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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. Cold to start, but much warmer than it has been.... was 22 when dogs and I ventured forth. It is supposed to make it into the low 40's today. Tonight is our Snowdown light parade which I will not be attending. The cold is not too bad but the crowds are to be avoided. Yesterday was a sort of a futile day... did not get much done. To begin with, little Monty Chihuahua went into the vet. I have noticed straining when he is urinating and a number of futile attemps and I could not get a sample as he dodges away from me. "No problem," they said... "Bring him in" they said "We can collect the sample" they said. We had walked at 6:45 and he was straining. I took him in at 10:00 and picked him at 4:45 and he still had not gone. Of course as soon as we got home he flooded the driveway. With my permission they had done an ultrasound and all was normal. I will watch him carefully for the next few days, talk to the vet and then decide on further action. This is a very fearful dog and if you have anything in your hand (like a collection tray) he panics. More $$ done gone. Glad to hear from Roy this morning and that he and his pastor are putting together a plan. My neighbors are very helpful and while I know he does not like to "impose"... sometimes it is just necessary to ask for a bit of assistance. You can pay it back later. My most positive thoughts continue for him and for the others needing them. Susan Bandit and Monty...who wonders why we keep following him around.
  2. I am sorry. I know she was probably ready to go and it was expected. But it is never, ever easy. Susan
  3. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. And I did remember to say it loudly when I first got up this morning. Glad to hear Roy may get to go home this evening.... and I hope that the news for Jacqui is all good and that she will come home sporting a new cast with the elbow healing as it should. Best wishes to everyone else needed some positive vibes. And for those in Texas and in the way of that weather, be really careful out there. Like others, I would like to hear from @ScrapnanaKathi, even just to know she undergoing treatments and will post sometime in the future. Hope that plane ride home was not too awful. Sunny and cold here but we have hopes for some warming. It was 6F when dogs and I went out at 7:30. Little Monty hates to have me put his coat on him, but the poor little guy gets way too cold otherwise. The snow is still deep on our roof but the icicles are longer and thinner. Have been to today's port and like others went into the town. I enjoyed it... and the glimpse of the desert was really interesting. Would not mind a return trip at all although having the ship dock next to large sand dunes is a bit surprising to say the least. Still waiting on some tax stuff but will start putting together some information so that I am ready to go when it arrives. Our mail from Denver has to go down to Albuquerque NM and then back up to Durango so it often takes awhile for things to arrive. Susan
  4. Good morning. No snow here, thank you Mother Nature. It is supposed to warm up as the week goes along and maybe even make it to 40F by the weekend. Have been to Kodiak once but my sight seeing was limited by a really rotten head cold that I did not want to pass around. So I walked around a bit by myself. I will have to try again. Little new here. Some idiot is dumping puppies around town (it is obviously the same litter). Wish they would just bring them to us but I guess they don't want to be asked for a $ donation. We would take them without. I hope we have found all of them it is really cold out there. Pit Bulls, naturally. Still clearing and tossing, and not very fast. Am also waiting on one last piece of tax info so I can get that started. Susan
  5. Good morning to all. Cloudy here and still cold with possible light snow tomorrow. The really cold weather has moved east to Denver. Our temps should be warming up into the 30's this week. The Chihuahua is pushing for a move south. As soon as as he sees me pick up his coat to put on him to take him out he starts shaking. Summer can not come soon enough for him. Bandit on the other hand loves the snow. @kazuGlad you got a bit more rest and that can opener is working well for you. I love mine. Just need to be sure when I buy cans that there are no dents or dings in the lids. @rafinmdI agree with others... that night nurse needs to be retrained in patient interactions. I have both a land line and a cell phone. Have kept my old land line as I have friends from the past who do not have my cell number and try to call when they come through Durango. And it is amazing how many people come through Durango. Off to the races.... need to put some gas in the car or I will be pushing it through the streets. Groceries, dog food (very important) and dropping stuff off at the Thrift Store. And tossing stuff out. I have my eye on a drawer in a chest in my back bedroom I have not inventoried for several years. And maybe get some reading done - the magazines are piling up. Susan
  6. Thanks for letting us know, Roy. Glad for no fractures and explains why you have not been feeling well. Hope they allow you to rest (I know hospitals) and that you will be headed home tomorrow. Susan
  7. Good morning. Dogs and I just finished a second short walk and now are settled into the house although I am going to have to venture out later. I need to put gas in the car and pick up a couple things for lunches. It is supposed to warm up the next couple of days.... still possible snow in the forecast but it is looking like it will stay north of us. @rafinmdRoy, hope you are ok and the ER can make you more comfortable. @kazuJacqui... glad you are having that elbow monitored and hopefully getting the pain under control. Susan
