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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. The scream you heard this morning was me when I looked out the window at 6:00 and saw the snow falling. Winter will just not give up. We are supposed to have snow/rain mix the rest of the week. Dogs are not happy. Fortunately my freezer is well stocked. Feeling much better and will continue laundry and clearing up today....slowly. Am not planning on going out although I need to pick up my mail at some point. @dfishHope your surgery goes well. Everyone else, stay well and avoid the "It is not covid crud". It is miserable. Susan
  2. I am sorry to hear this. Sasha had a good life with you which is all a kitty can ask. Susan
  3. Good morning. A bit late today. I got up fine at 7, shower and shampoo.... took dogs out and fed them, ate breakfast .... loaded up some laundry and went back to bed. I am still feeling the whatever it was I had. Today will be slow and easy. I am sleeping well at night. A friend of mine who evidently had the same thing several weeks earlier tells me she is just getting back to normal. I guess winter is not done with us if the forecast is to be believed. And last night at 10 when the dogs went out for their final call of nature, it was snowing!!. Not much fortunately. But next week looks a bit dicey all week long. Love all the pictures today. Makes me want to get up and go (well, sort of). Hope everyone is managing to stay well. Susan
  4. What was really surprising is that we found motels to stay in - and there was no way we could hide that number of dogs. We did take two rooms and were upfront with doggie division. We actually drove cross country several times with that mob. Susan
  5. Sam looks like the Mal I used to have .... actually my neighbor's but she spent much time with me. Her name was Honey Bear. Mal's do have wonderful personalities. Honey's Mom and I traveled together with our dogs.... a mini van with 2 ladies, 1 Malamute, 4 scotties and 1 westie. We were quite the circus. Susan
  6. Good morning. I am starting to feel almost human this morning. I am very slowly trying to bring the house under control and will allocate plenty of time for resting. My appetite is coming back slowly. Have not checked this morning but I think the weight loss was about 10 lbs. I am sure I will regain it much too quickly. Weather here is sunny right not but that is now supposed to last with rain/snow mix forecast. I will try to get some garbage hauled out before it turns on me. Also, need to start the car. And on and on...... Susan
  7. Rain and rain/snow mix today, but it really does not matter as I am still pretty much house bound. Feeling better, have eaten some regular food, and I have gotten a couple chores done around the house. The house itself is a disaster. But I really only plan to unload and reload the dish washer and do one load of laundry. I am still sleeping a lot but getting a better control of schedule. My neighbor will probably walk the dogs later .... I got them out this morning with no problem. My temp is normal and at least I can think clearly (as far as I ever can). Hopefully in the next day or two I can begin to function at full force. I have things to do. Susan
  8. Feeling a bit better today. We are supposed to get some wet weather so the fact that I still do not feel up to getting out and about is a good thing. I am still sleeping a lot during the day which makes sleeping at night difficult. Dogs and I are going to try to get back on schedule tomorrow. Did another test this afternoon just to see..... still negative. Others are reporting the same thing. Our local Health Department reports lots of this gong the rounds. Off to find some supper.... my appetite is making a return. Best wishes to all and stay well. Susan
  9. Will read earlier Boards later. I have had the "No, its not Covid" crud and have been down with it for a week. All tests for C19 negative. Upper respiratory and tummy.... terrible stuff. This is the first time I have even felt half-way human. Dogs are taking good care of me.... my neighbor is bringing soup and dog walking. Lost 9 pounds so far. More later. Avoid this whatever it is if you can. Susan
  10. Look a the spread sheet and see where I am. I think you will like it there.... although I have been on the Dolphin deck next to the anchor a number of times. Always got up early on port days.
  11. Good afternoon. I have been up since 6 but Just now checking in. Sunny and clear with highs in the low 40's today. I started the day with a trip to the grocery store after dog walking and before even eating breakfast. I was out of just about everything I need to get through the week. Store was not crowded but the shelves were pretty bare. Making some substitutions, I managed to load up enough to get me through until next weekend. So although the pot roast sounds good, tonight I will be having a small steak with a tossed salad. Stocked up on fruit and some frozen veggies. And dog food. My middle name is that of one of my Mother's sisters but the first name is a compromise between my parents after my Dad rejected all of Mom's selections.... thankfully. Also, given a number of the family names several generations back, I am glad they went original. My older sister has the only combination I would have been happy with and wouldn't you know - she does not like it. There are several family names that are considered "bad luck" and we have been studiously avoiding them for several generations. Both my parents had very unusual first names. Susan
  12. Went out and got the salmon oil which both dogs love. Hopefully it will help Monty. His coat is a bit dry but there is no skin flaking. Anyway it can't hurt. I had a sheltie years ago that was allergic to his plastic water dish as @StLouisCruiserssuggested. Once I switched to ceramic, he cleared right up. I use either metal or ceramic now. Monty has to have one that keeps him from bolting his food.....he must have been very hungry at some point in his life. If I don't see some improvement I will cut out all regular dog food and will start boiling him some chicken. When I got him from the shelter I was told he would eat only chicken which was not true. The people who had him had brought in the chicken they were feeding him which was a grocery store bought canned with very high sodium. That could not have been good for him. FYI.... all but one of the skier/snowboarder/snowmobiler accidents here have occurred in either out of bounds or undeveloped areas. The ski areas themselves keep a pretty close eye on conditions and skiers. In the one case, no one is sure exactly what happened. The incident should not have been fatal. Anyway, a very good reason to use common sense and stick to regulated areas or pay attention to slopes and conditions. And wear a beacon and don't go alone. The snowmobiler who survived was lucky that his friends dug him out really fast.
