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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. While the predicted storm is still west of us, the snow is beginning and the wind is rising. And with it, the temperatures are falling. It is going to be a very good day to stay home. I have heard from some friends just out of town at higher elevations that they already have about 8 inches and one has lost power. It is going to be an interesting day. And another friend who moved here recently from California has discovered black ice. Fortunately nothing was broken. @ottahand7I remember Salvadore de Bahia from several cruises and we were always given warning there. I stuck with ships tours. Going up the Amazon we encountered few problems. @rafinmdHope you can get some rest and that the monitor gets set with no hassle. I think the worst part of not sleeping is that you begin to worry about it when you are ready to go to sleep and then of course, you really can't sleep. I am a member of the 3AM club but fortunately I have developed a routine of getting resettled that lets me go back at least for a few hours. My Sister is the same way. Take today easy, everyone. With the widespread nasty weather, we may have no choice until it passes. Susan
  2. Well that is a bummer. And I know as soon as you are homebound by a delivery or pickup....you suddenly want to go out. Hopefully they can give you a shorter window, although I would not count on it even if they do. And that the test rules our whatever the lung doctor is thinking about. Susan
  3. Good morning from sunny Durango. High is supposed to be in the mid-40's today and then...... a winter storm with snow and high winds beginning later tonight. Since a number of our Humane Society Board members live out of town, I have postponed tomorrow nights meeting until next week. Thought I would do it early so they don't have to worry about the weather. The neighbor who usually clears my car and drive is out of town so I will have to deal with any of the white stuff myself. Have been to St. John and loved it. Would like very much to go back. And I think I had better skip the pancakes as much as I enjoy them. We will see. Today is going to be laundry day and continuing to intense clear out. Did not get far yesterday... the contents of one box took me nearly all day. Susan
  4. It has been on several of the other boards for a few days now. So very sad. I only had him as CD on one cruise, but remember him fondly. Prayers for him and for his family and close friends.
  5. Good morning to all. I was up early this morning but after walking the dogs, I headed out the grocery store to beat the crowd I know will be descending up on it later. They are forecasting snow for us beginning Tuesday night and continuing through Wednesday with high winds. We will see. Today is pleasant and I managed to find the basics I needed. Now to just settle in. I have a meeting scheduled for Wednesday night but will wait and see what the weather is really like. Probably postpone it. Today I am continuing the room by room cleansing which did not get very far yesterday. Have my eagle eye on two closets that are more than ready for a purge. I have a good deal of my Mother's stuff that my Sister sent me since she did not want to deal with it and I need to be very careful in sorting that. Probably some paperwork related to family history in there. One piece at time to be thoroughly reviewed takes time. On the cruise side, I am booked for the Grand Australia/New Zealand on the Volendam for January 2023 and now have to wait it out. There are some "ifs" but so far it is a go. Got my favorite location on the ship. I have made several tentative arrangements for the dogs.... just have to pick out how they will be handled closer to the time. As long as they are together they will be content with any of them. Monty does rely on Bandit for support in everyday life. Sending my best wishes and prayers to those in the path of the coming storm and to the people of New Zealand recovering from the terrible one they just had. Also of course to the people of the Ukraine and to our Daily members family and friends. Susan
  6. Good morning. Sunny here and supposed to get up into the mid-40's today. I will take it. It was warm enough this morning that I did not put little Monty's coat on him. He did not seem to mind. Little of interest here. I did wake up at 3:13 this morning but managed to go back to sleep fairly quickly although it was not a sound sleep. By the way, I filed my taxes, both Fed and State, as soon as they settled the question of whether our Colorado rebate was taxable or not (it it not....Yay!!) and I got my refund from the Feds in 4 days!!!! State is still to come but it is always slow. I am starting a major clean room by room today which will entail furniture moving and lots of floor mopping and rug washing and hopefully even more discarding. Will be a busy next week for sure -and probably a bit longer. Susan Susan
  7. Good morning from still sunny and still cold Durango. We are supposed to climb into the 30's today and the 40's by early in the week before the next snow arrives or so they say. Ice has finally melted from the driveway so at least I can walk to the mailbox down a short, but rather steep, hill. I just keep the frig stocked and lots of dog food on hand. This winter will end. And I have great hopes for a cruise beginning in January so I miss next winter which will probably be mild. Yesterday it was a case of "the best laid plan of mice and men....." kind of day. Plan was to load car to haul stuff away to trash, recycling and thrift store but I got a call on some issues at the shelter that needed my immediate presence. The executive director could not handle under our current by-laws. That took up much of morning and early afternoon and when I got home I was exhausted. Dogs and I napped and the day was shot. I come off the Board on May 6 and am looking forward to it. Sort of like a second retirement. I love whales!!!! When seen, they are the highlight of any cruise. They need all the protection we can give them. Off to do today what I should have done yesterday. Susan
  8. I love those two new ports and would not object to the change if it happened to me, but it is a real change in the nature of the ports. Certainly ports less visited.
