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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Dr said he would stair step the dosage, gradually increasing it. I don't remember the amounts, but do recall him saying I would take 3 times/day. I work on a computer all day, so am concerned about my ability to do that with increasing tremors and blurry vision. If I could get one issue under control, navigating the other might not seem so daunting. Falling asleep on my computer won't win me top producer 🥴 I have to laugh to keep the tears at bay. The number foot doesn't impact my use of the computer, lol, so maybe he's right I just live with it.
  2. Congrats on the new fur baby. Coco is a cutie who looks like she could be a handful 😏
  3. @Snowbird and that fee can be deducted from the spa full cruise rate if you decide to upgrade, so you're not paying $xx + $49.99.
  4. If I may ask, what number did you call to reach "casino services"?
  5. Follow up - the steps and screenshots I posted are for an Android - iPhone may be different.
  6. Oh geez - I lost my reply; let's try again. Top right, horizontal bars (sometimes called the "hamburger ") click "account" Then "settings" then the dropdown arrow "settings area" and finally toggle on "view signature"
  7. It is Gabapentin. If you're willing to share, does the Rasagiline help?
  8. I really should have been more complete - we asked each other (cabinmate and I) not Princess. So I'd like to know, as well.
  9. Some ships balcony doors have mag locks controlled by engineering/the bridge so they cannot be opened in poor conditions. When ours locked one time on Princess, we asked what would happen if passenger got locked out on the balcony.
  10. Yes I think it may be 70 for full retirement (being based on the year you were born) but if you delay beyond that, you can receive over 100%. That is the date I was targeting. Happy to hear you got a good SS worker - it sure is not an easy process to navigate.
  11. Oh goodness - that is horrible. I know you will give both "your girls" extra hugs. I hope Sarah has the strength to push out this ugly pettiness and some good memories to fill the space. Hugs and prayers to you in this difficult time.
  12. January on K'dam I needed to print some things and asked about emailing them to GS or using the computers or if I could print from USB or bring my laptop. Told no way to connect from laptop. Even though the computers (there are 2) are very close to GS, they told me to save the docs to my phone and they printed them from there. Said it's quicker and easier for them to just "tap tap" on my phone. The guy went behind the wall and 2 seconds later came back w/the papers and my phone.
  13. Aligns with my experience - bring in carry-on, fully visible and disclosed, prepared to pay corkage, never charged.
  14. Happy to hear of a great musical experience and hope it spreads fleetwide.
  15. That deck 4 aft verandah was like winning the lottery - congrats!! Happy to hear you've made it on more than once.
  16. Extensions were granted to submit paperwork (literal old school faxed papers) for both LOA & Accommodation. I have repeatedly checked w/PCP, even made 2 trips in person, being told last Thursday they would send them on Friday. 5:30pm yesterday they called (so they did not submit them) saying they need the visit notes AND recommendations from the specialists as PCP is only the middle man consolidating their findings and recommendations into one form. She will not make any recommendations of her own - could have said that a month ago - she's the one who suggested the LOA. The eye doctor gave me drops to use every 1 - 2 hours & told me she has no recommendations beyond that as the only way to see clearly for any period of time is to stop looking at a computer screen, which she understands is not reasonable. Working for xx amount of time then taking a break for xx amount of time will not prevent the blurriness so she will not recommend it. She wanted to perform a procedure, but insurance denied it. So no recommendations from her. The neurologist said the EMG was clean so the numbness in left hand must be from my neck & sent me to PT. He wrote a script to help w/the tremors, but insurance won't fill it saying they need more info from him. He says even if I take it, the tremors won't stop and will continue to get worse, the meds may only help them not be so severe. The drug is prescribed off-label for tremors - he cautioned me about some of the side effects. He said I'd have to live with the numb left foot. No recommendations from him. I asked PCP for a referral to a podiatrist and we'll see what they say, but that will not be before the deadline. The ortho surgeon I'm seeing for my frozen shoulder & eventual surgery to address some tears will sign off on a leave when it's time to operate. Until then, it's PT. So no recommendations from him. I am at a loss as how to proceed and am beginning to think my only option is to quit my job. I had planned to do that once I reach the age for max SS benefits, which I think is 72 (?), and am not financially in a position to leave now. I am fortunate to work from home w/a somewhat flex schedule, but I still have to show up and get my job done. Little things alone are manageable, piled together, multiple little things become big things. Thanks for listening. I'm open to suggestions.
  17. @StLouisCruisers once again your DD has made a beautiful tree! And what a subtle celebration of carrots 😉
  18. Nurses definitely need to be celebrated! Some of my clients are a pain, but they pay the bills, so I will still celebrate them along w/the nice ones. Not sure what Rwad to Me day is, but I'm sure someone here will know. Was Mr Wilde being funny or serious? The meal sounds good if I can leave out the polenta. Pass on the drink, yes to the wine, not been to the port. Interesting collection of history days. DH says he wants to take vacation last week of April to end of first week in May, so I will start working toward that. No cruise, he wants to go home to see his family. We were in AK on Eurodam that week last year. For the 2nd time in a week, the cat spent the night outside - I hope that's not the start of a trend. The kids need to be inside overnight. Currently chilly 39° headed to sunny 70° with more rain 🌧 tomorrow night; the yard is still wet and we really need to mow. Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.
  19. Gotta love fur babies - sitting here attempting to read through CC threads when they decide I've had enough screen time. Larger pup (125#) uses me as his pillow; Smaller pup (65#) uses larger pup as her pillow with me as her bed. Cat decides he can squeeze in. I am still under all of this (under the blue & orange blanket) at the bottom of the pile.
  20. Absolutely no roasting...I am an "extra crispy" bacon person myself. However, having had the candied bacon 🥓 multiple times and after a PG chef explained how it's made (begins with marinating overnight), we have no expectation for it to be crispy. So, we revel in it's maple sticky sweetness and try not to think of the calories. If I may, I will gladly accept yours unless @Crazy For Cats wants it😉
  21. It does feel good to know we're appreciated and liked - especially if we can make an impact.😊 Hugs 🤗 💔seems you had just the right person taking care of Martina while you were gone.
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