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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Rain!!!! We are having rain!!! And also lightening and thunder. Hope no fires start but this is the first really measurable rain in some time. Got the dogs out and in just in time. Temps feel good and there is a nice breeze. Just sort of plodded along today. Not much done but some stuff out to the trash and another box ready for the thrift store. Susan
  2. Good morning. Cooler here this morning and our forecast high is mid-80's. That is if the clouds move in. Hopefully they will give us some rain. The last couple days we have had sprinkles and I can smell the rain, but it does not fall. Hopefully monsoon is coming. Nothing really new. Today I am going to concentrate on things that can be discarded. Trash day is Tuesday. I am also going to call a couple of friends to see if we can't find a home for Diane's cats. When I was out at the shelter yesterday they told me that they were sending flowers and a card to the service and several people will be joining me in attendance. I think I am going to be reaching for the phone to call her for quite awhile.... we did talk several times a week and she was my "have you heard this" person. And we cruised together a couple of times. Better get the dogs out again and get to work. Take care all. Susan
  3. Back home from errands and dogs are walked. It is cloudy and trying to rain but looks like maybe just a few sprinkles. I am feeling pretty bummed .... Dropped off 2 bags at the thrift store, then went into the shelter to check on Diane's cats who evidently just arrived there yesterday. The younger one (2 years) is spitting and yelling.... the older one (15 years!!) is hiding. The shelter is really full and the cattery is absolutely overflowing with lots of nice cats including a mob of cute kittens. Hope they can get adopted as they do not need to go together... Jiffy I think will be adopted as he is young, but I am afraid for Duffy. I am tempted but there is no way I could deal with even just Duffy and I have to be realistic. I talked with the shelter manager and several of the volunteers and I know they will make every effort to find them homes. They all really like Diane who has been a volunteer there for over 40 years. It makes me very sad. I did make a $$ contribution in Diane's name the other day and will do another one early next week. Fingers crossed for the poor upset kitties. They will keep me updated. They do have all their health records. And so life stumbles on. I am back to sorting and shortly I am going to sit down with a book and try to relax. Susan
  4. Good morning from a sunny and dry (Surprise!!) Durango. Dogs and I walked very early this morning as I had a restless night. Restless enough that the Chihuahua deserted me and slept in an open dog crate all night. Bandit ShihTzu is made of sterner stuff. I will take lasagna and the chicken but skip the cocktail. However, I think tonight's dinner will be a hamburger or cheeseburger without the bun. I will use a grill pan on the stove, or maybe my George Foreman grill. Can't make decisions this far ahead. Oh yes, I will add a salad. Headed out to the shelter and thrift store this morning to deliver some "stuff" and also check on Diane's cats. Wish I could take them but it is impossible. I also need to update my medical alert information since Diane was one of my primary contacts. And while I am thinking along those lines, I suspect that my will needs updating also..... way too much to do. My little brain will be fried. One step at a time. Off to pack up the car. Best wishes to all. Take care. Terri, I am so sorry the house is misbehaving after your cruise. Thinking of baby Murphy and hope to hear good news. Everyone one else take care, keep chugging or plodding or whatever pace you are taking to move forward and even just to stay in place. Another of my Mother's quotes " It takes me longer and longer to do less and less". Susan
  5. "Poem" my Mother used to quote. My blessings I'll no more rehearse I'd rather fume and fret Each time I say things could get worse That's just the way they get Hot here this afternoon. Got laundry done and now need to summon the energy to hang it all up. Talked to one of Diane's church friends this afternoon who was just as stunned as I was. I checked with the shelter and her beloved cats are there. Hope they find good homes for them.... Diane volunteered at the shelter for years so they will make a real effort but it must be hard on the kitties to be uprooted and one of them is probably about 10 or so. I can not help with them unfortunately. My dogs are all I can manage. Susan
