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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. 100% right-on! I've said many times in here that I'm loyal to Royal. This is true, I'm loyal to Royal's Ships and Crew. I do, however, think that the Mother Ship is, as already stated, married to greater and greater profits/margins. I'm a capitalist, for sure, but I think there are limits and I think RCCL (the mother ship) has "Jumped the Shark" as far as their pricing and service policies are concerned. I love their ships (Oasis and Quantum class) and I have nothing but good to say about the crew members I've had interaction with.
  2. If I had that many prescriptions, I'd probably do the same. But, I only have 4 and the bottles don't take up any room in the luggage, not noticeably, anyway.
  3. You are right, there is no requirement to bring the "pill bottles". However, if Law Enforcement Officials (and jurisdictions (Federal, State, County, and local) all have their own laws) ask for proof of a valid prescription for a "Controlled Substance", you may wish you had the bottles or the paperwork that the pharmacy gives you along with the prescription. It may be a long wait while they verify everything if there are questions. I just happen to prefer to put the empty bottles into one of the little zip-up pockets in our luggage and forget about them until needed, if needed. It's my preference, it doesn't have to be anybody else's. It isn't much different than when bring a printed copy of RCCL's own FAQ/Policy of bringing a "drone" onboard. I've had the terminal weenies try to take it away and say they are prohibited on RCCL ships. NO, they aren't prohibited, you just can't fly them while onboard or on any of their private destinations. It is a convenience thing. But, if I didn't have that copy of the rule, my drone would be sitting in the Seattle Terminal. If I don't have proof of valid/legal prescription of my Controlled Substances, I'd be sitting on the side of the road waiting while the officer validates the prescription or guidance from his supervisor. Not that that has happened to me, yet.
  4. There are so many situations that wouldn't be convenient and I use a little local pharmacy for my recurring prescriptions and they don't have a reliable app or site. I appreciate the suggestion though.
  5. I've taken mine on EVERY cruise. But, I do carry the bottles that they came in to show to authorities if requested. Hell, if it wasn't for the pill organizer, at home at least, and being retired, that is the way I know what day of the week it is. LOL
  6. It is a very valid concern/question. I personally don't have a cruise booked to go to Labadee. However, if I did, I wouldn't hesitate to go if it was just my wife and me, not sure how I'd feel if I had my adult children and my Gkids going along. But, and I brought this up in another thread on the same subject, at minimum, I'd check my life insurance policy, medical insurance if they cover you abroad and any travel insurance to see if there is a clause about traveling where the U.S. Government has a Travel Advisories telling you to say away. NOTE: I haven't checked any of mine because I haven't had the need to.
  7. I haven't read every post, so if I'm repeating someone else's post/idea, so what!!! LOL I think <that means that it is my opinion> that Royal's Mother Ship has observed the lines, via many means, at Sorrento's and confused it with popularity, affirmation of wonderful taste, and quality. However, again, I think it is an affirmation of "FREE", period, nothing else. Don't get me wrong, I eat pizza at Sorrento's probably 2 times a day while on an RCCL ship. But, what I really like is their marinated cheeses and olives. Their pizza is less than average as far as I'm concerned. I eat their pizza because it is free, convenient, and not terrible. I usually special order with extra pepperoni and extra cheese and then pick off the pepperoni and cheese and throw away the rest. Having said that, the newbs who don't know any better will be willing to hand over their cash for the substandard pizza (and many other things as well), and then there are those that will just "turn the other cheek" and say/do nothing different, even defend it. We wonder why there are so many adverse changes, that's one of many reasons why. I can tell you, on my next cruise, Jan 2024, I will make it a point to discuss many of these situations with management IF I am affected by them personally. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's view) I'm cruising Star and I won't be affected by the once-a-day cabin service, price of meals, and drinks. But, if I notice that the specialty restaurants have downsized, lowered quality, and have fewer choices, I'll be vocal. Also, my post-cruise survey will be a piece of art.