  9. Good morning from sunny and very cold Durango. We are supposed to have a few days of warming and sun before the next storm comes in next week. I had about 8 inches of the white stuff Tuesday night and Wednesday morning and that on top of what we still had on the ground. Schools were closed. We also had thunder snow and even more surprising, some pink lightening!!! I heard the thunder but I missed the lightening ... people who saw it said it was pretty spectacular and they were wondering if they were hallucinating but the weatherman has confirmed and explained it. It was only a couple of flashes. The weather is certainly weird these days. It was 2F when dogs and I did the first walk of the day... high will be around 22. Way below normal for this time of year. I think most of us are through with winter or would like to be. Graham - thanks for the that picture. I have seen the northern lights, but the display was not nearly that bright. More like a couple of blips. Off to do some quick shopping and collect the mail that is possibly in my box from the past couple of days. Susan
  10. Good morning. This morning I lay in bed looking out the window. Peeking through the ice handing over the edge of the roof, I could see snow covered tree branches dancing in the wind. I thought about staying in bed but the dogs convinced me otherwise. On the plus side, when I went out I found my neighbor had cleared off the car and shoved a path for me and a clear spot for the dogs (who were very happy). It has stopped snowing now and we probably got about 7 inches. Less than was predicted. Schools are closed today and there is ice under the snow so movement outside will be limited. Otherwise, no news from here. My best wishes to all on needing them including Jacqui, Kathi, Roy, Tana and all the others including those dealing with disasters and war. Guess I can deal with the snow. Susan
  11. Good afternoon. I started the morning off with a visit to my PCP who was pretty happy with my test results. Will return again in July for another round and then a couple in December if I am still planning my long cruise. I just have to watch my diet and take my meds. Right - should be able to handle that. We were having some light snow when I left but now the sun is out. However, another much stronger storm is due in starting tonight and they are saying a foot of snow. We still have about that on the ground from the last storms although the roads are, temporarily at least, pretty clear. I am well stocked with food so dogs and I will just hunker down if all this comes to pass. I didn't watch all of the game yesterday evening as I had to drive a friend out to hospital. I did not wait with her since the ER was pretty crowded. She called me this morning, she is home and all is well. I do not like driving at night. Take care all. Off for a quick and light lunch and then more tossing. I am really slow with that. I keep stopping to look at books. Susan
  12. The hardest fall from a horse I ever had was from a retired polo pony. He was happily cantering along, I shifted my weight slightly, he made a sharp right.... I did not. I was not hurt, just surprised to find myself on the ground. I was much younger then. Susan
  13. Good morning. Sunny today and high maybe in the mid-40's but snow, rain (read ice) and freezing temperatures are forecast for Monday - Thursday off and on. Hope I get out to the doctor before it all starts and maybe make a quick stop at the store for milk and a couple other items. And as for pennies... I need to roll some and take them to the bank. Maybe during Super Bowl I can do the rolling. I have no favorite in the game so will be watching it while doing other things in the vicinity of the TV. Will pay much closer attention to the Puppy Bowl. Have been to Cobh on several land tours including my own driving tour around Ireland. Spent several days there and really enjoyed it and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, not likely to get to go back. Off to do laundry and other exciting things. Also, need to make a list of things I want to discuss with my PCP tomorrow morning so I don't forget anything. Take care all..... don't overdo. I think we all need to pay attention to our health this days. Pay attention to what your body tells you. Susan
  14. Good morning from a frosty Durango. At least it was above 0F when dogs and I went out, but just barely. Will be mid-40's today and then snow and cold return. Valentine's Day could be pretty white if the forecast holds true. Have been 'round the Horn three times. The first time on the QE2 we had to go 'round and then wander back through the Straits of Magellan. The QE 2 was not allowed to dock in Argentina due to her participation in the Falklands War. We had good, but windy weather, all 3 times. My lab results came back yesterday afternoon. All was good or improved. Guess I will be able to face my primary care doctor Monday although I have not lost weight. Need to work on that. Need to keep chugging. By the way.... I have the same sleep issues as many of you. I sleep until about 3 then wake up. Fortunately the dogs don't wake and I usually can get back to sleep for another hour or so after a brief bit of restlessness. I think 5 solid hours is what I am no programmed for. After that it varies but never more than a couple more hours. I can live with it. My Sister is the same way. Need to get moving now to take trash out and also recycling. Better do it today before it decides to freeze my cans shut. Careful everyone.... no new falls, avoid those germs and those that are cruising... enjoy. I envy you. Susan