  13. Good morning to all. I am early this morning as I did not wake up at 3 .... solid night but a bit short as I was up and moving at 5:30. At least a longer solid sleep. Dogs and I walked early. Weather today should be sunny and warming.... probably into the mid-40's. A real heat wave after what we have been having. We have had an additional skier death and also a very sad death of a young ice climber up near Ouray. These deep snows are tempting lots of winter sports enthusiasts. @summer slopeGlad to hear that kitty seems to be treatable. I spent time and money yesterday at the vet with the dogs. Nothing serious. Bandit needed some vaccines and Monty has developed a patch of hair loss on his chest. Food allergy? Collar? who knows, but if this continues, I will have a bald chihuahua. Right now I am switching his collar and harness types (using a rolled leather), taking them off more frequently so nothing is contacting his little hide for long, and I will probably try another food. He is not a picky eater. Also, salmon oil added to food. He is not scratching which is odd given the amount of hair loss. He does not wear his coat enough for that to be the problem.... or so I think. Vet thought some kind of contact allergy... but what? Bedding? The other dog? Me? @ottahand7I really enjoyed the Amazon cruise when I did it. Would love to repeat. My continued best wishes and strong positive thoughts to all. Off to make a run to the bank when it opens shortly and then out to local pet shop to look at various types of food, oil, and collars. And spend more $$, Susan
  14. There are a number of us singles on that cruise. I have been cruising alone for a number of years after my traveling companion of many years became unable to travel....and the majority of these cruises have been longer cruises.... segments of the WC, the Grand South America, VOV. Sometimes I miss having a companion for the "Wow!!! Did you see that?" interaction at a given moment.... but I have yet not to make friends and acquaintances on board to visit and do things with. I find I do better on longer cruises than on the shorter ones. The fact that I am hoping to head out on a Grand again says it all. Susan
  15. Good morning. Well, the bad storm that was forecast gave us pretty much of miss yesterday. We only got about 3 inches instead of the 8-10 predicted and today the sun is shinning. I have not had the fortitude to look at the long range forecast yet. I can celebrate all of the days and Shepard's pie in any form is a favorite with me. Little new from here. I continue the very, very slow process of clearing out. Other than that, just dog walks unless I have to go the shelter for some reason. I do have to try to bust up the snow pile (ice really) in front of the trash bin. I am short and can not reach over it to open the lid. I keep hoping someone else will do it. Someone younger maybe. Which is just about everyone else in these buildings. @smitty34877Sorry there are increased health concerns at your house. Hopefully the doctors will find they were looking at nothing. I always dread a return visit. @kazutake it easy with the elbow... it may be trying to tell you to slow down (something that I know is hard to do). Best wishes for good or improving health (whichever fits) to all. Susan
  16. Morning all from snowy Durango, again or maybe it is still. I cancelled our Board meeting for tonight and will not reschedule it. There are a couple of us to handle the only real thing that needs doing between now and our next regularly scheduled meeting the end of the month. I don't want to tempt the snow Gods who seem to have it for us. By the way, before this round of snow and ice, the shelter roof sprung a leak but the roofer can't do anything because of the snow depth on said roof. I keep telling myself, only two more months, only two more months. I slept until about 3:15 this morning then got up and checked for snow. None visible. Went back to bed until 5:15... still no snow. Woke up again at 7 and hustled to get the dogs our before it got deep enough to worry little Monty. The good side of this is that right now the forecast is for the bulk of heavy snow to go south of us this afternoon. We can but hope (sorry, New Mexico). Meanwhile both dogs are settled in for the day. Those pork chops look really, really good. When I can get to the store will pick some up and give it a try. Don't know what I will have tonight. Will surprise myself. Hope March behaves itself, and that healing starts or continues for those that are having issues. And that well all can get some sleep. Susan
  17. @Cruzin TerriSorry that the stress of all this is taking its toll. And you are so right to get the table put together by someone else. There comes a time when we all have to say "enough" and "help". Cyber hugs on the way. If you can, slow down..... everything does not have to be done at once. Susan