  8. We had an actual STAR Loft Suite on the Ovation. And, I'm here to tell you that the soot was a major issue. I can't remember the suite # right now, but it was one that had 3 balconies, two rear-facing and one upstairs facing out the side, if I remember correctly, it had a hanging straw chair. It was the one big rear-facing one (the otherwise best one) that was the problem. One thing I don't understand - Why would the Steward care how dirty a towel is? It's not his/her problem, they don't pay for them, they don't have to wash them. NOTE: That's not meant to be derogatory towards you at all and I don't expect an answer. I'm sure it happened. Just don't understand, why.
  9. I don't know. Maybe the guy drank it already. LOL
  10. Ya, whatever. The premise of MY post was about ---- Well, here it is: " I wonder who the genius was that suggested putting a hot-air balloon on a lone island in the Caribbean (not technically and geographically in the Caribbean Sea) and making it one of the main attractions of the island. Surely someone at RCCL HQ knew that weather would be a major issue with a hot-air balloon and do nothing but piss people off with its issues". My post was about the logic of putting a "hot-air" balloon on a Caribbean Island with known weather issues, as minor as they may be, usually. That is the post that you seem to have to get all technical about. And the OP was actually talking about how this was the 5th time he hasn't been able to get on the balloon, which to me was an issue to HIM. Which makes me wonder why they even have it. I've been to CocoCay once. It was a beautiful day, light wind and the balloon wasn't operating because it wasn't light enough. Didn't bother me though, I didn't think twice about it, then, I wouldn't go up in it anyway. And to answer @PhillyFan33579's post/comment. I don't doubt that it isn't one of your main attractions. That's fine and good, it isn't mine either. But, Royal sure does, it's highlighted in just about every promotion of CocoCay/Perfect Day. JUST ONE EXAMPLE:
  11. Whatever. The same result, I think almost everyone else got the premise of the post.
  12. I wonder who the genius was that suggested putting a hot-air balloon on a lone island in the Caribbean (not technically and geographically in the Caribbean Sea) and making it one of the main attractions of the island. Surely someone at RCCL HQ knew that weather would be a major issue with a hot-air balloon and do nothing but piss people off with its issues.
  13. We are talking about RCCL's IT here, are we not?
  14. Yep, we've done it at Canaveral, Everglades, Miami, Liberty, and Galveston and we've seen it done at Seattle. We have also dropped off luggage and gone elsewhere (like for breakfast, last-minute shopping, etc) and returned hours later.
  15. For me, I cruise for the amenities and other reasons. One of the amenities is the clean-up/tidy-up, their turn down, the replenishment, and the attention from the steward, twice a day. Can I live without it? Yes, of course. But, I expect and have become accustomed to much more than what a hotel offers unless I stay at the Mark Penthouse in NYC, which I don't, not at $75K a night. Having said that, if there is only once-a-day cabin service, I'll get many extra towels. But, that's me. I do not expect anyone else to have the same desires as me and I will not try to force my way of thinking on anyone. I respect everyone's opinions (cruise related, that is) and desires.
  16. I thought I was too, being 68 or so at the time. But, on one cruise, I was totally taken over by adult beverages and the CD picked me out of the crowd to participate BECAUSE of my rather large handlebar. I really don't remember much more than that. But, I've done it again and again. Love it.
  17. As much as I am tired of Cozumel, I will say that it is a small island which makes it hard for bands of gangs or even lone criminals to make a hasty escape. The biggest concern I have, or had as I try not to go back, in Coz is being ripped off by the local merchants, which is actually my fault because I let them. The many many times we've been to Coz, we've never taken an excursion to the mainland. But that had nothing to do with crime, well maybe 20% of it was.
  18. You haven't been following along, have you!
  19. Yep, avoid most of Broward County, most of Miami-Dade, much of Orlando, and some of Tallahassee and you're fine.
  20. That's what I was thinking. Also, it is sailing out of Australia. Not sure if sailing out of Australia makes a difference. The title of the Video does say it's a Sky Loft Suite, though. But, the video actually never shows the Genie in it BUT, next to the snacks and water bottles it looks like a greeting card of sorts from the Genie:
  21. Yet people are flocking to move there. Go figure. It must be the new Royal Caribbean Terminals in the Port of Miami or in the Port of Canaveral. Ya think?
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