  8. Good morning. The chocolate cake sounds wonderful, but I had better give it a pass. Still cold here with a high predicted of 28F and it was 6 when the little dogs and I went out for our morning walk. We are very limited in our walking area as the snow and ice are still around and block progress... we just circle round and round the driveway and parking area. I hope Monday's weather gives us a miss. Just paid off the snow plow . I try to keep up because I know some of his other jobs hold off payment until the end of the season despite his billing them weekly ... but he and his family need to eat. @kazuI really hope that something can be done to make you more comfortable and lessen the pain. And hoping that Tana, Sarah and Kathi and others with health issues are doing well- and that includes the furry ones like Fawn. Sounds like she is pretty uncomfortable. Colds and flu are going around here and I am just staying away from crowds as much as possible. I have a coffee cup with the Grinch on it saying "Today I am only talking to my dog". But I may spring for a carryout order from Applebees tonight.... I am really tired of my own cooking. When I worked at Johns Hopkins University Library in the late 1950's we had a number of Holocaust survivors among our staff. They did not talk much about their experiences, but one did have one positive incident. One staff member had been a teenager and had been sheltered by neighbors when her parents were taken away while she was not at home. She later came with those people to the U.S. and had been here a number of years and was working at Hopkins when she found out that her parents had survived and had just arrived in New York!!! Speak about a happy reunion. She went straight from work to the train to go to New York... did not even stop to pack a bag. Susan
  9. Cold here.... so what else is new? But it is very cold, even for Durango at this time of year. The dogs first walk is miserable for all of us. Otherwise I am just doing mundane things like grocery shopping and trying to sort out the house and am very slow on the latter. The ED at the shelter seems to be managing nicely and I am trying not to go in so as not to distract from what she is doing. If I come in, people tend to ask me questions that I really should not answer... leave the answers up to her. @kazuSorry to hear about complications with the elbow, but I am so glad you got attended to as quickly as you did. Breaks around joints are notoriously difficult and pins and bone fragments do tend to wander. I am sorry the May cruise is out but making the decision now relieves some of the pressures. @rafinmdglad you are feeling better... take it easy for a few days. Sending my best wishes out to all who still facing issues including, but not limited to, Kathi (wish we would hear from her), Tana and Sarah.
  10. Sorry to hear this.... hope he is on the road to recovery quickly. Susan
  11. It's snowing.... again. Hope it is going to be light or maybe just snow showers. I need to go out to the shelter to sign checks later this afternoon and I don't like snow driving. Pictures of the South Pacific look very appealing. My niece and her family checked in shortly after I posted yesterday. Safe, but nervous and the kids are understandably a bit fearful. My handwriting was never good and now it is awful. It runs in the family. I was the only one in the family that could read by Dad's writing. I work hard on getting my signature more or less the same each time. I do have some letters written by my Great Great Grandmother in the 1850's and she had a lovely handwriting. Her daughter on the other hand could neither read nor write or so I am told. Need to work on some insurance issues this morning and walk the dogs before the snows discourage them from doggie activities. Thinking of Patricia and her family and sending best wishes to Jacqui, Kathy, Tana and Sarah. Keep thinking positive. Susan
  12. @Cruising-alongSo sorry to hear about Patricia. Sending prayers for her and for her family. Susan
  13. Good morning. Cloudy and cold and some snow predicted for tonight and then a dry period to follow. We can only hope as the snow is deep. It will stay very cold. Sort of a good/bad day sort of time right now. Two people I know from my days of dog showing have lost dogs. One of these was a scottie friend, Vandra Huber, in Portland whose van with 3 scotties and a cairn was stolen yesterday. I heard this morning it was found and the dogs are safe and well. Whew!! Also from the dog show world, a Berger Picard escaped a transit van. It was out in the Nevada winter snows for 10 days before it was found hiding under a sage. Unfortunately, it died at the vets a few days later. RIP Bumble. The owner expended mega bucks with drones, trappers and searchers. And personally, my brother's daughter and her husband live in Monterey Park. I have not heard from them, but although they will celebrate Chinese New Year I am sure that with 2 small children they were settled in bed well before the shooting. Still, it is downright scary. Hopefully they will check in later. And so it goes. I continue to plug along with the sorting at a very, very slow pace. My excuse is that with the deep snow I can't reach the trash bin or recycling bin easily. Yeah, sure. Susan
  14. Bright sun this morning and the sky is deep blue. Looks lovely. Feels really cold. It is 10:35 here and only 14F. Dogs are both in a deep sleep on the sofa. All I can see of the Chihuahua are the tips of two ears. I will wait for about another hour to haul garbage down to the bin and hope the lid is no longer frozen shut. We may get another snow on Monday but I will be very happy if it gives us a pass. Continue trying to get the house organized but it would progress faster if I would stop looking at books while sorting. And last night I took a long trip down memory lane with 3 old photo albums. Funny, there were some people that I did not recognize, but I would name all the dogs, cats and horses. Susan
  15. Good morning. A bit warmer here today.... 16F when we walked. But it is cloudy and a few snow flakes are drifting down. Our local guru says 2-4 inches... hoping he is wrong and there is less but only time will tell. High will only be in the mid-20's. I will skip the tofu ... I have nothing against it but it does not like me. Have been to PV a couple of times and enjoyed it very much. I can eat cheese anytime. Keeping all who need them in my prayers - both people and critters. My problems seem small in comparison. Off to follow along with some cruises and then continue to work on sorting the mess in my living room. Made the mistake of opening some drawers. Where did all this stuff come from? Susan
