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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. We've only been on Quantum and Oasis class ships. Our first cruise on a Quantum Class was Anthum to Bermuda/Boston. We absolutely loved the ship, especially the Music Hall and the 270. It didn't hurt that a tribute band that was fantastic (U2 - L.A.vation) was on board and played in both venues.
  2. Walmart has people in the building stocking shelves and cleaning the urinals, managers are counting their beans, security is watching their monitors, before and after hours of operation. But, the doors are closed and locked and the general public isn't allowed to enter. I fail to see the difference. If I can't get in to do routine stuff, IT'S CLOSED!
  3. I'm questioning you, not RCCL. But, nice try! Oh, BTW, my name isn't Ken, it's Jay.
  4. Well, I guess that explains no perks offered for it. LOL
  5. We stayed in the UFS on the Symphony before the COVID debacle. CocoCay was on our itinerary but we did not get there because of the weather. We did not receive any such offer or perk. Now what you are talking about might be a recent perk offered but it didn't happen in ~2018 or 19.
  6. The following is not in direct response to @taglovestocruise directly, but just a point of reference. Yep, that is just one reason why I posted that I take the original prescription bottle(s)/containers with me when I travel. But, I don't do it just because of the Cruise portion of my travels. Like I said in my post, there are many different jurisdictions that we travel through, flying <(departure airport(s), any layovers, and arrival airport(s)) or driving through, and all could have varying laws dealing with prescription(s)/controlled substances. It's potential protection against delays while law enforcement may want to verify the legality of "controlled substances". Apparently, RCCL knows this and makes a recommendation to do so, especially if you have to take your prescription with you while in ports of call in foreign countries. Fortunately, I don't have to take prescriptions with me, I take them in the AM and that's it. Example: You get pulled over for a traffic violation, the cop asks if you have any drugs in your vehicle, and you say yes, I have Oxycodone. COP asks to see it but it is just in a "Pill Organizer". He asks for proof of prescription. You don't have it. Now the waiting and delay starts. Note that I did not say that you are in trouble, in jeopardy of being arrested, or anything like that. At that point, they are under an obligation to verify, again depending on the jurisdiction. This is not an argument to do what I do. Just what I do and why and maybe a little "fruit for thought". Nothing more, nothing less. At present we still live in a free country, you are free to do what you want. I do.
  7. Yep, I've been wondering, hoping, and waiting for a response. I see a significant difference between the two items. However, we did get a nice history lesson and a partial autobiography, and a statement of known fact.
  8. For those of us, yes, I'm in this demographic LOL, that have said that the possible and/or eventual pay-to-play in Sorrento's is not a deal breaker, what will it take to be a deal breaker? Where is the straw that will break the Camel's back? What number cut is the death of a thousand cuts? How many cutbacks in choices, quality of products and services, and services have there been since the restart? How many more to come? What have we not noticed, yet? Where/when will it stop? Will it stop unless there is pushback? I personally and certainly don't have the answers, just more and more questions. I'm still cruising on RCCL because I booked my one and only cruise in Jan 2024 over 2 years ago and it was still during the time frame that the cost of cruising was reasonable and before the string of cubtacks. That cruise, if purchased today, would be thousands of $$ more, if purchased today. I'm not done or at least don't want to be done. But, I just can't see myself paying what is being asked for a cruise these days. So, until things get reasonable again, if ever, I'm priced out of the cruise vacation options. Like others have stated, I can do a lot of great vacationing with less money via many other options other than cruising but I hate flying. So, I guess I will get back into "Seeing America First". I believe there are still a lot of great things I haven't visited yet in the good old U.S. of A. It is my view that I am not leaving cruising, cruising has left me. But, until I've completed my next cruise I'll still be active in here just to keep up with the latest cruise news. Who knows, maybe things will turn around and I'll be a happy cruiser again. Cheers!
  9. Not only that, if you purchase the lower coverage policies, you may only be able to cruise once during the year and be fully covered. What do I mean? If you purchase a policy that only offers let's say $70,000.00 repatriation coverage and you use it on your first cruise of the year for, say $60,000.00, you are only covered for the rest of the year with $10,000.00. This means that you may need or want to purchase another policy to cover whatever may be needed during the rest of the policy year if you travel more than once during that policy year. In that case, you didn't save any money with the annual coverage. DISCLAIMER: Yes, there are many different types of policies and different companies do different things. But, all the annual policies that I've looked at do have a maximum amount they will pay out in the annual policy per event, not trip. So, for convenience, knowing I'm covered, and other reasons, I just purchase the trip insurance that the cruise line offers or the TA offers.
