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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. It was news to me too, since I have been out of the cruising loop for a couple months. I looked at some of those menus, and it looks like they have pared down the number of choices, not only on entrees, but on deserts. Susan would get the apple blossom for desert almost every night, and now it looks like it is only offered one night. That is disappointing.
  2. Well, granddaughter is home, but her diagnosis was pneumonia. Susan and I have a somewhat free day, so we are running all over western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. An early morning stop was at Christmas Land. Somehow, this is how I envision Greg’s house. Even the dogs would feel right at home. I did find Santa and, fortunately my name was on the good list. I can’t imagine how long it takes to put together a display like this. IMG_6249.MOV or, how much is invested in it. IMG_6250.MOV
  3. Practicing our own method of de-stressing, we headed out for a walk at dusk last night. A little cool out, but we did see this group in the field. Yes, there were 10 of them.
  4. Sorry to hear about your grandson. Hopefully he is out of the hospital and doing better now. So sorry to read about the loss of your cat. Congratulations on your new granddaughter. That is some happy news. Congratulations on making Pinnacle. That is one club I will probably never make, but who knows. Some coming your way from here. I hate stress! Congratulations to your granddaughter. What a great achievement.
  5. I know I have been missing here for about a week, and I am about 40 pages behind. Sometimes, life just gets in the way. This week is shaping up to be much the same, with just a new set of problems. We are just talking them a day at a time. This morning, I am at the hospital with my daughter, and my granddaughter is in another hospital about 90 miles away. So I would rather talk about good stuff. This weekend, we put up our Christmas tree. One of the things I like, are some of the special ornaments. We have had several pieces of the grandkid’s artwork made into Christmas ornaments. Granddaughter painted this one on a mini canvas, when she was 4. Her brother painted a similar one, and he would have been 7 at the time. A few of the others they did since then, had rather abstract forms. Even my grandson in California had his unique self portrait one. I don’t think anyone will recognize him from it though. And, lastly, although not an ornament, this elf is something I cut from scrap wood, when my kids were little. They took turns painting each section, and they always still look for the elf climbing the tree. I know I have probably missed a lot here, but I hope all of you are well.
  6. Who doesn’t love juggling remotes. So when we went in to change some things on our cable bill, one of the things they told us was we could use a Roku with the Spectrum app, and get rid of our cable box. We bought a new Roku this weekend, and I set it up this morning. The Roku pays for itself in less than two months, compared to that box rental. I have used a Harmony universal remote for years. So the remote on the right replaces all the other remotes. (Apple TV, Roku, TV, Surround sound, DVD, and cable box). It turns on the seven speaker surround sound system, tv, and other devices, and switches to the correct inputs. My weekend project will be to go into the Harmony remote software program, and clean out some devices we no longer use. My wife has loved that she only ever has to use the one remote.
  7. How I started my day. I was #85 at our polling place, and Susan was #89 because she stopped to talk to an old coworker. For those in the US, I hope this is part of your plan for the day. That is, unless you mailed one in. We always vote in person.
  8. Yesterday was a long day for us. That’s why it was nice that Susan made us a nice filet, bacon ranch potatoes, and baked corn supper. Cooking for us and my daughter’s family. Grandson loves those filets. Up early this morning to watch the eclipse. Perfect clear sky to view it. I still haven’t figured out how to get a clear shot with my iPhone. This is the best I could do.
  9. Oh, for those meals with meat and potatoes!!! Had one of those meat and potatoes meals at Cracker Barrel today, after we ran to Sam’s Club and Target. Of course, we had to bring this home from CB, for a healthy dinner. That is their cinnamon roll pie. Oh, so good
  10. I got so busy, I didn’t get out to buy a ticket. Glad I still have that 1 in 285 million chance to win it on Monday. Now, if I just remember to buy one.
  11. You should try some Brooks sneakers. They are very comfortable, and feel like they are already broken in when you put them on. I end up going through about 4 pair a year though.
  12. Every day of warm weather is one less day of those high heating bills they have been promising this winter. Supposed to be warm thru Thursday. That is the day I plan to drain and refill the hot tub for winter.
  13. Just got a cute video of our granddaughter doing a Ricky Rodeo. 🤣🤣 IMG_6199.MOV How these kids can have such effortless balance on these hoverboards is beyond me. I have ridden segways and water ski, but these just seem to be different animals. I have tried them a couple times, but decided I don’t want to have to explain any injuries to an ER doctor.
  14. We did the same, although that was not my intention today. Susa Sid it was so nice out, we should go do our neighbor’s leaves again. She said he was probably anticipating us doing it, because he was walking around his bushes, when we left for our games, with a leaf blower in one hand and a cane in the other. After doing his yard, we did ours again. Two big bins, and 30 more leaf bags from Lowe’s. We are now up to 155 bags this year. Thankfully, it looks like most of the leaves are down. When Susan told me I better get crackin today, I thought she said I better get Kraken. So I did. My floater gets taller with each one. The first one was only about half this tall.
  15. Went to our grandson’s final football games of the season. They easily won the first game, then jumped right into the championship game. Unfortunately, they were down one score when time expired. It was a great season, and it was nice to see him play so well at QB Next year, he will move up to a new division.
  16. I don’t remember who it was that posted the short clip of Sebastian Maniscalo, but thanks for that. We just finished watching the third of his specials on Netflix, and they were all excellent. I can’t remember the last time we both laughed so much. If someone needs a good laugh, I highly recommend. Going to recommend these to my daughter today.
  17. It is already 61° this morning, and will be in the 70’s today for playoff football for our grandson’s team. Had to buy an actual newspaper yesterday, because our granddaughter’s picture was in it, in her cheerleading outfit. We have had only digital subscriptions for years now.
  18. The only time we see clothes hanging outside here, is when we drive through the Amish community. It always seems strange to see them hanging outside in the winter. I know that is one time I would not want to put on anything that was just taken down from the line.
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