  18. Quick break from the sorting and tossing. We are still under storm watches for the next few days and there have been two more avalanche incidents here in southwest Colorado. In one the man's companions managed to dig him out alive although they were pushing the survival window, but in the other, they are still looking for what now must be the body. None of these were inside a regulated ski area. One involved a snowmobile the others were skiers. Katie.... it is so hard to let them go. But sounds like the right and humane thing for little Jerry. He lived a life with love and that is so important for our furry ones. Susan
  19. Good morning. Today is the 3rd day without snow, but that streak is about to end tomorrow. Dogs are enjoying longer walks and I am managing to get stuff to the trash and recycling bins. My neck is still a bit stiff, but much better. Hope I don't do that - whatever it was - again. Have not heard from my Sister the last couple of days so I assume everyone is improving as she usually calls me if things are not going well. However, the better weather here has had its downside as 2 backcountry skiers died in an avalanche outside of town near Vallecito. The snow pack here is deep and very unstable due to the ice and high winds. And more of both together with snow is expected starting tomorrow and going through the rest of the week with the heaviest on Wednesday. May have to postpone that Board meeting again. Love polar bears from a distance. Have not been to today's destination and while the meal looks good, it is probably something I should not be eating. On the other hand.....? I could be tempted I think. Not much on my agenda for the day. I should go by the store to pick up a few things ahead of the weather....but probably won't. I can make do. I do need to go to the pharmacy and give the dogs a couple more walks. And of course, the slow attempts at decluttering will continue. Or I may read a book. Take care all. Susan
  20. Very late today. Yesterday was a day spent moping the floors in my bedroom and the connecting bathroom and that meant moving furniture. I was tired at the end of it all, went to bed early and slept fairly well. However, I woke up this morning with a very stiff and sore neck....could hardly turn my head. After eating a light breakfast and walking the dogs I took some Aleve and got myself as comfortable as I could on the bed. Slept most of the morning and early afternoon and fortunately the stiffness is subsiding. Don't know what I did but I hope I don't repeat it. @Crazy For CatsOur local rescues all take food donations. What we do not or can not use we donate to the homeless and other people who need assistance in feeding their pets. Maybe they don't have room to store it.... but our local food bank takes dog and cat food for people who request it for their animals. Susan
  21. I seem to be somewhat slow this morning. We were promised sun today, but it is cloudy. However temps are warmer. It was 23F when dogs and I went out and high today is supposed to be in the high 40's before snow arrives again tomorrow. We shall see. There are storms forecast off and on next week. Hopefully I won't have to cancel the Board meeting again. I have been to Aahus but it was many years ago and by land. I remember enjoying it but I will have to search back through my old photo albums to refresh my memory. And while I love potatoes... they are on my restricted list. I slept well last night after I finally got to sleep. My tossing and turning exercise was all at the beginning of the night. Today will be more sorting and hopefully maybe having a load to go out to the shelter before they stop taking things this afternoon. @marshhawkI am so very sorry about little Neko but that is a long life for a kitty and a very happy one with you. I always remind myself through my tears that this is the last kind thing we can do for them. @RMLincolnEnvy you the cruise. Will try to watch sailaway. Take care, all. Susan
  22. It was snowing when I got up this morning, but it stopped shortly after and now the sun is out. I hope it has gotten it out of its system for awhile and that the ice on the driveway will melt. High will only be in the 30's but the sun works it magic. My shoveling neighbor will be home Sunday although I notice that one of the other neighbors (or maybe several) are pitching in. I did manage to clear my car and the area around it with no damage to my body.... just very slow. Very, very slow. Love all the pictures of Iceland. My VOV was one of the best cruises I have had and I would love to repeat it. There is so much to see and the scenery is just spectacular. Those pictures only touch the surface. Little new from here. My nephew and his wife both have Covid after doing a driving trip from Ohio to Florida and back. Fortunately both cases seem to be light and they are recovering nicely. My Sister is so glad they did not stop to visit with her on their way back. They had thought about it. And her youngest son (age 53) is having some health issues .... she does not need the stress at her age but seems to be coping. Hopefully all will settle down again. Fortunately her daughter lives close and can help out and keeps in touch several times a day. Best wishes to all. May your best plans work out.... and may problems get resolved. Susan
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