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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. My son has one in their master bath. Heated seat, with bidet functions. I must admit, I have never tried it, but he swears by it.
  2. I am not really sure how long it takes to warm them. We usually put the towels in when we get in the hot tub, and an hour later, when we get out, they are nice and warm.
  3. We have a Zentoes warmer that our daughter bought us last Christmas. We use it to warm the towels when we use our hot tub. It holds two large beach towels, or a towel and a robe. We like having a warm towel when we get out. It does have an automatic shut off after an hour. I did see this model is currently unavailable on Amazon, but we have been happy with ours, so far.
  4. It was 50° with heavy rain when I got up this morning. It is supposed to turn to snow this afternoon. The first thing we did this morning was to go to the school, and drop off a large box of new toys for Angel Tree. It is sad, that many times, these are the only things some kids get for Christmas.
  5. Something tells me you may get a new favorite on your cruise going to Aruba and Curaçao. Those have become our new favorites.
  6. I think their itinerary has them at Hilo tomorrow. When they are in Hilo and looking inland, Mauna Kea is to the right, and Mauna Loa (the one erupting) is to the the left. If I recall the area correctly, any flow from Mauna Loa would go toward the Kona side of the island. I think they port at the Kona side on Wednesday..
  7. I think they don’t get to the Big Island until tomorrow. That is where the current eruption is at. An active volcano report would be awesome.
  8. That is a new set that hasn’t been put together yet. I think it will stay assembled. That gives us an excuse to get a different one for next year. He just turned 10.
  9. Since you can’t spend the entire day, entering grandkids with Legos, we moved on to games and artistic endeavors. I have been really impressed with how my grandson has developed his artistic abilities. I really liked this one he did. I think I will caption it….. The look you get when you score an $18 drink package!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. We are watching our grandkids at their house today. We started putting together the Lego gingerbread house. Ricky tried to fit in the box, but it wasn’t quite big enough. So he decided to just lay on it. I guess it is break time for a rub.
  11. She is feeling better, thanks. That one was a pastrami and cheese. All their sandwiches are loaded with slaw, fries and tomatoes. Very good.
  12. Lunch today. Since our son-in-law went to the Cleveland game, we took our daughter and grandkids out to lunch. The hibachi wasn’t open early, so grandson said he wanted Primanti Brothers. Our grandson has a ton of shoes, and is always looking for the latest, statement pair. So, of course, we bought him some nice bright yellow ones today. 🤣
  13. That looks like the International Market Place. I always liked the original, before they put in all the high end shops.
  14. I missed out yesterday, because I was isolated in my room, reading all day. That is the first Thanksgiving I didn’t overeat. The grandkids finished putting together the Lego Elf house for under our tree, and enjoyed playing with the train and monorail. We will have them on Monday, so they will be busy putting together the gingerbread house from Lego. I was feeling better today, with no symptoms. Daughter and grandkids were over today to help eat leftovers, and we had a Playdoh sculpting contest. A few of the creations. We have a lot of fun with that,
  15. @dani negreanu you were right, the new Robert Crais book was a quick read. I started and finished it today. Now I have to look for something new to read.
  16. I was glad it showed up. I finished the new Michael Connelly book with Harry and Renée. It was the best of the ones I read lately. I read the new Nelson Demille book, The Maze, and thought it moved slowly. I also read the new Lee Child book, No Plan B. I thought it jumped back and forth too much before they brought the story line together. Maybe it is his collaboration with Andrew Child, but I liked Lee’s earlier works better. I also finished the new CJ Box book, Treasure State.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. So our reduced size, Thanksgiving meal, with just our daughter and her family, just got a little smaller. We were out for a walk yesterday when I started feeling off. Trouble breathing, fever and chills. Took a Covid test last night, and it was negative. Fever and chills are gone this morning, but still don’t feel like myself. I hate that Susan has to do all the prep work now, since I have decided to isolate today. I don’t want to take a chance of passing something to my daughter or the grandkids. Looks like I will be starting that new Robert Crais book today, instead of enjoying time with the family.
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