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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. I love today's days - where would we be w/o awesome teachers? We should act as though everyday were do something nice day - doesn't that sound marvelous? I'm good on the first part of the quote, but lost in the back half Pass on the meal, would try the wine, not been to Norway. The days all certainly made their own impact on the world; love the Beatles, not so much Mr Bond but acknowledge "he" impacted the world, lol. 70° headed to 82°. It rained last night!! That's worth celebrating. Shoulder is not happy today - I'm sure it's angry about the sideways move the surgeon & Chriro attempted to get it to do yesterday, but how are we to know what it can do if we don't see what it can't do? Probably not that deep - it just doesn't move that way yet, lol. DH was prescribed a new med - didn't know he was given reading material on it until I found scraps of it in the yard that the dog had not quite finished eating. Ugh Oh, rec'd notice someone at work nominated me for recognition as a Compassionate Leader. How humbling, no idea who so I guess I'll thank everyone. Prayers and positive thoughts for all.
  2. We received the string-backpack, but there was nothing in it. Boo Hoo 😞
  3. "Early Ticketing" is you asking the ticket be issued now rather than closer to final payment. You will need to pay for it and you will be subject to penalties if you make changes. It will allow you to make upgrade seat selections and other things you aren't able to do until it's ticketed.
  4. Correct - you ask for them, they are not sitting out anywhere.
  5. Yikes - hope they get that resolved for y'all quickly.
  6. Whatever bonuses/perks were in effect and tied to your booking when you made it, will go along with it when you transfer it to your TA. However, if you cancel and rebook w/TA, you will get the bonuses in effect at that time. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  7. Sooo happy to read you have been able to secure new flights ✈️ 🙌 Here's wishing you safe travels and no more drama - just fun times.
  8. Animals deserve their day; not a golfer but glad it has a day for those who do; my coffee has to be hot hot hot so no frappe for me, but I will celebrate for those who enjoy it. Cannot say I agree w/Mr Poe. Would try the soup and wine; not been to the port. The days are significant, indeed. 79° headed to 93° - looking forward to cooler temps. Surgeon evaluates shoulder this afternoon then PT after w/Chiro. I will have Chiro work on hip again to see if she can get more feeling in my still-numb foot. URI seems to be hanging on - hopefully coughing will take a break long enough for Surgeon's visit. DH is headed to stress test; sure hope he gets results of last weeks echo while he's there. And that Cardio says no new stents needed. Sounds so minor compared to what many on here are going through, so apologies for mentioning, but all of it at once doesn't feel minor. Thanks for letting me lighten the load. DH says Sun (his only day off) would be a good day to get jabbed, so I'll see where I can arrange those in 1 trip; would like to get them done at least 2 weeks before we cruise and time is ticking... Prayers and positive thoughts for all.
  9. It happened in Sept, announced a tad prior. It coincided w/the elimination of the extra app surcharge and was implemented on a rolling schedule so exact timing was dependent upon the ship.
  10. Awe - welcome to HAL!! Hope you'll share your thoughts & pics after - and that you enjoy sailing HAL for years to come.
  11. That machine is awesome - everyone in our group wants one for their very own, 😆 🤣 I don't think we got carved soap; at least, I hope not cuz everything we got came delivered on 1 plate courtesy of the Chef. And none was white. So, guess I wuz robbed!!
  12. Gave my husband an extra kiss this morning as he headed out to work - told him it was for boyfriends day; he laughed and said "I'll take it." All health is important - child health seems even more so. I've always referred to technology as a "necessary evil" but since I'm now in IT, I guess that officially makes me a Techie! A person may be a person, but some are definitely better representatives than others. I would try the meal (need more turkey in my diet), pass on the drink, wine sounds nice, not been to Japan. The day in history was important for E & W Germany; I don’t follow rugby but am in favor of countries representing outside their borders. Currently 68° headed to sunny 93°. Looks like rain still possible mid-late week, so fingers remain crossed. I think the Chiro manipulation helped as some of the numbing has been replaced by a fuzzy feeling, so I'll take that as progress. I told her I came back from my cruise a mess (cracked lips, numb foot, achy hip, URI, blah blah); she said "you're not a mess, you're Post Cruise." Oh my... Prayers and positive thoughts for all with an extra dose for Baby Murphy and family in recognition of Child Health Day.
  13. We were told last week on the Venezia the slots are first come, so go early to sign up. You don't choose a slot - your name just goes on the list & you find out what time you get when you get your tickets. The number of tours they give depends on number who sign up as well as crew schedules - it involves crew from several departments, not just the guide. 1st week of our B2B, they said they could have filled 10 tours there were so many people that had signed up - they did 3. Don't know how many they did our week, but there were 14 of us in our group.
  14. You can disregard the reminders and hop on in - they'll check you in and you'll be on board, had lunch & likely received your bags well before your scheduled 2:20 time 🙂 Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  15. Yes - sign up at Shore Exc. Good luck on getting a spot and enjoy!!
  16. I'm not able to comment from personal experience on #1 or #3, but have been watching w/interest to see what others might say as we spend some time in a few different Spanish ports on our upcoming TA. As for the laundry, I am a huge fan and do pack less because I use it, but you seem to have already decided that it won't be of much value. I know some people send out a full load on Day 1 of their cruise to get everything done they wore prior to boarding. You might consider that and see if it helps reduce packing. Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!
  17. Single bags are $15/ea. Bundle of 5 bags is $50. We got so much in a single bag, it was returned in 2 bags!
  18. Yes, you do still need to check in and complete all docs. We also selected latest time to leave an earlier spot for someone who actually needed one and wanted it.
  19. Last week on Venezia (NYC) breakfast was served 630-800 in MDR.
  20. Last week on Venezia it was $130, lasted 3.5 hours. Actually about 3 hours as there were several times the guide stopped, checked her phone (clock, I presume), said "we've got some time..." then had us wait until... Very interesting, would do it again.
  21. Custodians and farm animals are deserving of their own day. Life is too short for even short-term grudges. Better to remove the negativity than hold a grudge. Like a good bowl of steaming hot, crispy topped mac & cheese (and the cool weather it's meant for), would try the drinks. Have not been to AU; hope to go (HAL keeps doing their part by offering attractive pricing, but airlines are not). The history day is certainly important to the US. Currently 68° headed to 93°; possible rain 🌧 on Wed and temp under 90 (oh please, Santa, we promiseto be good). Lots of work stuff to get caught up on and a full calendar of "regular" work, so busy day. Have to begin prepping for vacation - only 3.5 weeks away. Definitely heading to Dr today for the URI - I just could not get up yesterday to go, but I think the fever broke. Prayers and positive thoughts for all.
  22. I've not had an issue w/snacks in checked or carry-on.
  23. Thanks @CurlerRob I do tend to enjoy street food, so I appreciate the heads-up. Thanks for the link.
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