  16. Didn't notice that. Interesting. I have had mine for several years and have no idea what I paid for it. Susan
  17. Good morning. Sunny and cold. It was 6F when the dogs and I did a very, very short walk. We will head out again when it warms up although the high today is supposed to only be 27F. Light snow predicted for tomorrow.... it can skip us as far as I am concerned. With well over 2 feet on the ground any additions are unwelcome at present. Jacqui... glad you have the new cast even if it a problem for awhile. Sounds like your doctors are really good. Like others, I would like to hear from Kathi but I know she has a lot on her plate just now. I hope she is getting good treatments and will be back to us soon. Little going on here. I have to continue work on my living room which I tore apart to wash a rug. Will try to get it back in some semblance of order today. I keep postponing my trips to the grocery store but will run out of something I need so I am going to pull myself together. Maybe tomorrow. Susan
  18. Good morning and it is a good morning..... the sky is blue and the sun is starting to do its job as I see some dripping outside. We got another 4 inches last night.... I will have to wait on the totals but I think about 3 feet from the last 3 storms which were back to back to back. Hope the predicted Friday storm gives us a miss. My very nice neighbor has cleared off my car and has warned me about the black ice in the driveway. Fortunately dogs do not have to go out for awhile as they stepped off the porch... proceeded to take care of business and rushed back in. And I do mean rushed. I think they are done with winter. Hoping we hear from Kathi soon. Best wishes to Jacqui, Tana and Sarah and all others dealing with issues. My task for today is to begin moving some of the lighter furniture in the living room and moping the floors. Several of the rugs need washing, but that will have to be done piecemeal as I have to hang them inside and I don't have much room. They would freeze stiff outside. Susan
  19. Sounds like you have a very good doctor and glad you are seeing the surgeon. Time is not always on our side with these things as you well know. Susan
  20. Good morning. Just came in from moving my car around so the snowplow could do its work. We have about another 12 inches on top of the old snow and it is still coming down. Don't know how long this is going to last.... they say until Wednesday morning but it may shift from heavy snow to snow showers. Whatever, I have about had it with winter this year. I know the plow will be back at least one more time today. I will go out and try to knock some more snow off the top of the car in a little while. Sending healing thoughts to Jacqui (and I hope you get out to the doctor), Sarah, Kathi, Tana and all others who need them. And I hope the weather settles down a bit. Think cruising everyone. Right now the South Pacific sounds really good to me. Susan
  21. Good morning from a very white and cold Durango. @marshhawkyes, we are expecting heavy snow starting this afternoon or early evening. However we are getting light snow flurries before then- like right now. And this will be on top of the 10 inches we got yesterday which is on top of the 8 inches remaining from the previous storm. It will certainly help fill our reservoirs. I am hunkered down and except for moving the car when the plow comes and giving the dogs very short potty breaks, I am not venturing out. This next storm should clear out Tuesday evening and then temps are headed below 0. You would think being confined to the house I would get more done.... but I am celebrating Do Nothing Day for the past week. Various of my neighbors are building snow men..... but it looks like something is knocking them down as two have vanished. Deer maybe? There were lots of tracks in my yard this morning. Prayers and best wishes going out to all who need them including Jacqui, Sarah, Kathi and Tana. And the news from the Ukraine is awful. Well, off to clear up the kitchen and then maybe work on clearing out another file drawer. That is slow work and I will have to pile the papers up for awhile as I can not get to the recycle bin. There is all this white stuff piled in front of it. And in another few months I will whining about the heat. Susan
  22. Good morning. It is a lovely sunny morning but all that is supposed to change later tonight. Two storms are heading out way... one tonight through Sunday evening and the second Monday night through Wednesday. We shall see but I think people are going to be rushing about getting supplies in.... I did my shopping a couple of days ago so the dogs and I are all set. Nothing special on my agenda today except for a meeting of our local kennel club at 1:30 to discuss the May dog show so it will be reorganizing the house for me... if I can just get going. As to the other days.... I haven't flown a kite in years. My dogs allow me to put coats on them and I have to in order to get the Chihuahua out the door. He is petitioning for a move to a warmer place. Best wishes to Kathi, Jacqui and Sarah and anyone else who needs positive vibes. Of to read about world cruises and then start clearing up the kitchen. Susan
  23. Good morning. Sunny and cold here in Durango but the temps are supposed to climb up into the high 40's today. Will feel sort of Spring-like. Winter is forecast to make a return appearance on Saturday night and then last through next week. Yesterday I restocked the fridge and made sure I have plenty of dog food.... we are all set. I have the snowplow bills all paid up to date so hopefully he will make appearances as necessary to keep the driveway and parking lots as clear as possible. There is no where i absolutely have to go next week so I can ride it out. @kazusorry to hear that you are having pain with the elbow although I guess that is not unexpected. Glad you, and not someone else, liberated your suitcase. Sounds like you have good neighbors. A couple of mine are worth their weight in gold, and I do try to return the favor when I can. Now, if we can just get Kathi and Sarah on the road to recovery. And everyone else stay healthy. If you are cruising, continue to have a wonderful time. If not currently on board, think positive, dream on and stay well. Susan
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