  15. Back from getting lab work done and have eaten lunch.... feeling almost human. Now to wait for results which will probably come in this afternoon. @cruzn singleWelcome back to Colorado. Sorry about the VOG and your resulting health issues. Don't overdo and remember you are now back at a higher elevation. @grapau27Sounds like a great cruise, but I am not sure I could handle that large a ship. Susan
  16. Sitting here starving.... I have a lab appointment later this morning and fasting is required. Weather here is sunny, but cold. Current temp is 23F and when I walked the dogs it was -1. We have two days of warming (up into low 40's) before cold returns and possibly snow. Will be glad to see Spring. We still have lots of snow on the ground. Flannel may be in order for some time to come. Need to get out and warm up the car a bit. Sending positive thoughts to all and fingers crossed that the lab tests go well. There are several things I am watching rather closely. Susan
  17. So glad to hear from Kathi. I hope she knows how many of us are pulling for her. It sounds like the road ahead will be rough for awhile but she is under good care. Susan
  18. Good morning. Same old same old with the weather. Sunny and cold. Dogs get a short walk early and then, when the sun is full, we do a longer walk. They really don't seem bothered by changes in routine. Today we are adding a light wind to the mix and it feels pretty darn cold. I usually do not suffer from motion sickness (unlike when I was a child) but I have used the Motion Ease which seemed to work when whale watching on seas that should have kept us on land. I usually carry something stronger just in case, but have not had to use it. Not much going on. I have a lab appointment tomorrow morning for a blood draw (fasting) before a meeting with my primary care Dr. on Monday. Otherwise, paperwork, cleaning, tossing and hauling to thrift store will keep me occupied for the next few days together with dog walking. Not much excitement but I like it that way. Best wishes to all .... take care. Susan
  19. I think we are all pretty excited about this one. I am currently working on my dog sitting service. Susan
  20. @Kazu Can't "like" your post since I really sorry things are piling up on you right now. Sorry that you are down and hope that resolutions to some issues are just down the road and that your elbow starts to behave itself and heals. Joint breaks are so much more difficult to manage than a nice clean mid-bone break (and I would prefer neither). Take it as slowly and easily as you can. Best wishes..... Susan
  21. Good morning. Cooler (or maybe colder) this morning. Temps will only get into mid-30's but they have taken the snow out of the forecast. Tonight, back down into the single digits. The soup sounds wonderful, I will have to give it a try. Bandit seems to have escaped injury after the attack. He is moving fine and place over his eye looks ok.. just a bit scabby. But I notice neither he nor Monty want to walk in that direction which is too bad because due to the snow, it is the only way we can go. He seemed a bit nervous this morning and Monty did his usual lag-along. Prayers to all that healing goes well and that we can all keep our feet under us. I try to be really careful when walking the dogs. Susan
  22. If I mail something to someone locally it goes from Durango, CO to Albuquerque, NM (200 miles away) and then back to Durango. They tell me this is efficient.\
  23. Good morning. It is supposed to be into the mid-40's today before colder weather returns. I am late this morning as the dogs and I had a very bad experience this morning. They were attacked by 3 large loose dogs!!!! And we were still in the driveway near the condo. Fortunately the owner came running and hauled them off but Bandit has a small cut on the head which I will be watching closely the next couple of days. The owner came by later to check on them and to tell me that if they have to go to the vet that she will pay the bill and if needed will go with me to help handle them. Monty seems to have escaped with no injury and it did not stop them from eating breakfast later. They are both exhausted and sleeping now. This is my greatest fear while walking them and I do stay close to home.... usually walking back and forth in the same area. I also worry about me getting knocked down. Not a good start to the day but it could have been much worse. I have no idea why they were loose, she usually has them on leash. All for now. Susan
  24. Good morning. It is warming a bit here....today's high should be about 45F and the temp when I walked the dogs earlier was 22F which felt absolutely balmy for early morning. We still have lots of snow on the ground.... if a groundhog had tried to emerge on the 2nd he should have needed a shovel to make his way upward through 2 feet of snow. We will take as much sun as we can get right now although we do need more moisture for this winter's snow pack. Talked with the vet yesterday about little Monty and he went over the ultrasound with me. It looks really good. We will just watch him for awhile. He seems to have a lot of psychological issues. Wish he could tell me about his past. I don't think it was good. The meal of the day looks good in all variations. I think a cheeseburger pie is in order next week. And Huatulco is one of my favorite ports when doing the Panama Canal cruises. Need to think about these again. Didn't get taxes done yesterday so that is next on my list for this morning. They should be pretty straight forward. Then off to the shelter to walk dogs, something I have not been doing much of due to the ice and the fact that most of the dogs we have right now are on the large size. The little dogs get adopted fast but the larger dogs tend to linger. Take care all. Susan
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