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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. If you feel guilty about having the towel animals and/or the steward feels uncomfortable about asking if you want them, just tell him/her, on the first day, that you don't want any, ever, zip, nada, nothing.
  2. Ya, I'm all about earning points and perks. This means that I would be diluting my point earning between two cruise lines. I don't want to do that. In October I'll be 72. I've got to earn as many points as I can, it's a race to the finish LOL. <sorry if that was a little morbid. But, I'm a very very realist> But, I'm in damn good shape for the shape I'm in!
  3. Got it and I did just look into the FAQ and it is as you stated.
  4. I read this after I answered @Bamagirl_gina. You're 100% right-on.
  5. The #1 main reason, neither offers Oasis or Quantum Class ships. No other reason for Tampa but there are other reasons for NOLA but I can't discuss those here.
  6. That was on the Symphony, the 4 bedroom Family Villa. One thing for sure, with that thing, I'd be able to take several showers a day with fresh towels.
  7. Hummm, if true, that sucks. Thanks for the information. BTW, I thought you were ignoring me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate this info. I must have misunderstood those that kept telling me/us, here, that RCCL and X were the same company, which they are both a part of the same mothership and share each other's points. I've got to remember, "Trust but verify".
  8. Do I believe that the industry monitors these types of social media sites? Hell yes, I do. Do I believe that they change any single (individual issue) thing that is being discussed (the flavor of the day)? NO! Do I believe they pay attention to the, let's call it, the temperature of things? YES, I do. Are they paying attention to the culmination of negative comments about once-a-day cabin service, increase in tips, reduction of menu options, loss of traditional offerings, and on and on? YES, I believe so. Will they make noticeable changes right away? NO! Will they slowly reintroduce some items using different titles and/or marketing strategies? Yes. Will the fare increases stop until inflation catches up to them or at least close? Maybe! That's my 2 cents!
  9. Well, that might be a game-changer for us. I'm loyal to Royal. But, mostly loyal because of the C & A points. So, because the vast majority of RCCL's cruises, departing from the east coast, go to CocoCay and the C & A points follow us to X, AND it looks like X will be going to Labadee instead of CocoCay and it doesn't look like X will be going to Cozumel, I may have to switch my loyalty. My concern is the size or lack thereof of X's ships. This is potentially good news for us.
  10. NO, I'd never pay for the towel animals. However, I like them for two reasons. 1. It does add a little extra touch to the cruise experience and it is always kind of something that we look forward to for the surprise of the unknown, what animal they will make that night. 2. As stated many times, I may shower 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 times a day and I like having a fresh towel after each shower, If I run out of towels, I know where there are extras, LOL.
  11. LOL, we do specialty dining every night because it is a perk. The only restaurant we don't go to is Izumi. We don't eat bait LOL, although, I may try one of the non-seafood rolls one day. Wonderland is a restaurant we will go to but it's not a priority, too fufu for us. I do love Hibachi, Chops, and Italian restaurants. On cruises that we aren't Star, the WJ is fine.
  12. LOL, I may, but only because there is something else on the itinerary that I really want to do and I'll stay on the ship. CocoCay left a bad taste in my mouth <every pun intended> LOL
  13. No, I understand. This is a discussion board. Some forget that. My experience was that the island was overcrowded, the Indy and an Oasis Class <if memory serves me> at once, both full to capacity Oh, I almost forgot, this is totally my fault, I ordered a Funnel Cake, but, after the long line, I was a bit frustrated and left right after they handed me the sandwiches and forgot the cake. So, I never got to taste the Funnel Cake and I usually love those things.
  14. "Necessity and hunger is the mother of invention" or something like that!
  15. <My experience> - I waited in line for a long time for the crispy fried chicken sandwich and it was average at best. The same sandwich that the administrator/owner of another Royal Caribbean social media blog raved about. But, I have read many folks do believe that the food is great on CocoCay. I may just have had a one-off sandwich.
  16. How about Flushs, per day? $1.50 per flush after 3 per day? Pay to use public restrooms? Sink/shower water, 5 Gallons per day limit, pay for more? Oh, you want hot water in your sink or shower, extra? Rent a chair in the casino? Oh, how about lighting in your cabin? Why not coin-operated (or swipe your card) lighting? Cover-charge to get in all adult beverage venues w/minimum? A charge for entertainment venues? Oh man, they should make me the CEO. I could totally ruin the company.
  17. Oh ya, sure can! Isn't that the name of a GM/Chevy truck?
  18. I'm not that picky about itineraries, except I'm not a fan of CocoCay and Cuzomel. Cruises from the eastern coast of the U.S. that go to the Caribbean, go to CocoCay (the majority anyway) and those out of Galveston go to Cozumel, again, the majority (I believe. I didn't proof that). So, it's "six of one, half dozen of another". I'll just stay on the ship at both and drink my bottle(s) of wine or beer or both!
  19. I watched a Youtube about the Mardi Gras and the other new one(s) have a little strip mall type location, the Ledo, I guess, with all the little "grab and go" snack places. I did notice that at least one, the seafood one, did have an upcharge to it. My response: Slippery Slope!
  20. When do you get out of the hospital?
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