  6. Good morning all. Coolish here but temps will rise later. We are supposed to get a moderate break in the heat next week.... I hope. We had one very light shower yesterday.... not enough to really help. Well, yesterday turned into a very bad day for me. If you remember I said I was worrying about a situation over which I had no control. It was a long time friend here in Durango. We were fairly close and did things like lunches and shows together some times and we talked on the phone regularly. She was a very social person.... belonged to lots of clubs, church activities, volunteered at several organizations so she generally saw and knew lots of people. Was rarely home at nights and during the day. Anyway, she has not been feeling well and having some aches, pains and general discomfort- sort of what we all have. Not as much energy, no longer can do long walks or hikes. She had tests, MRI, etc. and they found nothing. I talked with her on last Friday and suggested she go back to her Primary Care as she was feeling tired and depressed and not sleeping well (Who is with the heat?) and maybe a medication change was in order. Her obituary was in yesterday's paper. Then, when I called the daughter of another friend to let her know about this, she told me that her Mother was in Hospice. Don't need any more news for awhile. My friend Diane's service is Monday. Soooo.... that is my life right now.... sort of down. Will run some errands, walk dogs and haul stuff to the thrift store and maybe read a bit. No blue bubbles for me today. For all with health problems and house problems... thinking the most positive of thoughts for you. Life seems to be throwing rocks at us. Susan
  7. Rain!!! I smell rain and heard some thunder a few minutes ago. We have light sprinkles right now, but anything is welcome as long as we don't have a lightning fire. Susan
  8. Good morning from sunny Durango. Our weather guru reminded us this morning that although it is hot and dry it comes after a very wet and cool period earlier and the heat has really not been with us for long. We have hopes for a moderate reduction in temps and maybe some rain by the weekend. Stilts? No thanks. I nearly killed myself on them when I was around 10 years of age. Bagpipes are fine. Have been to today's destination. Will pass on food and wine .... am in a salad mood these days with the heat. My best wishes to Chuck and Sam. I have a couple short errands to run today and then since our dumpster was just emptied, I am going to see about tossing a bunch of stuff. It will be emptied again on Tuesday. I went to the grocery store earlier this morning... like about 7. Shelves needed restocking but I got what I had to have. Have a meeting tonight....hopefully a short one regarding the timing of next year's dog show. Don't know if I am up to making decisions. And I have several medical appointments coming up .... podiatrist, primary care, lab work. No real issues but I want to be ruled healthy for the Grand Australia and this will give me time to schedule followups if needed or desired for my peace of mind. Take care all. Remember, head up.... feet on the ground. Susan
  9. @marshhawkCan't like your post with the bad news. Hope you both can get a good rest tonight after what must have been a very stressful day. Hope your therapy goes well tomorrow. Susan
  10. I remember that. .... to to add to another discussion- a grabber is a wonderful thing as you get older and shorter. Susan
  11. Still dry and hot. At least the mornings are cool and the dogs and I can get in a good walk before the sidewalks get too hot for their little foots and it gets too hot for my little comfort. Have been to Singapore twice and loved it. And I know I would like the garlic shrimp.... One of my favorite combinations. Little on my schedule for today. I need to get the trash out to the dumpster before it (the dumpster) heats up and I can't lift the lid without burning my hand. That is the first order of business in a few minutes. Then straightening the house as the gal who does my feet is coming in tomorrow to work on my toes as I am having trouble with one of them. I don't bend easily and really can not see what I am doing. Glad I am not having to thread a needle. More later.... take care everyone. Susan
  12. I have to think that this weather.... unbearably hot in places, way too wet in places, too dry in other places, fires in places..... is adding to all of our discomfort and worries. Hope Madi and Ivan will be ok... but I know that with an elderly dog the worry is always there. I have changed plans due to canine and feline issues and worries in the past. I guess right now a number of us are just plodding forward. I know I will feel much better when we get some rain.... in a reasonable amount. Susan
  13. @kazuglad to hear from you and take it one day at time. Life seems to be ganging up on a number of us these days. I am doing a lot of worrying about a situation I can't control and it really takes the stuffing out you. Hope Ivan is ok.... and that is a real worry for any fur parent. Susan