  10. Wait, what, whatchya talk'in bout Willis? They don't?
  11. We were on Ovation in May 2022. Fish & Ships wasn't free. But, based on our experience, it should be. Also, they didn't have most of the other menu items. They said COVID supply chain problems. And it could very well have been. I'm a "Fish & Chips" lover.
  12. For me, the one that we stayed in will always be called a Star Loft Suite even though I know it's really a Grand Loft Suite. And yes, it was a little smaller than the other loft suites but had much better views and versatility, I think. Man, that would suck expecting to be Star (w/Genie) and not be. We actually had an inner suite (Star Class, Grand Loft) booked and moved to the outer suite. The inner would have been bigger but only one view.
  13. I'm not trying to be a wise guy here. But, how familiar are you with the App. If you need step-by-step instructions on how to get to the menu or where they will eventually be, I'd be glad to walk you through it.
  14. You may not see them until you get closer to your sailing. The only menu I can see for my Jan 2024 sailing is for Sabor. Nothing for the specialty restaurants and the NDR. When they are available, it will be right there when you click on the restaurant you are researching
  15. As you said, they will. I won't! I've been in the Customer Service/Hospitality industry for far too many years and I tend to be, probably more understanding than most. I'd be a lousy business owner, I'd tell the squeaky wheels to kiss .......... off.
  16. Yep, I understand that. This makes me wonder, even more, if menus are "largely" the same from cruise to cruise what's stopping them from posting them at least one month out? I think most of us adult, well-seasoned, reasonable, and experienced people already know of the ramifications of supply and demand, seasons, holidays, et al and a disclaimer on the menu about things are subject to change without notice is a cover-all/CYA. Smokey, I know you aren't a representative of RCCL or any other cruise line. So, I don't expect you to answer any or all of my inquisitiveness. But, you are welcome to.
  17. Doesn't matter why RCCL didn't want the passengers to see it. They didn't want passengers to see it (the protest) and it caused a passenger ship to turn tail and run or divert! Your words, "but mostly they did not want passsngers to see a protest". I never mentioned anything about a "threat". In fact, I said that I didn't know if they would be violent or not, can't prove a negative. Why does everything have to be contentious?
  18. I wouldn't debate a word of it. My last cruise was in October 2022, Independence of the Seas. It did have marinated cheese and olives. I'm fairly sure that there were other items too. But, I don't eat any other items and didn't pay attention to it.
  19. I don't expect an answer to my question(s) below. I'm quoting you as a point of reference. The key word there is "current". This means that we can not look ahead and make plans based on the menu. For example, do I make reservations at Chop's on Monday night because the MDR doesn't have what I want/like? I'm not asking for several months in advance but maybe a month and I fully understand a menu can only offer what the market makes available and is seasonable. But, again, a month or so isn't too much to ask. I believe this is an IT issue, as usual.
  20. I didn't get one of those surveys. But, I wonder if they gave people the opportunity to expand on the canned answers. If they did and I got one, I'd tell them that this is one of the cuts in the "Death of a Thousand Cuts" syndrome, and I'd say that this is the "Straw That Broke The Camel's Back/The Final Straw".
  21. Storms happen every day and ships are rerouted every day, protests that make a cruise ship turn around and run don't. I understand your premise and I'm not trying to change your mind/opinion or even argue. I have my opinion and you have yours. Let's have a beer.
  22. I don't know, things may have been "nonviolent" because the ship diverted from there. We don't know how violent or not things may or may not have gotten if they did show up. And I'd consider it an incident if an entire ship (don't know what ship this is about) full of guests and crew had to divert from a port because of protests, violent or not. I'm sure those that provide the support and depend on the $$$ that these ships bring in would consider it an incident and enough of an incident that the hierarchies of RCCL didn't want the passengers to see it. But, I do agree, RCCL made the right decision. Better safe than sorry.
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