?? That's a tough one---I'm no magician ---And besides ,I don't do" tricks ".
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