  14. Morning all. Little news from here. We are still sunny and dry although not as hot as it has been. Yesterday had a high of 90 and this morning it was 55 when the dogs and I walked about 6. Felt really good. No more signs of bears, but the fruit trees are heavy with fruit and I expect he/she/they will be back. I am feeling a bit "low" today for no real reason at all, so it is going to be an easy day for me. There is nothing urgent to be done. I had pioneering ancestors although they were not Mormon. My 3X great grandmother was born in Maryland in 1801 .... married in Kentucky ..... lived through the Civil War in Missouri and after she was widowed she moved west to live with her daughters in Oregon and later in California. As a young girl she saw the burning of Washington during the war of 1812. What a life she had!!! And literally from coast to coast in her lifetime. Family history is interesting and I always wonder what these people were actually thinking at times in their lives. And, after all the large families in my background, I only had one cousin and I never met him since he was in Oregon and I was on the east coast or in England most of the time. Dad had 3 sisters who never married and only one of Mom's sisters had a child. Lots of second and 3rd cousins out there but I don't know them. I have heard from one via Ancestry and she has provided some interesting information about my grandfather's sisters and their families. Better get back to doing some easy work. I have my eye on drawer that can easily be sorted and probably most of the contents tossed so that is what I will start with. Susan
  15. I have done that. Took a good book and got a lot of reading done, but had peace of mind. Susan
  16. Good morning. Cool right now.... but the heat of the day will come. I will take the Horchata and also the meatballs. Like others, I am scrambling right now to wrap my mind around the changes to the Grand Australia. Don't think I will have many excursions impacted. And the dropping of Bora Bora does not surprise me in the least. More later.... the dogs need attention and I want to get some laundry started. Susan
  17. Good morning a little late this morning. Have been up for a few hours but just slow getting started beyond the dog walks which were done very early with our heat. Just finished the second "out" with them and found a large pile of bear scat in the yard which was not there earlier. Yipes!!! First sign of bear around the condo I have seen this summer. Hope he/she has moved on.... it was very close to the house. It looks like one of our dumpsters is pushed out of place .... our bear proofing seems to work. It will be hot and dry today with wind.... certainly nothing new and this weather is supposed to continue for awhile although some forecasts are holding out hope for rain in the next week or so. I plan to just work around the house. Still working on getting my files straight and doing lots of shredding. Recycling will be picked up tomorrow so I need to get on it. Also getting another box of stuff ready to head for scottie rescue auction. There is an entire cabinet I would love to see gone if I can get the stuff off the shelves and out of the house. Then the cabinet can follow it out the door. Am making plans for the Grand Australia. I am booking tours I really want early.... I can always cancel if need be. Best wishes to all. Glad to hear that Baby Murphy is doing so much better. A reminder to us older folks to take it easy in the heat and keep your feet under you. We are having an epidemic of falls around here. Susan
  18. Good morning to all. Still sunny and dry. It was 60 when I went out with dogs .... high today back up to the mid-90's (we don't get as hot as Grand Junction but it is hot enough for me). I am planning a fairly easy day... will run a few flyers for the snake clinic out to some of the local vets and then slowly down-sizing will continue in the condo. I have a couple of storage areas and a closet which I m gong to have to work up my nerve to tackle. Will also make a couple overdue phone calls. Just a slow day. Will check back later. Susan
  19. Good morning. Still sunny, hot and dry but we do have forecast break in the weather the end of the week ahead. I can but hope. Dogs and I took two walks this morning as there were some loose dogs out when during our first attempt. They are now crashed for the morning. I was married to a herpetologist at one time so snakes don't bother me. I always try to identify quickly since we do have rattlers which are becoming more common at our elevation. Our kennel club is hosting another avoidance training and tomorrow I will be putting up posters. Have not been to the port of the day and probably never will be. I like spinach and do eat it fairly regularly. Right now I am so tired of my own cooking that I am not eating much. Will have to start thinking about some variation in the menu. Haven't heard anything further about M who fell and was found by the mail carrier. Will have to try to check. My usual source of information who is a neighbor of hers has also been having issues with depression and has been away. Living alone as you get older can get really tough unless there is immediate family close by (and I know that does help in some cases). Am going to have to give that some thought. I do not want to move closer to my nephews and nieces as they all live in places that that are hot and humid. Actually, the thought of moving leaves me cold. Better get hiking and get more down-sizing done. Take care all. @marshhawkGlad the luggage has joined your DH. Sounds like he is going to have a somewhat stressful visit without missing luggage. Most positive thoughts to all. I need to reach out to some friends in town in the next few days since I obviously have missed some things with a few of them. Susan
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